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adj. king·li·er, king·li·est
1. Having the status or rank of king.
2. Of, like, or befitting a king; majestic and regal.
In a royal way; royally.

king′li·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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(kiŋ) noun
1. a male ruler of a nation, who inherits his position by right of birth. He became king when his father died; King Charles III.
2. the playing-card with the picture of a king. I have two cards – the ten of spades and the king of diamonds.
3. the most important piece in chess.
ˈkingdom noun
1. a state having a king (or queen) as its head. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; He rules over a large kingdom.
2. any of the three great divisions of natural objects. the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms.
ˈkingly adjective
of, relating to, or suitable for a king. kingly robes; a kingly feast.
ˈkingliness noun
ˈkingfisher noun
a type of bird with brilliant blue feathers which feeds on fish.
ˈking-size(d) adjective
of a large size; larger than normal. a king-size(d) bed; king-size cigarettes.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in periodicals archive ?
But from this point on, much of his development is embedded in Martin's notion of kingship and kingliness.
He proposes that the speech reflects that Lear "has switched from a mind fogged by pompous notions of his own kingliness to a clear vision of his daughters' true worth.
WE HAVE seen that Kent has an essentialist idea of kingliness. For him, the king is the king, no matter what.
But the blurred smartphone footage of Castile's slaughter--infamous and ubiquitous last summer--is also dignified by Taylor's grand scale, which beams the kingliness of history painting at this latest racist crisis.
According to Billeter (see Chung, 2014), it is not practical in the real world to move onto the path of "inward sageness and outward kingliness" ([TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]), and those arguments of Mou Zong-San and Hsu Fu-Kuan rely merely on the self-consciousness of sages without any necessary institutional structures to be provided (in the sense of providing some philosophical arguments rather than creating a new system of practical political institutions).