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Adj.1.keyless - lacking or not requiring a key; "a keyless lock operated by a series of pushbuttons"
keyed - fitted with or secured by a key; "a keyed instrument"; "the locks have not yet been keyed"
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adj keyless accessZugang mohne Schlüssel
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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Also, he had invented a combination keyless door-lock that travelers may carry in their vest pockets and apply immediately and successfully under all circumstances.
West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion said he was concerned about the rise in car crime involving 'keyless' ignition systems.
My campaign to tackle vehicle thefts has now moved up a gear, after an incident where a West Midlands Police officer received serious life changing injuries, following a pursuit of a stolen keyless vehicle at the time.
magazine has carried out research that revealed some popular cars equipped with keyless entry can be broken into within seconds.
research shows some of the latest and most popular models with keyless entry can be broken into in just seconds
Kawasaki, a Japan-based automaker, is equipping its 2019 Ninja 250 with its Smart Key (keyless ignition) system in Indonesia.
Keyless Car Crime Drives 20% Hike in UK Motor Theft Claims in 1st Quarter
RISING numbers of car thefts have been blamed on modern motors' keyless locking systems.
CAR thieves are stealing more vehicles - thanks to the growing popularity of keyless entry.
MANY new cars fitted with keyless entry and start could be easy prey for car thieves, according to new research by the UK's leading safety and security testing organization.
MANY new cars fitted with keyless entry and start could be easy prey for high-tech car thieves according to new research by the UK's leading safety and security testing organization.