little egret

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Related to little egret: cattle egret
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.little egret - Old World egretlittle egret - Old World egret      
egret - any of various usually white herons having long plumes during breeding season
Egretta, genus Egretta - small Old and New World herons
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The size of a Grey Heron, standing a metre tall, this yellow-billed egret is following the pattern of the Little Egret's spread into Wales during the 1990s.
Following discussions with local groups, four birds were chosen to adorn this year's annual bedding display; the avocet, hen harrier, little egret and cormorant.
River Leven, in Stokesley, where a little egret is resting, by John Maude, Stokesley
"A prime example is a bird called the little egret that's an all-white member of the heron family and now quite widespread across Ireland."
Kevin Blood was awarded first place with 'Little Egret Resting' which achieved the perfect 20 points.
As I write the great egret is still foraging in the creeks on the merse and the little egret numbers have built to 14.
The stunning film made on land transformed into a flood basin reveals how rare bird species like a little egret and little ringed plover are in the city.
Her collection included a blue throated barbet, a common kingfisher, a little egret and a Brahminy starling, all photographed in the Lake View Park, Islamabad.
Filinvest City - thanks to its creek and canopies - serves as a natural habitat to bird species like Barred Rail, White-breasted Waterhen, White-throated Kingfisher, Little Egret, Black Crown Night Heron, Brown shrike, Chestnut-cheeked Starlings and more.
A little egret, a rare visitor to Birmingham, appeared at Kings Norton nature reserve a couple of years ago, and it is still about I believe.
The eastern grey Heron, the Maldivian pond heron, little egret and white tern can be spotted throughout the year.
The newly released 2016 Birds in Northumbria report covering Newcastle, North Tyneside and Northumberland plots the advance of species such as the little egret and the great egret white herons.