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Related to long: long division

long 1

 (lông, lŏng)
adj. long·er, long·est
a. Extending or traveling a relatively great distance.
b. Having relatively great height; tall.
c. Having the greater length of two or the greatest length of several: the long edge of the door.
2. Of relatively great duration: a long time.
3. Of a specified linear extent or duration: a mile long; an hour long.
4. Made up of many members or items: a long shopping list.
a. Extending beyond an average or standard: a long game.
b. Extending or landing beyond a given boundary, limit, or goal: Her first serve was long.
6. Tediously protracted; lengthy: a long speech.
7. Concerned with distant issues; far-reaching: took a long view of the geopolitical issues.
8. Involving substantial chance; risky: long odds.
9. Having an abundance or excess of: "politicians whose résumés are long on competence" (Margaret Garrard Warner).
10. Having a holding of a commodity or security in expectation of a rise in price: long on soybeans.
a. Linguistics Having a comparatively great duration. Used of a vowel or consonant.
b. Grammar Relating to or being the English speech sounds (ā, ē, ī, ō, o͞o) that are tense vowels or diphthongs.
12. Being of relatively great duration. Used of a syllable in quantitative prosody.
adv. longer, longest
1. During or for an extended period of time: The promotion was long due.
2. At or to a considerable distance; far: She walked long past the end of the trail.
3. Beyond a given boundary, limit, or goal: hit the return long.
4. For or throughout a specified period: They talked all night long.
5. At a point of time distant from that referred to: That event took place long before we were born.
6. Into or in a long position, as of a commodity market.
1. A long time: This won't take long.
2. Linguistics A long syllable, vowel, or consonant.
3. One who acquires holdings in a security or commodity in expectation of a rise in price.
a. A garment size for a tall person.
b. longs Trousers extending to the feet or ankles.
any longer
For more time: can't wait any longer.
before long
long ago
1. At a time or during a period well before the present: I read that book long ago.
2. A time well before the present: heroes of long ago.
long in the tooth
Growing old.
no longer
Not now as formerly: He no longer smokes.
not long for
Unlikely to remain for much more time in: not long for this world.
the long and the short of it
The substance or gist: You can look on the front page of the paper for the long and the short of it.

[Middle English, from Old English lang; see del- in Indo-European roots.]

long 2

 (lông, lŏng)
intr.v. longed, long·ing, longs
To have an earnest, heartfelt desire, especially for something beyond reach.

[Middle English longen, from Old English langian; see del- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. having relatively great extent in space on a horizontal plane
2. having relatively great duration in time
a. (postpositive) of a specified number of units in extent or duration: three hours long.
b. (in combination): a two-foot-long line.
4. having or consisting of a relatively large number of items or parts: a long list.
5. having greater than the average or expected range: a long memory.
6. being the longer or longest of alternatives: the long way to the bank.
7. having more than the average or usual quantity, extent, or duration: a long match.
8. seeming to occupy a greater time than is really so: she spent a long afternoon waiting in the departure lounge.
9. intense or thorough (esp in the phrase a long look)
10. (Brewing) (of drinks) containing a large quantity of nonalcoholic beverage
11. (of a garment) reaching to the wearer's ankles
12. informal (foll by on) plentifully supplied or endowed (with): long on good ideas.
13. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics (of a speech sound, esp a vowel)
a. of relatively considerable duration
b. classified as long, as distinguished from the quality of other vowels
c. (in popular usage) denoting the qualities of the five English vowels in such words as mate, mete, mite, moat, moot, and mute
14. from end to end; lengthwise
15. unlikely to win, happen, succeed, etc: a long chance.
16. (Poetry) prosody
a. denoting a vowel of relatively great duration or (esp in classical verse) followed by more than one consonant
b. denoting a syllable containing such a vowel
c. (in verse that is not quantitative) carrying the emphasis or ictus
17. (Banking & Finance) finance having or characterized by large holdings of securities or commodities in anticipation of rising prices: a long position.
18. (Cricket) cricket (of a fielding position) near the boundary: long leg.
19. informal (of people) tall and slender
20. in the long run See run82
21. long in the tooth informal old or ageing
22. for a certain time or period: how long will it last?.
23. for or during an extensive period of time: long into the next year.
24. at a distant time; quite a bit of time: long before I met you; long ago.
25. (Banking & Finance) finance into a position with more security or commodity holdings than are required by sale contracts and therefore dependent on rising prices for profit: to go long.
26. as long as so long as
a. for or during just the length of time that
b. inasmuch as; since
c. provided that; if
27. no longer not any more; formerly but not now
28. a long time (esp in the phrase for long)
29. a relatively long thing, such as a signal in Morse code
30. (Clothing & Fashion) a clothing size for tall people, esp in trousers
31. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics a long vowel or syllable
32. (Banking & Finance) finance a person with large holdings of a security or commodity in expectation of a rise in its price; bull
33. (Music, other) music a note common in medieval music but now obsolete, having the time value of two breves
34. before long soon
35. the long and the short of it the essential points or facts
[Old English lang; related to Old High German lang, Old Norse langr, Latin longus]


(intr; foll by for or an infinitive) to have a strong desire
[Old English langian; related to long1]


(intr) archaic to belong, appertain, or be appropriate
[Old English langian to belong, from gelang at hand, belonging to; compare along]


abbreviation for
(Navigation) longitude


(Biography) Crawford Williamson. 1815–78, US surgeon. He was the first to use ether as an anaesthetic
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(lɔŋ, lɒŋ)

adj. long•er (ˈlɔŋ gər, ˈlɒŋ-)
long•est (ˈlɔŋ gɪst, ˈlɒŋ-)

n., adv. adj.
1. having considerable or greater than usual linear extent in space.
2. having considerable or greater than usual duration in time.
3. extending, lasting, or totaling a number of specified units: eight miles long; eight hours long.
4. containing many items or units: a long list.
5. requiring a considerable time to relate, read, etc.: a long story.
6. extending beyond normal, moderate, or desired limits: to work long hours; The sleeves are long on me.
7. experienced as passing slowly, as because of tedium.
8. reaching well into the past: a long memory.
9. the longer of two or the longest of several: the long way home.
10. taking a long time; slow: to be long in getting here.
11. forward-looking or considering all aspects; broad: to take a long view.
12. intense, thorough, or critical; seriously appraising: a long look at one's mistakes.
13. having an ample supply or endowment (often fol. by on): long on brains.
14. extending relatively far: a long reach.
15. being higher or taller than usual.
16. being against great odds; unlikely: a long chance.
17. (esp. of an alcoholic drink) mixed or diluted with a large amount of soda or the like.
a. (of a speech sound) lasting a relatively long time.
b. having the sound of the English vowels in mate, meet, mite, mote, moot, and mute, historically descended from vowels that were long in duration. Compare short (def. 13).
a. (of a syllable in quantitative verse) lasting a longer time than a short syllable.
b. stressed.
20. having a considerable time to run, as a promissory note.
21. holding or accumulating securities or commodities in the expectation that prices will rise: a long position in hog futures.
22. marked by a large difference in the numbers of a given betting ratio or in the amounts wagered: long odds.
23. a comparatively long time: They haven't been gone for long.
24. a long sound or syllable.
a. a size of garments for men who are taller than average.
b. a garment in this size.
26. for or through a great extent of space or, esp., time: a reform long advocated.
27. for or throughout a specified extent, esp. of time: How long did he stay?
28. (used elliptically in referring to the length of an absence, delay, etc.): Will she be long?
29. throughout a specified period of time: all summer long.
30. at a point of time far distant from the time indicated: long before.
1. as long as,
a. provided that.
b. seeing that; since: As long as you're going, I'll go too.
c. Also, so long as. during the time that; while.
2. before long, soon.
[before 900; Middle English longe, Old English lang, long, c. Old Frisian, Old Saxon lang, long, Old High German lang, Old Norse langr, Gothic laggs, Latin longus]


(lɔŋ, lɒŋ)

to have an earnest or strong desire or craving; yearn: to long for spring.
[before 900; Middle English; Old English langian to grow longer, yearn after, summon; see long1]
syn: See yearn.


(lɔŋ, lɒŋ)

1. Crawford Williamson, 1815–78, U.S. surgeon: first to use ether as an anesthetic.
2. Huey Pierce, 1893–1935, U.S. politician.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. used to talk about length

You use long when you are talking about the length of something.

The pool is ninety feet long by twenty feet wide.
How long is that side of the triangle?
2. talking about distance

You use a long way to talk about the distance from one place to another. You say, for example, 'It's a long way from here to Birmingham'.

I'm a long way from London.

Be Careful!
Don't say 'It's long from here to Birmingham' or 'I'm long from London'.

In negative sentences, you use far. You say, for example, 'It's not far from here to Birmingham'.

We rented a villa not far from the beach.

You also use far in questions. You say, for example, 'How far is it from here to Birmingham?'

How far is Tokyo from here?

Be Careful!
Don't use 'long' in negative sentences and questions like these.

When you are talking about the extent of a journey, you use as far as, not 'as long as'. You say, for example, 'We walked as far as the church'.

We went with Harold as far as Bologna.
3. used to talk about time

In a negative sentence or a question, you can use long as an adverb to mean 'a long time'.

Wilkins hasn't been with us long.
Are you staying long?

You can also use long to mean 'a long time' after too or in front of enough.

He's been here too long.
You've been here long enough to know what we're like.

However, don't use 'long' with this meaning in any other kind of positive sentence. Instead use a long time.

We may be here a long time.
It may seem a long time to wait.

The comparative and superlative forms longer and longest can be used with this meaning in any kind of positive sentence.

Reform in Europe always takes longer than expected.
The study found that people who walk a lot live longest.
4. 'no longer'

When something that happened in the past does not happen now, you can say that it no longer happens or that it does not happen any longer.

The factory no longer builds cars.
I noticed that he wasn't sitting by the door any longer.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: longed
Gerund: longing

I long
you long
he/she/it longs
we long
you long
they long
I longed
you longed
he/she/it longed
we longed
you longed
they longed
Present Continuous
I am longing
you are longing
he/she/it is longing
we are longing
you are longing
they are longing
Present Perfect
I have longed
you have longed
he/she/it has longed
we have longed
you have longed
they have longed
Past Continuous
I was longing
you were longing
he/she/it was longing
we were longing
you were longing
they were longing
Past Perfect
I had longed
you had longed
he/she/it had longed
we had longed
you had longed
they had longed
I will long
you will long
he/she/it will long
we will long
you will long
they will long
Future Perfect
I will have longed
you will have longed
he/she/it will have longed
we will have longed
you will have longed
they will have longed
Future Continuous
I will be longing
you will be longing
he/she/it will be longing
we will be longing
you will be longing
they will be longing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been longing
you have been longing
he/she/it has been longing
we have been longing
you have been longing
they have been longing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been longing
you will have been longing
he/she/it will have been longing
we will have been longing
you will have been longing
they will have been longing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been longing
you had been longing
he/she/it had been longing
we had been longing
you had been longing
they had been longing
I would long
you would long
he/she/it would long
we would long
you would long
they would long
Past Conditional
I would have longed
you would have longed
he/she/it would have longed
we would have longed
you would have longed
they would have longed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.long - desire strongly or persistently
pine, yen, yearn, ache, languish - have a desire for something or someone who is not present; "She ached for a cigarette"; "I am pining for my lover"
desire, want - feel or have a desire for; want strongly; "I want to go home now"; "I want my own room"
Adj.1.long - primarily temporal sense; being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average duration or passage of time or a duration as specified; "a long life"; "a long boring speech"; "a long time"; "a long friendship"; "a long game"; "long ago"; "an hour long"
short - primarily temporal sense; indicating or being or seeming to be limited in duration; "a short life"; "a short flight"; "a short holiday"; "a short story"; "only a few short months"
2.long - primarily spatial sense; of relatively great or greater than average spatial extension or extension as specified; "a long road"; "a long distance"; "contained many long words"; "ten miles long"
short - (primarily spatial sense) having little length or lacking in length; "short skirts"; "short hair"; "the board was a foot short"; "a short toss"
3.long - of relatively great height; "a race of long gaunt men"- Sherwood Anderson; "looked out the long French windows"
tall - great in vertical dimension; high in stature; "tall people"; "tall buildings"; "tall trees"; "tall ships"
4.long - good at remembering; "a retentive mind"; "tenacious memory"
mindful, aware - bearing in mind; attentive to; "ever mindful of her health"; "mindful of his responsibilities"; "mindful of these criticisms, I shall attempt to justify my action"
5.long - holding securities or commodities in expectation of a rise in prices; "is long on coffee"; "a long position in gold"
finance - the branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assets
short - not holding securities or commodities that one sells in expectation of a fall in prices; "a short sale"; "short in cotton"
6.long - (of speech sounds or syllables) of relatively long duration; "the English vowel sounds in `bate', `beat', `bite', `boat', `boot' are long"
phonetics - the branch of acoustics concerned with speech processes including its production and perception and acoustic analysis
short - of speech sounds or syllables of relatively short duration; "the English vowel sounds in `pat', `pet', `pit', `pot', putt' are short"
7.long - involving substantial risk; "long odds"
unsound - not sound financially; "unsound banking practices"
8.long - planning prudently for the future; "large goals that required farsighted policies"; "took a long view of the geopolitical issues"
provident - providing carefully for the future; "wild squirrels are provident"; "a provident father plans for his children's education"
9.long - having or being more than normal or necessary:"long on brains"; "in long supply"
abundant - present in great quantity; "an abundant supply of water"
Adv.1.long - for an extended time or at a distant time; "a promotion long overdue"; "something long hoped for"; "his name has long been forgotten"; "talked all night long"; "how long will you be gone?"; "arrived long before he was expected"; "it is long after your bedtime"
2.long - for an extended distance
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


2. prolonged, slow, dragging, sustained, lengthy, lingering, protracted, interminable, spun out, long-drawn-out This is a long film, three hours and seven minutes.
prolonged short, quick, brief, short-lived, momentary, abbreviated, abridged


verb desire, want, wish, burn, dream of, pine, hunger, ache, lust, crave, yearn, covet, itch, hanker, set your heart on, eat your heart out over He longed for the good old days.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

long 1

A long time:
eon, eternity, year (used in plural).
Informal: age (used in plural), blue moon.
1. Having great physical length:
2. Having a rather great upward projection:
3. Having many syllables:
4. Extending tediously beyond a standard duration:

long 2

To have a strong longing for:
Informal: hone.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
بوَقْت ٍ طويلطول، في الطولطَويلطَوِيلطَوِيِلٌ
længelængeslanglænge vækgod
áriî um kringlangurlangur, á lengdlangur, lengilengi
몹시 그리워하다오래
özlemekuzunuzun bir zamandıruzuncauzunluğunda
dàilâuthèm muốn


1 [lɒŋ] (longer (compar) (longest (superl)))
1. (in size) [dress, hair, journey] → largo
it's six metres longtiene seis metros de largo
it's a very long bookes un libro muy largo
he has long legstiene las piernas largas
it's a long distance from the schoolestá (muy) lejos del colegio
to make or pull a long faceponer cara larga
to get longer [queue] → hacerse más largo; [hair] → crecer (más)
how long is it? (table, hallway, piece of material, stick) → ¿cuánto mide de largo?; (more precisely) → ¿qué longitud tiene?; (river) → ¿qué longitud tiene?
how long is her hair?¿cómo tiene el pelo de largo?
to be long in the leg [trousers] → tener piernas largas
the speech was long on rhetoric and short on detailsel discurso tenía mucha retórica y pocos detalles
the long arm of the lawel brazo de la ley, el alcance de la ley
a list as long as your armuna lista larguísima
not by a long chalkni con mucho
he's a bit long in the toothes bastante viejo ya
see also suit A3
2. (in distance) it's a long wayestá lejos
it's a long way to the shopslas tiendas están lejos
we walked a long waycaminamos mucho
3. (in time) [film] → largo; [visit] → prolongado; [wait] → largo, prolongado
two hours longde dos horas
the course is six months longel curso es de seis meses, el curso dura seis meses
a long walkun paseo largo
a long holidayunas vacaciones largas
it has been a long day (fig) → ha sido un día muy atareado
there will be long delayshabrá grandes retrasos, habrá retrasos considerables
he took a long drink of waterse bebió un vaso grande de agua
the days are getting longerlos días se están alargando
how long is the film?¿cuánto (tiempo) dura la película?
how long are the holidays?¿cuánto duran las vacaciones?
to be long in doing sthtardar en hacer algo
the reply was not long in comingla respuesta no tardó en llegar
it will be a long jobserá un trabajo que llevará mucho tiempo
at long lastpor fin
to take a long look at sthmirar algo detenidamente
he has a long memory (fig) → es de los que no perdonan fácilmente
in the long run (fig) → a la larga
a long time agohace mucho tiempo
it takes a long timelleva mucho tiempo
I've been waiting a long timellevo esperando mucho tiempo
long time no see!¡cuánto tiempo sin verte!
it's a good place to go for a long weekendes un buen sitio para ir durante un fin de semana largo
he's not long for this worldno le queda mucho de vida
see also term A1
see also long-term, view A5
4. (Ling) [vowel] → largo
1. (= a long time) don't be long!¡vuelve pronto!
I shan't be long (in finishing) → termino pronto, no tardo; (in returning) → vuelvo pronto, no tardo
will you be long?¿vas a tardar mucho?
we didn't stay longnos quedamos poco tiempo
he hasn't been gone longno hace mucho que se ha ido
have you been waiting long?¿hace mucho que espera?
I have long believed thatcreo desde hace tiempo que ..., hace tiempo que creo que ...
this method has long been used in industryeste método se viene usando desde hace mucho tiempo en la industria
long after he diedmucho tiempo después de morir
he died long after his wifemurió mucho tiempo después que su mujer
long agohace mucho (tiempo)
how long ago was it?¿cuánto tiempo hace de eso?
as long ago as 1930ya en 1930
not long agono hace mucho (tiempo)
long beforemucho antes
not long beforepoco antes
long before nowhace mucho tiempo
long before you camemucho antes de que llegaras
not long before the warpoco antes de la guerra
not long before his wife diedpoco antes de que muriera su mujer
they left before longse marcharon muy pronto
I only had long enough to buy a papersólo tuve tiempo para comprar un periódico
we won't stay for longnos quedamos un rato nada más
are you going away for long?¿te vas para mucho tiempo?
he hesitated, but not for longdudó, pero sólo por un instante
"are you still in London?" - "yes, but not for much longer"-¿todavía estás en Londres? -si, pero por poco tiempo ya
how long will you be? (in finishing) → ¿cuánto (tiempo) tardarás?; (in returning) → ¿cuánto tiempo te quedarás?
how long have you been here?¿cuánto tiempo llevas aquí?
how long will it take?¿cuánto tiempo llevará?
how long did he stay?¿cuánto tiempo se quedó?
how long have you been learning Spanish?¿desde cuándo llevas aprendiendo español?
how long is it since you saw her?¿cuánto tiempo hace que no la ves?
it didn't last longfue cosa de unos pocos minutos or días
to live longtener una vida larga
women live longer than menlas mujeres son más longevas que los hombres
he hasn't long to liveno le queda mucho de vida
long live the King!¡viva el rey!
it's not long since he died, he died not long sinceno hace mucho que murió, murió hace poco
long since deadmuerto hace mucho
so long! (esp US) → ¡hasta luego!
it won't take longno tardará mucho
it didn't take him long to realize thatno tardó en darse cuenta de que ...
he talked long about politicshabló largamente de política
2. longermás tiempo
we stayed longer than youquedamos más tiempo que vosotros
wait a little longerespera un poco más
how much longer can you stay?¿hasta cuándo podéis quedaros?
how much longer do we have to wait?¿hasta cuándo tenemos que esperar?
two hours longerdos horas más
I can't stay any longerno me puedo quedar por más tiempo
I can't stand it any longerya no lo aguanto más
no longerya no
he no longer comesya no viene
3. longest: six months at the longestseis meses, como máximo or como mucho
4. as long as; so long as (= while) → mientras
as long as the war lastsmientras dure la guerra
as long as I livemientras viva
stay (for) as long as you likequédate hasta cuando quieras
as long as (is) necessaryel tiempo que haga falta, lo que haga falta
5. as long as; so long as (= provided that) → siempre que + subjun
you can borrow it as long as John doesn't mindlo puedes tomar prestado siempre que a John no le importe or si a John no le importa
6. (= through)
all day longtodo el (santo) día
all night longtoda la noche
all summer longtodo el verano
C. N
1. the long and the short of it is that (fig) → en resumidas cuentas, es que ..., concretamente, es que ...
2. longs (Fin) → valores mpl a largo plazo
D. CPD long division N (Math) → división f larga
long drink Nrefresco m, bebida f no alcohólica
long johns NPLcalzoncillos mpl largos
long jump Nsalto m de longitud
long jumper Nsaltador(a) m/f de longitud
long shot N (Cine) → toma f a distancia; (in race) → desconocido/a m/f
it's a long shotdudo que resulte
not by a long shotni con mucho
long sight Npresbicia f, hipermetropía f
to have long sightser présbita
the long term N in or over the long terma largo plazo
long trousers NPL (as opposed to shorts) → pantalones mpl largos
the long vac N = the long vacation the long vacation N (Brit) (Univ) → las vacaciones de verano
long wave N (Rad) → onda f larga; (used as adj) → de onda larga


2 [lɒŋ] VI to long for sthanhelar algo, desear algo
to long for sbsuspirar por algn, añorar a algn
to long to do sthtener muchas ganas de hacer algo, estar deseando hacer algo
to long for sb to do sthdesear que algn haga algo
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(in distance) [rope, hair, table, tunnel] → long(longue)
She's got long hair → Elle a les cheveux longs.
how long ...?
How long is this river?
BUT Quelle est la longueur de ce fleuve?.
a long way
It's a long way to school → L'école est loin.
We walked a long way → Nous avons beaucoup marché.
a long way away → loin
The house was a long way away → La maison était loin.
6 metres long → (long) de 6 mètres
The room is 6 metres long
BUT La pièce fait six mètres de long.
(in time) [meeting, discussion, film, book] → long(longue)
a long time
I've been waiting a long time → J'attends depuis longtemps.
It takes a long time → Ça prend du temps.
how long ...?
How long is this course? → Quelle est la durée de ce cours?, Combien de temps dure ce cours?
How long is the flight? → Quelle est la durée du vol?, Combien de temps dure le vol?
to be three hours long → durer trois heures
The film is three hours long → Le film dure trois heures.
a long time ago → il y a longtemps
at long last → enfin
in the long run → à la longue, finalement
so long! → salut !
adv (= a long time) → longtemps
I won't stay long → Je ne resterai pas longtemps.
Have you been here long? → Vous êtes ici depuis longtemps ?
I won't be long → Je n'en ai pas pour longtemps.
Don't be long! → Fais vite!, Dépêche-toi!
It won't be long before the policy is introduced nationwide → Cette politique sera bientôt introduite dans tout le pays.
It wasn't long before I started to get irritated → J'ai vite commencé à m'énerver.
how long? → combien de temps?
How long did you stay there? → Combien de temps êtes-vous resté là-bas?
How long have you been here? → Depuis combien de temps êtes-vous ici?
it won't take long → ça ne prendra pas beaucoup de temps
long ago → il y a longtemps
long before prepbien avant
I left long before her → Je suis parti bien avant elle.
long after preplongtemps après
not long after our arrival → peu après notre arrivée; advlongtemps après
not long after advpeu de temps après
She got home not long after → Elle est arrivée chez elle peu de temps après.
before long → bientôt
They're bound to catch him before long → Ils vont certainement bientôt l'arrêter.
Before long we were all safely back home → Nous étions bientôt tous rentrés sains et saufs.
not for long → pas longtemps
"Did you live there?" - "Not for long." → "Vous y avez vécu ?" - "Pas pendant longtemps."
Stevens did not walk free for long → Stevens n'est pas resté longtemps en liberté.
(= through) all night long → toute la nuit
all year long → toute l'année
(= for a long time) he had long understood that ... → il avait compris depuis longtemps que ...
as long as, so long as (expressing a condition)pourvu que
I'll come as long as it's not too expensive → Je viendrai pourvu que ça ne soit pas trop cher. (= when) → tant que
You can't turn the heating off as long as the system is on → On ne peut pas éteindre le chauffage tant que le système est en marche.
see also longer
the long and the short of it is that ... → le fin mot de l'histoire c'est que ...
to long for sth → avoir très envie de qch
to long to do sth → avoir très envie de faire qch
I'm longing to see my boyfriend again → J'ai très envie de revoir mon copain.long-awaited [ˌlɒŋəˈweɪtɪd] adjtrès attendu(e)long-distance [ˌlɒŋˈdɪstəns]
[journey] → long(longue); [flight] → long-courrier
[race] → de fond; [runner] → de fond
[phone call] → longue distance inv
adv [phone, call]
I phoned Nicola long-distance → J'ai téléphoné à Nicola, c'était un appel longue distance.long-distance call ncommunication f longue distancelong-drawn-out [ˌlɒŋdrɔːnˈaʊt] adjinterminablelong drink nlong drink mlonged-for [ˈlɒŋdfɔːr] adjtant attendu(e)
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


adj (Pharm) → mit Langzeitwirkung; long medicineDepotpräparat nt
ngroßes Beiboot; (of Vikings)Wikingerboot nt
n(Lang)bogen m
longcase clock
nGroßvateruhr f
adj (Chem) → langkettig
adj long callFerngespräch nt; long lorry driver (Brit) → Fernfahrer(in) m(f); long flight/raceLangstreckenflug m/-rennen nt; long relationshipFernbeziehung f; long runnerLangstreckenläufer(in) m(f); long runningLangstreckenlauf m; long journey/travelFernreise f/-reisen pl; long trainFernverkehrszug m; long bus(Fern)reisebus m, → Überlandbus m
adv to call longein Ferngespräch führen
long division
adj speech, argumentlangatmig; meetingausgedehnt, in die Länge gezogen; affair, warsich lange hinziehend; processlangwierig


adj long riceLangkornreis m
adj person, animallanghaarig; long cowKuh fmit langhaarigem Fell
nLangschrift f
advin Langschrift
adj long truck driverFernfahrer(in) m(f)
long hill
n (Ski) → Großschanze f
nLonghorn nt


long johns
pl (inf)lange Unterhosen pl
long jump
nWeitsprung m
long jumper
nWeitspringer(in) m(f)
adj battery etcmit langer Lebensdauer
long-life milk
nH-Milch f
adjlanglebig; successdauerhaft, von Dauer; long treesBäume, die lange leben
adj personverloren geglaubt; ideals, enthusiasm etcverloren gegangen
adjLangspiel-; long recordLangspielplatte f
adj gunmit hoher Reichweite; forecast, planlangfristig; long aircraftLangstreckenflugzeug nt; long missileLangstreckenrakete f; long studyLangzeitstudie f
adj serieslange laufend; affairlangjährig; feudlange andauernd
nWikingerboot nt
n (US) → Hafenarbeiter m
long shot
(Phot) → Fernaufnahme f
(inf) it’s a long, but it may pay offes ist gewagt, aber es könnte sich auszahlen; it was a long, but it proved to be truedie Vermutung war weit hergeholt, hat sich aber als wahr erwiesen; that horse is a longauf das Pferd zu setzen, ist gewagt; not by a longbei Weitem nicht, noch lange nicht
long sight
adj (Brit lit, fig) → weitsichtig
n (Brit) → Weitsichtigkeit f; (fig)Weitsicht f
adjalt; friendshiplangjährig, alt; interest, invitationschon lange bestehend ? standing
adj (Brit) hospital, patientLangzeit-; car parkDauer-
long suit
n (Cards) → lange Reihe; (fig)Trumpf m
long term
n in the longlangfristig gesehen; to plan for the longauf lange Sicht planen
adj plans, investment, loan, effect, futurelangfristig; relationshipdauerhaft; long care insurance (US) → ˜ Pflegeversicherung f; long car parkLangzeitparkplatz m; long memoryLangzeitgedächtnis nt; the long unemployeddie Langzeitarbeitslosen pl
adj a long friendein langjähriger or alter Freund


long vacation
n (Univ) → (Sommer)semesterferien pl; (Sch) → große Ferien pl
long wave
nLangwelle f
adjLangwellen-; long frequencyLangwellenfrequenz f


adjumständlich; story, speechlangatmig; affairlangwierig


adj (+er)
(in size) → lang; glasshoch; journeyweit; it is 6 feet longes ist 6 Fuß lang; to be long in the leglange Beine haben; to pull a long faceein langes Gesicht machen; it’s a long waydas ist weit; it’s a long way to Hamburgnach Hamburg ist es weit; to have a long memoryein gutes Gedächtnis haben; to be long in the tooth (inf)nicht mehr der/die Jüngste sein; surely he is a bit long in the tooth to be climbing Everestist er nicht schon ein bisschen (zu) alt, um den Everest zu besteigen?
(in time) → lang; joblangwierig; it’s a long time since I saw herich habe sie schon lange nicht mehr gesehen; will you need it for a long time?brauchen Sie es lange?; he’s been here (for) a long timeer ist schon lange hier; she was abroad for a long timesie war (eine) lange Zeit im Ausland; well hullo, it’s been a long timehallo, schon lange nicht mehr gesehen; long time no see (inf)sieht man dich auch mal wieder? (inf); to take a long look at somethingetw lange or ausgiebig betrachten; how long is the film?wie lange dauert der Film?; a year is 12 months longein Jahr hat 12 Monate; how long are your holidays? (Brit), how long is your vacation? (US) → wie lange haben Sie Urlaub?; to take the long viewetw auf lange Sicht betrachten
(Poet, Phon) vowel, syllablelang
a long drink (mixed) → ein Longdrink m; (= beer)ein Bier nt; a long ginein Gin mit Tonic und Eis etc; I’d like something long and coolich möchte einen kühlen Longdrink
lang(e); to be long in or about doing somethinglange zu etw brauchen; don’t be long!beeil dich!; don’t be too long about itlass dir nicht zu viel Zeit, mach nicht zu lange (inf); don’t be too long about phoning meruf mich bald (mal) an; I shan’t be long (in finishing) → ich bin gleich fertig; (in returning) → ich bin gleich wieder da; two months without you, it’s been too longzwei Monate ohne dich, das war zu lang(e); he drank long and deeper nahm einen langen, tiefen Schluck; all night longdie ganze Nacht; long agovor langer Zeit; not long agovor Kurzem; long beforelange vorher; long before nowviel früher; not long before I met youkurz bevor ich dich kennenlernte; not long before thatkurz davor; those days are long (since) pastdiese Tage sind schon lange vorbei; at the longesthöchstens; as long asso lange wie; we waited as long as we couldwir haben gewartet, solange wir konnten; as long as, so long as (= provided that)solange ? also ago, since
(in comp) how much longer can you stay?wie lange können Sie noch bleiben?; I can’t wait any longerich kann nicht mehr länger warten; if that noise goes on any longerwenn der Lärm weitergeht; no longer (= not any more)nicht mehr; I’ll wait no longerich warte nicht länger; I’ll insist no longerich werde nicht weiter darauf bestehen
so long! (inf)tschüs(s)! (inf), → bis später!
the long and the short of it is that …kurz gesagt …, der langen Rede kurzer Sinn; that’s the long and the short of itund damit hat sichs (inf); before longbald; are you going for long?werden Sie länger weg sein?; I won’t stay for longich bleibe nicht lange; it won’t take longdas dauert nicht lange; it didn’t take long before …es dauerte nicht lange, bis …; I won’t take longich brauche nicht lange (dazu)
(Poet) → lange Silbe


visich sehnen (for nach); (less passionately) → herbeisehnen, kaum erwarten können (→ for sth etw acc); he longed for his wife to returner wartete sehnsüchtig auf die Rückkehr seiner Frau; I’m longing for him to resignich warte ungeduldig auf seinen Rücktritt; the children were longing for the bell to ringdie Kinder warteten sehnsüchtig auf das Klingeln or konnten das Klingeln kaum erwarten; he is longing for me to make a mistakeer möchte zu gern, dass ich einen Fehler mache; I am longing to go abroadich brenne darauf, ins Ausland zu gehen; he longed to know what was happeninger hätte zu gerne gewusst, was vorging; I’m longing to see my cat againich möchte meine Katze so gern wiedersehen; I’m longing to see that filmich will den Film unbedingt sehen; I’m longing to hear his reactionich bin sehr auf seine Reaktion gespannt; how I long for a cup of tea/a showerwie ich mich nach einer Tasse Tee/einer Dusche sehne
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1 [lɒŋ]
1. adj (-er (comp) (-est (superl)))
a. (in size) → lungo/a
how long is it? → quant'è lungo?
how long is this river? → quanto è lungo questo fiume?
it is 6 metres long → è lungo 6 metri
to get longer → allungarsi
b. (in time) → lungo/a
(for) a long time → (per) molto tempo
how long is the film? → quanto dura il film?
2 hours long → che dura 2 ore, di 2 ore
a long walk/holiday → una lunga camminata/vacanza
a long job → un lavoro lungo
to have a long memory → avere buona memoria
it's been a long day (fig) → è stata una giornata lunga
to take a long look at sth → esaminare ben bene qc
at long last → finalmente
2. adva lungo, per molto tempo
I shan't be long → non ne avrò per molto
he won't be long finishing → non ci metterà molto a finire
we didn't stay (for) long → non ci siamo fermati a lungo
I have long believed that ... → è da molto tempo che credo che...
he had long understood that ... → aveva capito da molto tempo che...
long before → molto tempo prima
long before now → molto prima
long before you came → molto prima che tu arrivassi
before long (+ future) → presto, fra poco (+ past) → poco tempo dopo
he's long since departed → se n'è andato molto tempo fa
how long is it since you saw them? → da quant'è che non li vedi?
long ago → molto tempo fa
how long ago? → quanto tempo fa?
as long ago as 1960 → nientemeno che nel 1960
he no longer comes → non viene più
all day long → tutto il giorno
so long as, as long as (while) → finché (provided that) → sempre che + sub
so long! (fam) (esp Am) → ciao!
don't be long! → fai presto!
it won't take long → è questione di poco
3. n the long and the short of it is that ... (fig) → a farla breve...


2 [lɒŋ] vi to long for sth/sbdesiderare molto qc/qn
to long to do sth → morire dalla voglia di fare qc
to long for sb to do sth → desiderare tanto che qn faccia qc
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(loŋ) adjective
1. measuring a great distance from one end to the other. a long journey; a long road; long legs.
2. having a great period of time from the first moment to the last. The book took a long time to read; a long conversation; a long delay.
3. measuring a certain amount in distance or time. The wire is two centimetres long; The television programme was just over an hour long.
4. away, doing or using something etc for a great period of time. Will you be long?
5. reaching to a great distance in space or time. She has a long memory
1. a great period of time. This happened long before you were born.
2. for a great period of time. Have you been waiting long?
ˈlongways adverb
in the direction of the length. The planks had to go into the lorry longways.
ˌlong-ˈdistance adjective
long-distance races; a long-distance lorry-driver; a long-distance telephone call.
ˌlong-drawn-ˈout adjective
taking a needlessly long time. long-drawn-out discussions.
ˈlonghand noun
ordinary writing as opposed to shorthand.
long house
in tribal societies, a long rectangular dwelling shared by several families, especially in south-east Asia and amongst North American Indians.
long jump
a sports contest in which people jump as far as possible.
long-playing record (usually abbreviated to LP)
a record which plays for a long time.
ˌlong-ˈrange adjective
1. able to reach a great distance. long-range rockets.
2. taking into consideration a long period of time. a long-range weather forecast.
ˌlong-ˈsighted adjective
having difficulty in seeing close objects clearly.
ˌlong-ˈsightedness noun
ˌlong-ˈsuffering adjective
patiently enduring a great deal of trouble.
ˌlong-ˈwinded adjective
(of a speaker or his speech) tiresomely long.
as long as / so long as
1. provided only that. As/So long as you're happy, it doesn't matter what you do.
2. while; during the time that. As long as he's here I'll have more work to do.
before (very) long
soon. Come in and wait – he'll be here before long!
in the long run
in the end. We thought we would save money, but in the long run our spending was about the same as usual.
the long and the short of it
the whole story in a few words.
no longer
not now as in the past. This cinema is no longer used.
so long!


(loŋ) verb
(often with for) to wish very much. He longed to go home; I am longing for a drink.
ˈlonging noun
a great desire or wish for something. She looked at the cakes with longing.
ˈlongingly adverb
She looked longingly at the chocolate.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


طَوِيل, طَوِيِلٌ, طَوِيْلاً, يَتُوْقُ إِلَىَ dlouho, dlouhý, toužit længe, længes, lang lang, lange, sehnen (sich) επί μακρόν, λαχταρώ, μακρύς anhelar, largo, mucho tiempo kaivata, kauan, pitkä long, longuement, se languir čeznuti, dugačak, dugo a lungo, desiderare, lungo 切望する, 長い, 長く, 몹시 그리워하다, 오래 lang, lange tijd, verlangen lang, lenge, lengte długi, długo, zatęsknić cobiçar, desejar, longo, muito tempo длинный, долго, очень хотеть lång, långt, längta นาน, ยาว, ยาวนาน, รอคอย özlemek, uzun, uzunca dài, lâu, thèm muốn 渴望, 长期地, 长的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. largo-a, extenso-a, prolongado-a;
How ___ ago?¿Cuánto tiempo hace?;
___ aftermucho después;
___ agohace tiempo;
___ -distancelarga distancia;
___ -standingde larga duración;
not ___ beforepoco tiempo antes.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


adj largo; adv How long have you had diabetes?..¿Hace cuánto que tiene diabetes?…How long were you unconscious?..¿Por cuánto tiempo estuvo inconsciente?; long-acting de acción prolongada
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
The projectile had been detected, thanks to the gigantic reflector of Long's Peak!
Her hand rested lightly on his arm, and they were promenading on to find seats, when Charley Long, evidently just arrived, thrust his way in front of them.
It was only after a long search that Passepartout discovered a native dealer in old clothes, to whom he applied for an exchange.
One day a party accompanied Captain Fitz Roy on a long walk round the head of the harbour.
We're at Thwaite Station and we've got a long drive before us."
DOWN in the deep blue sea lived Ripple, a happy little Water-Spirit; all day long she danced beneath the coral arches, made garlands of bright ocean flowers, or floated on the great waves that sparkled in the sunlight; but the pastime that she loved best was lying in the many-colored shells upon the shore, listening to the low, murmuring music the waves had taught them long ago; and here for hours the little Spirit lay watching the sea and sky, while singing gayly to herself.
All through the remainder of the long night Ninaka pondered the question deeply.
South of the Adour the jagged line of mountains which fringe the sky-line send out long granite claws, running down into the lowlands and dividing them into "gaves" or stretches of valley.
But here the country seemed wilder than ever, and after a long and tiresome walk through the underbrush they entered another forest, where the trees were bigger and older than any they had ever seen.
That spring, Jesse had bought part of a long strip of black swamp land that lay in the valley of Wine Creek.
Others contended that the stigma had not been produced until a long time subsequent, when old Roger Chillingworth, being a potent necromancer, had caused it to appear, through the agency of magic and poisonous drugs.
I WAS so pleased at having given the slip to Long John that I began to enjoy myself and look around me with some interest on the strange land that I was in.