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Word of the Day


Definition: (verb) Move sideways or in an unsteady way.
Synonyms: wobble, tilt, shift
Usage: The ship careened out of control in the storm.
Article of the Day

Transient Lunar Phenomena

Transient lunar phenomena are short-lived lights, colors, or other changes in the appearance of the moon's surface. Reports of such events have been recorded for at least 1,000 years and range from foggy patches to major changes in the lunar landscape. Though some have been observed independently by multiple witnesses or reputable scientists, the vast majority of accounts have come from a single observer or from a single location. What explanations have been given for the phenomena? More...
Daily Grammar Lesson

The Past Simple in Negative Sentences

Negative sentences in the past simple tense tell the reader what did not happen. To form negative sentences in the past simple tense, what must we use before the main verb of the sentence? More...
Idiom of the Day

look on the sunny side (of life/things)

To view one's life, situation, or circumstances with a generally optimistic and cheerful attitude; to focus on what is positive in life. More...

This Day in History

Construction Begins on California's Golden Gate Bridge (1933)

For 27 years after its completion in 1937, the Golden Gate Bridge had the longest main span in the world, stretching 4,200 ft (1,280 m). Its four-year construction, supervised by chief engineer Joseph B. Strauss, faced many difficulties, including rapidly running tides, frequent storms and fogs, and the problem of blasting rock under deep water to plant earthquake-resistant foundations. Considered a modern wonder, the bridge spans the Golden Gate, a strait that links what two bodies of water? More...
Today's Birthday

Shah Jahan (1592)

Shah Jahan succeeded to the throne of India's Mughal Empire in 1628 and ruled for 30 years. His reign was notable for its successes against the Deccan states. Though attempts to reconquer lost territory almost bankrupted the empire, his reign marked the zenith of Mughal court splendor and ushered in the golden age of Mughal art and architecture. Considered the finest example of Mughal architecture, the Taj Mahal was built in memory of his beloved wife. Who deposed and imprisoned him in 1658? More...
Today's Holiday

Víspera de Día de los Tres Reyes (Eve of Three Kings Day) (2025)

Throughout most of Latin America and Spain, Epiphany is called el Día de los Tres Reyes (Three Kings Day). In Mexico, on the night of January 5, children stuff their shoes with hay and leave them out for the Wise Men to fill with sweets and gifts—much as children elsewhere leave their Christmas stockings out for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. And just as letters to Santa are a popular custom in the United States, Mexican children often write letters to the Magi (the Three Wise Men), listing their good deeds and suggesting what gifts they would like to receive. More...
Quote of the Day
For an artist to marry his model is as fatal as for a gourmet to marry his cook: the one gets no sittings, and the other gets no dinners.
Oscar Wilde
Grammar Quiz
Word Trivia

Today's topic: leisure

empty - First meant "at leisure, unoccupied," and it could also mean "unmarried." More...

leisure - Based on Latin licere, "be allowed." More...

scholastic - Based on Latin scholasticus, "devote one's leisure to learning." More...

vacation - Coming from Latin vacation/vacatio, from vacare, "to be free, empty; to be at leisure," around 1395, this term entered Old English, meaning "rest and freedom from any activity." More...

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