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Related to linch: Lich, lynched


a ledge or piece of projected ground
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"That freshman/sophomore 4x200 relay team of Thaxton, Lawler, Case and Linch took second and should have taken first with some cleaner handoffs.
2 / 2 Gun City store owner David Tipple (R) with his public relation advisor David Linch speak to the media during a press conference at the Piano Event Centre in Christchurch on March 18th, 2019, after 50 worshippers were killed last week in two mosque attacks, the worst on Muslims in a Western country.
Morrison Nyamekye, Executive Director of Linch Medical Services Ghana, said Mindray, a Chinese company, is providing the service in partnership with his firm.
She typically works in Southeast Portland, but stated, "I absolutely love the Float Shoppe and wanted to offer my services to folks who needed a good massage on their linch break in downtown NW Portland."
Meanwhile, 12 Qatari youngsters visited Korea in July as part of the "Youth Exchange Programme," which served "as a linch pin of cultural exchange," and experienced Korean people's daily life and culture, according to Chang-mo.
Este sistema permite as organizacoes integrarem todos os seus processos de negocio, permite uma maior rapidez ao nivel do processamento de transacoes, do reporting e da analise de informacoes, e tambem permite obter informacao em tempo real (Davenport, 1998; Fahy & Linch, 1999; Granlund & Malmi, 2002; Hyvonen, 2003; Scapens & Jazayeri, 2003).
Yaaqoob bin Yousef Al-Mazroo'a, the Secretary General of the council, signed on behalf of his organization, while the Charge d'Affaires of the Australian embassy in Riyadh Bernard Linch signed for his party.
| Clockwise from left, Andrew Maloney and Pete Linch take part in a Teesside Health Action Zone initiative in Middlesbrough; Lt Col Duncan Hopkins is towed offthe unit by officers to mark the end of his command; a tank driver takes part in a Fire Power demonstration; Green Howards on parade at Focsani Barracks, and sharing a lighter moment with Romanian folk dancers
Samuel Franks, of Stepping Stones Road, Coundon, was caught without a valid fishing at Linch Hill Fishery in Standlake, near Oxford.
Britain's Soldiers: Rethinking War and Society, 1715-1815, by Kevin Linch and Matthew McCormack.