local oscillator

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local oscillator

(Electronics) electronics the oscillator in a superheterodyne receiver whose output frequency is mixed with the incoming modulated radio-frequency carrier signal to produce the required intermediate frequency
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Noun1.local oscillator - an oscillator whose output heterodynes with the incoming radio signal to produce sum and difference tones
heterodyne receiver, superhet, superheterodyne receiver - a radio receiver that combines a locally generated frequency with the carrier frequency to produce a supersonic signal that is demodulated and amplified
oscillator - generator that produces sonic oscillations or alternating current
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References in periodicals archive ?
In this configuration, the antenna arrays at the BS are distributed, and each antenna uses a separate local oscillator, that is, [N.sub.0] = M.This is known as non-synchronous operation at the base station, and the base station antennas have independent phase noise processes for all m = 1,...,M [20, 27].
An intensity modulation can be organized into different classes based on interconnection, optical principle and via local oscillator.
According to statistical maintenance data, main faults of superheterodyne receivers include amplifier faults, local oscillator faults, and filter faults.
The ring VCO of local oscillator will be used in the RF transceiver of active transponders.
This paper talks about a design of high efficiency systems to drive local oscillator signal into I/Q differential transceiver.
The internal frequency-synthesized local oscillator can be locked to an external 10 MHz reference signal for precise tuning accuracy.
With a single transistor, the HSOM works as a mixer with positive conversion gain and generates the local oscillator signal.
The VSA consists of the new NI PXIe-5605 downconverter, the NI PXIe-5653 local oscillator synthesizer and the NI PXIe-5622, a 150 MS/s intermediate frequency (IF) digitizer.
When used in the receiver section it can be configured to offer a dedicated LO (Local Oscillator) frequency generator for each antenna path, or can be used in a more traditional antenna-diversity scheme.
It contains more than 150 optical components-such as frequency tunable local oscillator (LO) lasers, devices for mixing the LO and incoming signals, variable optical attenuators for LO power control, a spectral demultiplexer to separate the individual wavelength channels, and 40 balanced photodetector (receiver/transmitter) pairs-all integrated onto a chip.
The mixer stage mixes a local oscillator frequency that brings the interested frequency into the