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light 1
1. Physics
a. Electromagnetic radiation that is visible, perceivable by the normal human eye as colors between red and violet, having frequencies between 400 terahertz and 790 terahertz and wavelengths between 750 nanometers and 380 nanometers. Also called visible light.
b. Electromagnetic radiation of any frequency or wavelength.
2. The sensation of perceiving light; brightness: a sudden light that made me blink.
a. A source of light, especially a lamp, a lantern, or an electric lighting fixture: Turn out the lights when you leave.
b. The illumination derived from a source of light: by the light of the moon.
c. The particular quantity or quality of such illumination: moved the lamp closer to get better light.
d. The pathway or route of such illumination to a person: You're standing in his light.
a. A source of fire, such as a match or cigarette lighter.
b. A mechanical device that uses illumination as a signal or warning, especially a beacon or traffic signal.
a. Daylight.
b. Dawn; daybreak.
6. Something, such as a window, that admits illumination.
7. Architecture One of two or more openings in a window divided by a mullion or mullions.
8. Something that provides information or clarification: research that produced little new light on the question.
a. A state of awareness or understanding, especially as derived from a particular source: in the light of experience.
b. Public attention; general knowledge: brought the scandal to light.
c. Spiritual awareness; illumination.
10. A way of looking at or considering a matter; an aspect: saw the situation in a different light.
11. Archaic Eyesight.
12. lights One's individual opinions, choices, or standards: acted according to their own lights.
13. A person who inspires or is adored by another: My daughter is the light of my life.
14. A prominent or distinguished person; a luminary: one of the leading lights of the theater.
15. An expression of the eyes: a strange light in her eyes.
16. lights Pieces of laundry that are not dark in color.
17. Light In Quaker doctrine, the guiding spirit or divine presence in each person.
v. light·ed or lit (lĭt), light·ing, lights
1. To set on fire; ignite or kindle: lit the kindling.
2. To cause to give out light; make luminous: lit a lamp.
3. To provide, cover, or fill with light; illuminate: fireworks lighting the sky.
4. To signal, direct, or guide with light: "You'd ... set the lamp in the dormer window to light him home through the storm" (Edith Nesbit).
5. To enliven or animate: A smile lit her face.
1. To start to burn; be ignited or kindled: Green wood does not light easily.
2. To emit light; be lighted: Wait until the indicator lights up.
adj. light·er, light·est
Phrasal Verb: 1.
a. Having a greater rather than lesser degree of lightness.
b. Of or being an additive primary color.
2. Characterized by or filled with light; bright: a room that is light when the shutters are open.
3. Not dark in color; fair: light hair and skin.
4. Served with milk or cream. Used of coffee.
light up
Idioms: 1. To become or cause to become animated or cheerful.
2. To start smoking a cigarette, cigar, or pipe.
cast/shed/throw light on
To provide information about or clarify (something).
in (the) light of
In consideration of; in relationship to.
light a fire under
To urge or move to action.
light at the end of the tunnel
The prospect of success, relief, or escape after strenuous effort.
Usage Note: Lighted and lit are equally acceptable as past tense and past participle of light. Both forms are also well established as adjectives: a lighted (or lit) candle.
light 2
(līt)adj. light·er, light·est
a. Of relatively little weight; not heavy: a light load.
b. Of relatively little weight for its size or bulk: Balsa is a light wood.
c. Of less than the correct, standard, or legal weight: a light pound.
a. Designed for ease and quickness of movement; having a structure that is slim and has little weight for its type or class: light aircraft.
b. Designed to carry relatively little weight: light trucks.
c. Carrying little equipment or armament: light cavalry.
d. Requiring relatively little equipment and using relatively simple processes to produce consumer goods: light industry.
3. Exerting little force or impact; gentle: a light pat.
4. Indistinct; faint: light print that I could barely make out.
a. Low in quantity or intensity: light traffic; light snow.
b. Consuming or using relatively moderate amounts; abstemious: a light eater; a light smoker.
c. Not harsh or severe: gave the offender a light sentence.
6. Moving easily and quickly; nimble: You're very light on your feet.
a. Easy to perform or accomplish; requiring little effort: light chores.
b. Easy to bear or endure: a light tax.
a. Having little importance; insignificant: light conversation.
b. Intended primarily as entertainment and lacking serious or weighty content: a light comedy.
c. Not solemn or serious: spoke in a light manner of the situation.
d. Free from worries or troubles; blithe: a light heart.
9. Mildly dizzy or faint: felt light in the head.
10. Easily awakened or disturbed: a light sleeper.
a. Easily digested: a light supper.
b. Containing a relatively small amount of a potentially harmful ingredient, such as alcohol, fat, or sodium: light beer; light mayonnaise.
a. Having a spongy or flaky texture; well-leavened: light pastries.
b. Having a loose, porous consistency: light soil.
13. Linguistics
a. Of, relating to, or being a syllable ending in a short vowel or a short vowel plus a consonant.
b. Of, relating to, or being a vowel or syllable pronounced with little or no stress.
adv. lighter, lightest
1. In a light manner; lightly.
2. With little weight and few burdens: traveling light.
intr.v. light·ed or lit (lĭt), light·ing, lights
Phrasal Verbs: 1. To get down, as from a vehicle or horse; dismount.
2. To descend to the ground after flight; land.
3. To come upon one unexpectedly: Misfortune lighted upon him.
4. To come upon by chance or accident. Used with on or upon: lit on the perfect solution to the problem.
light into Informal
To attack verbally or physically; assail.
light out Informal
Idiom: To leave hastily; run off.
go light on
1. To use, acquire, or consume in small or moderate amounts: go light on the garlic.
2. To treat leniently.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. the medium of illumination that makes sight possible
2. (General Physics) Also called: visible radiation electromagnetic radiation that is capable of causing a visual sensation and has wavelengths from about 380 to about 780 nanometres
3. (not in technical usage) electromagnetic radiation that has a wavelength outside this range, esp ultraviolet radiation: ultraviolet light.
4. the sensation experienced when electromagnetic radiation within the visible spectrum falls on the retina of the eye.
5. anything that illuminates, such as a lamp or candle
6. See traffic light
7. a particular quality or type of light: a good light for reading.
a. illumination from the sun during the day; daylight
b. the time this appears; daybreak; dawn
9. anything that allows the entrance of light, such as a window or compartment of a window
10. the condition of being visible or known (esp in the phrases bring or come to light)
11. an aspect or view: he saw it in a different light.
12. mental understanding or spiritual insight
13. a person considered to be an authority or leader
14. brightness of countenance, esp a sparkle in the eyes
a. the act of igniting or kindling something, such as a cigarette
b. something that ignites or kindles, esp in a specified manner, such as a spark or flame
c. something used for igniting or kindling, such as a match
16. See lighthouse
a. the effect of illumination on objects or scenes, as created in a picture
b. an area of brightness in a picture, as opposed to shade
18. a poetic or archaic word for eyesight
19. the answer to a clue in a crossword
20. in light of in the light of in view of; taking into account; considering
21. light at the end of the tunnel hope for the ending of a difficult or unpleasant situation
22. out like a light quickly asleep or unconscious
23. see the light
a. to gain sudden insight into or understanding of something
b. to experience a religious conversion
24. see the light see the light of day
a. to come into being
b. to come to public notice
25. shed light on throw light on to clarify or supply additional information on
26. stand in a person's light to stand so as to obscure a person's vision
27. strike a light
a. (verb) to ignite something, esp a match, by friction
b. (interjection) Brit an exclamation of surprise
28. full of light; well-lighted
29. (of a colour) reflecting or transmitting a large amount of light: light yellow. Compare medium2, dark2
30. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics relating to or denoting an (l) pronounced with front vowel resonance; clear: the French "l" is much lighter than that of English. See dark9
vb, lights, lighting, lighted or lit (lɪt)
31. to ignite or cause to ignite
32. (often foll by up) to illuminate or cause to illuminate
33. to make or become cheerful or animated
34. (tr) to guide or lead by light
[Old English lēoht; related to Old High German lioht, Gothic liuhath, Latin lux]
ˈlightish adj
ˈlightless adj
1. not heavy; weighing relatively little
2. (General Physics) having relatively low density: magnesium is a light metal.
3. lacking sufficient weight; not agreeing with standard or official weights
4. not great in degree, intensity, or number: light rain; a light eater.
5. without burdens, difficulties, or problems; easily borne or done: a light heart; light work.
6. graceful, agile, or deft: light fingers.
7. not bulky or clumsy
8. not serious or profound; entertaining: light verse.
9. without importance or consequence; insignificant: no light matter.
10. frivolous or capricious
11. loose in morals
12. dizzy or unclear: a light head.
13. (of bread, cake, etc) spongy or well leavened
14. easily digested: a light meal.
15. (Brewing) relatively low in alcoholic content: a light wine.
16. (Agriculture) (of a soil) having a crumbly texture
17. (of a vessel, lorry, etc)
a. designed to carry light loads
b. not loaded
18. (Military) carrying light arms or equipment: light infantry.
19. (Commerce) (of an industry) engaged in the production of small consumer goods using light machinery. Compare heavy10
20. (Aeronautics) aeronautics (of an aircraft) having a maximum take-off weight less than 5670 kilograms (12 500 pounds)
21. (Chemistry) chem (of an oil fraction obtained from coal tar) having a boiling range between about 100° and 210°C
22. (Railways) (of a railway) having a narrow gauge, or in some cases a standard gauge with speed or load restrictions not applied to a main line
23. (Bridge) bridge
a. (of a bid) made on insufficient values
b. (of a player) having failed to take sufficient tricks to make his contract
24. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics prosody (of a syllable, vowel, etc) unaccented or weakly stressed; short. Compare heavy13 See also light130
25. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics the least of three levels of stress in an utterance, in such languages as English
26. light on informal lacking a sufficient quantity of (something)
27. make light of to treat as insignificant or trifling
28. a less common word for lightly
29. with little equipment, baggage, etc: to travel light.
vb (intr) , lights, lighting, lighted or lit (lɪt)
30. (esp of birds) to settle or land after flight
31. to get down from a horse, vehicle, etc
32. (foll by: on or upon) to come upon unexpectedly
33. to strike or fall on: the choice lighted on me.
[Old English lēoht; related to Dutch licht, Gothic leihts]
ˈlightish adj
ˈlightly adv
ˈlightness n
1. (Ecclesiastical Terms) God regarded as a source of illuminating grace and strength
2. (Christian Churches, other) Quakerism short for Inner Light
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(laɪt)n., adj. light•er, light•est, n.
1. something that makes things visible or affords illumination: All colors depend on light.
a. electromagnetic radiation to which the organs of sight react, ranging in wavelength from about 400 to 700 nanometers and propagated at a speed of 186,282 miles per second (299,972 km/sec).
b. electromagnetic radiation just beyond either end of the visible spectrum; ultraviolet or infrared radiation.
3. the sensation produced by stimulation of the organs of sight.
4. an illuminating agent or source, as the sun, a lamp, or a beacon.
5. the radiance or illumination from a particular source, as a candle or the sun.
6. the illumination from the sun; daylight, daybreak, or dawn.
7. daytime.
8. a particular light or illumination in which an object seen takes on a certain appearance: viewing the portrait in dim light.
9. a device for or means of igniting, as a spark, flame, or match.
10. a traffic light.
11. the aspect in which a thing appears or is regarded: Try to look at the situation in a better light.
12. Art.
a. the effect of light falling on an object or scene as represented in a picture.
b. one of the brightest parts of a picture.
13. a gleam or sparkle, as in the eyes.
14. a measure or supply of light; illumination.
15. spiritual illumination or awareness; enlightenment.
16. a window, or a pane or compartment of a window.
17. mental insight; understanding.
18. lights, the information, ideas, or mental capacities possessed: to act according to one's lights.
19. a lighthouse.
adj. 20. having light or illumination; bright; well-lighted.
21. pale, whitish, or not deep or dark in color: a light blue.
22. (of coffee or tea) containing enough milk or cream to produce a light color.
v.t. 23. to set burning, as a candle, lamp, fire, match, or cigarette; kindle; ignite.
24. to turn or switch on (an electric light): to light the lamp.
25. to give light to; furnish with light or illumination: to light a room.
26. to make (an area or object) bright with or as if with light (often fol. by up).
27. to cause (the face, surroundings, etc.) to brighten, esp. with joy, animation, or the like (often fol. by up): A smile lit up her face.
28. to guide or conduct with a light.
v.i. 29. to take fire or become kindled.
30. to ignite a cigar, cigarette, or pipe for purposes of smoking (usu. fol. by up).
31. to become illuminated when switched on: This table lamp won't light.
32. to become bright, as with light or color (often fol. by up): The sky lights up at sunrise.
33. to brighten with animation or joy, as the face or eyes (often fol. by up).
Idioms: 1. bring to light, to discover or reveal.
2. come to light, to be discovered or revealed.
3. in (the) light of, taking into account; because of; considering.
4. see the light,
a. to come into existence or prominence.
b. to understand something at last.
[before 900; Middle English; Old English lēoht (n.), c. Old Saxon, Old High German lioht]
(laɪt)adj.andadv. -er, -est. adj.
1. of little weight; not heavy: a light load.
2. of little weight in proportion to bulk; of low specific gravity: a light metal.
3. of less than the usual or average weight: light clothing.
4. weighing less than the proper or standard amount.
5. of small amount, force, intensity, etc.: a light rain; light sleep.
6. using or applying little or slight pressure or force.
7. not distinct; faint.
8. easy to endure, deal with, or perform; not difficult or burdensome: light duties.
9. not very profound or serious; amusing or entertaining: light reading.
10. of little importance or consequence; trivial: The loss of a job is no light matter.
11. easily digested: light food.
12. not rich or heavy: a light snack.
13. (of alcoholic beverages)
a. not heavy or strong: a light apéritif.
b. (esp. of beer and wine) having fewer calories and usu. a lower alcohol content than the standard product.
14. spongy or well-leavened, as cake.
15. (of soil) containing much sand; porous or crumbly.
16. slender or delicate in form or appearance.
17. airy or buoyant in movement; nimble or agile: light on one's feet.
18. free from trouble, sorrow, or worry; cheerful; carefree: a light heart.
19. characterized by lack of proper seriousness; frivolous.
20. sexually promiscuous; loose.
21. easily swayed; changeable; volatile.
22. dizzy; slightly delirious.
23. (of soldiers) lightly armed or equipped: light cavalry.
24. having little or no cargo, encumbrance, or the like; not burdened: a light freighter.
25. adapted by small weight or slight build for small loads or swift movement: a light truck.
26. using small-scale machinery primarily for the production of consumer goods: light industry.
27. (of a syllable)
adv. a. unstressed.
b. short.
28. without much or extra baggage: to travel light.
29. lightly.
[before 900; Middle English; Old English lēoht, līht, c. Old Saxon līht-, Old High German līht, Old Norse lēttr, Gothic leihts]
(laɪt)v.i. light•ed or lit, light•ing.
1. to get down or descend, as from a horse or a vehicle.
2. to come to rest, as on a spot or thing; fall or settle upon; land: The bird lighted on the branch.
3. to come by chance; happen; hit (usu. fol. by on or upon): to light on a clue.
4. to settle on a place or person: The choice lighted upon our candidate.
5. light into, to attack physically or verbally.
6. light out, Informal. to depart quickly.
[before 900; Middle English lihten, Old English līhtan to make light, relieve of a weight; see light2]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
(līt)1. A form of electromagnetic energy that can be perceived by the human eye. It is made up of electromagnetic waves that travel at a speed of about 186,282 miles (299,728 kilometers) per second.
2. Electromagnetic energy that cannot be perceived by the human eye, as infrared light and ultraviolet light. See Note at electromagnetic radiation.
The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
the study of the chemical effects of light in the violet and ultraviolet wavelengths. — actinologic, actinological, adj.
the measurement of the heating power of light in the violet and ultraviolet range. — actinometrist, n. — actinometric, actinometrical, adj.
the ratio between the light reflected from a surf ace and the total light falling upon that surf ace, as the albedo of the moon.
double refraction; the separation of light into two unequally refracted, polarized rays, as by some crystals. — birefringent, adj.
the study of the reflection and refraction of light. — catadioptric, catadioptrical, adj.
the study of light reflection. — catoptric, catoptrical, adj. — catoptrically, adv.
the condition or quality of changing in color or luster depending on the angle of light, especially of a gemstone that reflects a single shaft of light when cut in cabochon form. — chatoyant, adj.
a property, peculiar to certain crystals, of reflecting light in two different colors when viewed from two different directions. — dichroic, adj.
the study of light refraction. — dioptric, adj.
the state or condition of being colored like a rainbow or like the light shining through a prism. — iridescent, adj.
a polished black glass, the surface of which becomes iridescent when it is breathed upon through a tube.
rotation toward the left; counterclockwise rotation, a characteristic of the plane of polarization of light. — levorotatory, adj.
the process of impressing porcelain objects, as lamp bases, with figures that become translucent when light is placed within or behind them. — lithophanic, adj.
any thing or creature that shines or glows in the dark, especially a phosphorescent or bioluminescent marine or other organism. — noctilucine, adj.
the study of the properties of light. Also called photology. — optic, optical, adj.
the study of signal lights, especially lighthouses.
an abnormal fear of daylight.
pain in the eyes caused by light.
an abnormal fear of photalgia.
the study of light.
1. an apparatus that regulates light flashes so that a rotating object appears to be stationary or moving in a direction opposite to its actual motion.
2. an apparatus for producing unusual optical effects by flashing light upon disks bearing various figures, patterns, etc.
2. an apparatus for producing unusual optical effects by flashing light upon disks bearing various figures, patterns, etc.
the science or study of light in relation to the movement of plants. — photodynamic, photodynamical, adj.
the process or art of creating and recording images of people, objects, and phenomena, essentially by means of reflected light or emanating radiation. — photographer, n. — photographic, photographical, adj.
movement of bodies, organisms, etc., in response to the stimulus of light. — photokinetic, adj.
the breakdown of matter or materials under the influence of light. — photolytic, adj.
an abnormal love of light.
the measurement of the intensity of light. — photometrician, photometrist, n. — photometric, adj.
a pathologic effect produced by light. — photopathic, adj.
the tendency to thrive in strong light, as plants. — photophilic, adj.
1. an abnormal fear of light.
2. Also called photodysphoria. a painful sensitivity to light, especially visually.
3. a tendency to thrive in reduced light, as certain plants.
2. Also called photodysphoria. a painful sensitivity to light, especially visually.
3. a tendency to thrive in reduced light, as certain plants.
the synthesis of complex organic substances from carbon dioxide, water, and inorganic salts, with sunlight as the energy source and a catalyst such as chlorophyll. — photosynthetic, adj.
the movement of an organism away from or toward a source of light. — phototactic, adj.
the treatment of disease, especially diseases of the skin, with light rays. — phototherapeutic, adj.
motion in a particular direction under the stimulus of light, as manifested by certain plants, organisms, etc. — phototropic, adj.
the measurement of the polarization of light, as with a polarimeter.
an abnormal fear or dislike of flashes of light.
a photograph of a spectrum. Also called spectrograph.
1. an optical device for breaking light down into a spectrum and recording the results photographically.
2. spectrogram. — spectrographic, adj.
2. spectrogram. — spectrographic, adj.
the technique of using a spectrograph and producing spectrograms.
a form of Iuminescence created by friction. — triboluminescent, adj.
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
If you light something such as a cigarette or candle, you make it start burning. The past tense and -ed participle of light is either lit or lighted. Lit is more common.
He lit a cigarette.
I lighted a candle.
You can say that a street, building, or room is lit or is lighted by a particular kind of light, for example electricity.
...a room lit by candles.
The room was lighted by a very small, dim bulb.
For both meanings of light, you use lighted, not 'lit', in front of a noun.
Mitchell took the lighted cigarette from his lips.
I noticed a lighted window across the street.
However, after an adverb you use lit.
...a freshly lit cigarette.
...the dimly lit department store.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Past participle: lit/lighted
Gerund: lighting
Imperative |
light |
light |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Electromagnetic radiation withwavelengths visible to the eye.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
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Noun | 1. | ![]() natural philosophy, physics - the science of matter and energy and their interactions; "his favorite subject was physics" actinic radiation, actinic ray - electromagnetic radiation that can produce photochemical reactions light beam, ray, ray of light, beam of light, shaft of light, irradiation, beam, shaft - a column of light (as from a beacon) candle flame, candlelight - the light provided by a burning candle corona - one or more circles of light seen around a luminous object counterglow, gegenschein - a faint spot of light in the night sky that appears directly opposite the position of the sun; a reflection of sunlight by micrometeoric material in space daylight - light during the daytime electromagnetic spectrum - the entire frequency range of electromagnetic waves firelight - the light of a fire (especially in a fireplace) fluorescence - light emitted during absorption of radiation of some other (invisible) wavelength friar's lantern, ignis fatuus, jack-o'-lantern, will-o'-the-wisp - a pale light sometimes seen at night over marshy ground gaslight - light yielded by the combustion of illuminating gas glowing, radiance, glow - the amount of electromagnetic radiation leaving or arriving at a point on a surface glow - a steady even light without flames half-light - a greyish light (as at dawn or dusk or in dim interiors) incandescence, glow - the phenomenon of light emission by a body as its temperature is raised lamplight - light from a lamp luminescence - light not due to incandescence; occurs at low temperatures shooting star, meteor - a streak of light in the sky at night that results when a meteoroid hits the earth's atmosphere and air friction causes the meteoroid to melt or vaporize or explode moonlight, moonshine, Moon - the light of the Moon; "moonlight is the smuggler's enemy"; "the Moon was bright enough to read by" starlight - the light of the stars scintillation - (physics) a flash of light that is produced in a phosphor when it absorbs a photon or ionizing particle streamer - light that streams; "streamers of flames" torchlight - light from a torch or torches twilight - the diffused light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon but its rays are refracted by the atmosphere of the earth |
2. | ![]() fairy light - a small colored light used for decoration (especially at Christmas) flood lamp, floodlight, photoflood, flood - light that is a source of artificial illumination having a broad beam; used in photography headlamp, headlight - a powerful light with reflector; attached to the front of an automobile or locomotive houselights - lights that illuminate the audience's part of a theater or other auditorium jacklight - a light used as a lure in hunting or fishing at night navigation light - light on an airplane that indicates the plane's position and orientation; red light on the left (port) wing tip and green light on the right (starboard) wing tip night-light - light (as a candle or small bulb) that burns in a bedroom at night (as for children or invalids) panel light - a light to illuminate an instrument panel room light - light that provides general illumination for a room sconce - a candle or flaming torch secured in a sconce searchlight - a light source with reflectors that projects a beam of light in a particular direction running light, sidelight - light carried by a boat that indicates the boat's direction; vessels at night carry a red light on the port bow and a green light on the starboard bow source of illumination - any device serving as a source of visible electromagnetic radiation strip lighting - light consisting of long tubes (instead of bulbs) that provide the illumination theater light - any of various lights used in a theater torch - a light usually carried in the hand; consists of some flammable substance | |
3. | light - a particular perspective or aspect of a situation; "although he saw it in a different light, he still did not understand" perspective, view, position - a way of regarding situations or topics etc.; "consider what follows from the positivist view" | |
4. | ![]() physical property - any property used to characterize matter and energy and their interactions illuminance, illumination - the luminous flux incident on a unit area incandescence - light from heat glow, luminescence - light from nonthermal sources | |
5. | light - an illuminated area; "he stepped into the light" scene - the place where some action occurs; "the police returned to the scene of the crime" | |
6. | ![]() | |
7. | light - the visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures; "he could paint the lightest light and the darkest dark" visual property - an attribute of vision gloriole, halo, nimbus, aura, aureole, glory - an indication of radiant light drawn around the head of a saint sunniness - lightness created by sunlight highlighting, highlight - an area of lightness in a picture brightness - the location of a visual perception along a continuum from black to white | |
8. | light - a person regarded very fondly; "the light of my life" friend - a person you know well and regard with affection and trust; "he was my best friend at the university" | |
9. | ![]() illumination - the degree of visibility of your environment | |
10. | light - mental understanding as an enlightening experience; "he finally saw the light"; "can you shed light on this problem?" | |
11. | ![]() expression, look, face, facial expression, aspect - the feelings expressed on a person's face; "a sad expression"; "a look of triumph"; "an angry face" | |
12. | light - public awareness; "it brought the scandal to light" general knowledge, public knowledge - knowledge that is available to anyone | |
13. | ![]() | |
14. | light - a visual warning signal; "they saw the light of the beacon"; "there was a light at every corner" visual signal - a signal that involves visual communication traffic light, traffic signal, stoplight - a visual signal to control the flow of traffic at intersections | |
15. | light - a device for lighting or igniting fuel or charges or fires; "do you have a light?" device - an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose; "the device is small enough to wear on your wrist"; "a device intended to conserve water" fuze, fuse, primer, priming, fuzee, fusee - any igniter that is used to initiate the burning of a propellant friction match, match, lucifer - lighter consisting of a thin piece of wood or cardboard tipped with combustible chemical; ignites with friction; "he always carries matches to light his pipe"; "as long you've a lucifer to light your fag" match - a burning piece of wood or cardboard; "if you drop a match in there the whole place will explode" | |
Verb | 1. | light - make lighter or brighter; "This lamp lightens the room a bit" lighten up, lighten - become lighter; "The room lightened up" floodlight - illuminate with floodlights spotlight - illuminate with a spotlight, as in the theater |
2. | light - begin to smoke; "After the meal, some of the diners lit up" | |
3. | ![]() | |
4. | light - cause to start burning; subject to fire or great heat; "Great heat can ignite almost any dry matter"; "Light a cigarette" reignite - ignite anew, as of something burning; "The strong winds reignited the cooling embers" conflagrate, enkindle, kindle, inflame - cause to start burning; "The setting sun kindled the sky with oranges and reds" combust, burn - cause to burn or combust; "The sun burned off the fog"; "We combust coal and other fossil fuels" light up - ignite; "The sky lit up quickly above the raging volcano" flare up - ignite quickly and suddenly, especially after having died down; "the fire flared up and died down once again" | |
5. | light - fall to somebody by assignment or lot; "The task fell to me"; "It fell to me to notify the parents of the victims" devolve, return, fall, pass - be inherited by; "The estate fell to my sister"; "The land returned to the family"; "The estate devolved to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead" fall - to be given by assignment or distribution; "The most difficult task fell on the youngest member of the team"; "The onus fell on us"; "The pressure to succeed fell on the youngest student" | |
6. | ![]() horseback riding, riding - travel by being carried on horseback | |
Adj. | 1. | light - of comparatively little physical weight or density; "a light load"; "magnesium is a light metal--having a specific gravity of 1.74 at 20 degrees C" heavy - of comparatively great physical weight or density; "a heavy load"; "lead is a heavy metal"; "heavy mahogany furniture" |
2. | light - (used of color) having a relatively small amount of coloring agent; "light blue"; "light colors such as pastels"; "a light-colored powder" white - being of the achromatic color of maximum lightness; having little or no hue owing to reflection of almost all incident light; "as white as fresh snow"; "a bride's white dress" dark - (used of color) having a dark hue; "dark green"; "dark glasses"; "dark colors like wine red or navy blue" | |
3. | light - of the military or industry; using (or being) relatively small or light arms or equipment; "light infantry"; "light cavalry"; "light industry"; "light weapons" heavy - of the military or industry; using (or being) the heaviest and most powerful armaments or weapons or equipment; "heavy artillery"; "heavy infantry"; "a heavy cruiser"; "heavy guns"; "heavy industry involves large-scale production of basic products (such as steel) used by other industries" | |
4. | light - not great in degree or quantity or number; "a light sentence"; "a light accent"; "casualties were light"; "light snow was falling"; "light misty rain"; "light smoke from the chimney" heavy - unusually great in degree or quantity or number; "heavy taxes"; "a heavy fine"; "heavy casualties"; "heavy losses"; "heavy rain"; "heavy traffic" | |
5. | light - psychologically light; especially free from sadness or troubles; "a light heart" heavy - marked by great psychological weight; weighted down especially with sadness or troubles or weariness; "a heavy heart"; "a heavy schedule"; "heavy news"; "a heavy silence"; "heavy eyelids" | |
6. | light - characterized by or emitting light; "a room that is light when the shutters are open"; "the inside of the house was airy and light" dark - devoid of or deficient in light or brightness; shadowed or black; "sitting in a dark corner"; "a dark day"; "dark shadows"; "dark as the inside of a black cat" | |
7. | light - (used of vowels or syllables) pronounced with little or no stress; "a syllable that ends in a short vowel is a light syllable"; "a weak stress on the second syllable" unstressed - not bearing a stress or accent; "short vowels are unstressed" | |
8. | light - easily assimilated in the alimentary canal; not rich or heavily seasoned; "a light diet" digestible - capable of being converted into assimilable condition in the alimentary canal | |
9. | light - (used of soil) loose and large-grained in consistency; "light soil" loose - not compact or dense in structure or arrangement; "loose gravel" | |
10. | ![]() pure - free of extraneous elements of any kind; "pure air and water"; "pure gold"; "pure primary colors"; "the violin's pure and lovely song"; "pure tones"; "pure oxygen" | |
11. | ![]() light-footed - (of movement) having a light and springy step; "a light-footed girl" | |
12. | light - demanding little effort; not burdensome; "light housework"; "light exercise" undemanding - requiring little if any patience or effort or skill; "the pay was adequate and the job undemanding"; "simple undemanding affection"; "an undemanding boss" | |
13. | light - of little intensity or power or force; "the light touch of her fingers"; "a light breeze" heavy - of great intensity or power or force; "a heavy blow"; "the fighting was heavy"; "heavy seas" | |
14. | light - (physics, chemistry) not having atomic weight greater than average; "light water is ordinary water" chemical science, chemistry - the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions heavy - (physics, chemistry) being or containing an isotope with greater than average atomic mass or weight; "heavy hydrogen"; "heavy water" | |
15. | light - weak and likely to lose consciousness; "suddenly felt faint from the pain"; "was sick and faint from hunger"; "felt light in the head"; "a swooning fit"; "light-headed with wine"; "light-headed from lack of sleep" | |
16. | light - very thin and insubstantial; "thin paper"; "light summer dresses" thin - of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section; "thin wire"; "a thin chiffon blouse"; "a thin book"; "a thin layer of paint" | |
17. | light - marked by temperance in indulgence; "abstemious with the use of adverbs"; "a light eater"; "a light smoker"; "ate a light supper" temperate - not extreme in behavior; "temperate in his habits"; "a temperate response to an insult"; "temperate in his eating and drinking" | |
18. | light - less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so; "a light pound"; "a scant cup of sugar"; "regularly gives short weight" insufficient, deficient - of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement; "insufficient funds" | |
19. | light - having little importance; "losing his job was no light matter" unimportant, insignificant - devoid of importance, meaning, or force | |
20. | light - intended primarily as entertainment; not serious or profound; "light verse"; "a light comedy" frivolous - not serious in content or attitude or behavior; "a frivolous novel"; "a frivolous remark"; "a frivolous young woman" | |
21. | light - silly or trivial; "idle pleasure"; "light banter"; "light idle chatter" frivolous - not serious in content or attitude or behavior; "a frivolous novel"; "a frivolous remark"; "a frivolous young woman" | |
22. | light - designed for ease of movement or to carry little weight; "light aircraft"; "a light truck" light-duty - not designed for heavy work; "a light-duty detergent" | |
23. | light - having relatively few calories; "diet cola"; "light (or lite) beer"; "lite (or light) mayonnaise"; "a low-cal diet" | |
24. | ![]() shallow - not deep or strong; not affecting one deeply; "shallow breathing"; "a night of shallow fretful sleep"; "in a shallow trance" | |
25. | ![]() unchaste - not chaste; "unchaste conduct" | |
Adv. | 1. | light - with few burdens; "experienced travellers travel light" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. brightness, illumination, luminosity, luminescence, ray of light, flash of light, shining, glow, blaze, sparkle, glare, gleam, brilliance, glint, lustre, radiance, incandescence, phosphorescence, scintillation, effulgence, lambency, refulgence Cracks of light filtered through the shutters.
brightness dark, shadow, cloud, shade, darkness, dusk, obscurity
brightness dark, shadow, cloud, shade, darkness, dusk, obscurity
2. lamp, bulb, torch, candle, flare, beacon, lighthouse, lantern, taper You get into the music and lights, and the people around you.
4. aspect, approach, attitude, context, angle, point of view, interpretation, viewpoint, slant, standpoint, vantage point He has worked hard to portray New York in a better light.
5. understanding, knowledge, awareness, insight, information, explanation, illustration, enlightenment, comprehension, illumination, elucidation At last the light dawned. He was going to get married!
understanding mystery
understanding mystery
bring something to light reveal, expose, unveil, show, discover, disclose, show up, uncover, unearth, lay bare The truth is unlikely to be brought to light by this enquiry.
come to light be revealed, appear, come out, turn up, be discovered, become known, become apparent, be disclosed, transpire Nothing about this sum has come to light.
in the light of something considering, because of, taking into account, bearing in mind, in view of, taking into consideration, with knowledge of In the light of this information, we can now identify a number of issues.
light something up illuminate, light, brighten, lighten, floodlight, irradiate, make brighter Can you light up just one half of the stage?
light up
1. cheer, shine, blaze, sparkle, animate, brighten, lighten, irradiate Sue's face lit up with surprise.
2. shine, flash, beam, blaze, sparkle, flare, glare, gleam, flicker a keypad that lights up when you pick up the handset
shed or throw light on something explain, clarify, make clear, clear up, simplify, make plain, elucidate A new approach may shed light on the problem.
"And God said, Let there be light; and there was light" Bible: Genesis
"And God said, Let there be light; and there was light" Bible: Genesis
1. insubstantial, thin, delicate, lightweight, easy, slight, portable, buoyant, airy, flimsy, underweight, not heavy, transportable, lightsome, imponderous Try to wear light, loose clothes.
insubstantial heavy
insubstantial heavy
2. weak, soft, gentle, moderate, slight, mild, faint, indistinct a light breeze
weak strong, forceful
weak strong, forceful
4. digestible, small, restricted, modest, frugal, not rich, not heavy wine and cheese or other light refreshment
digestible rich, substantial
digestible rich, substantial
5. undemanding, easy, simple, moderate, manageable, effortless, cushy (informal), untaxing, unexacting He was on the training field for some light work yesterday.
undemanding strenuous, burdensome
undemanding strenuous, burdensome
6. insignificant, small, minute, tiny, slight, petty, trivial, trifling, inconsequential, inconsiderable, unsubstantial She confessed her astonishment at her light sentence.
insignificant serious, weighty
insignificant serious, weighty
7. light-hearted, pleasing, funny, entertaining, amusing, diverting, witty, trivial, superficial, humorous, gay, trifling, frivolous, unserious a light entertainment programme
light-hearted serious, sombre
light-hearted serious, sombre
8. carefree, happy, bright, lively, sunny, cheerful, animated, merry, gay, airy, frivolous, cheery, untroubled, blithe, light-hearted to finish on a lighter note
light on or upon something
2. come across, find, discover, encounter, stumble on, hit upon, happen upon the kind of thing that philosophers lighted upon.
light out (U.S.) run away, escape, depart, make off, abscond, quit, do a runner (slang), scarper (Brit. slang), do a bunk (Brit. slang), fly the coop (U.S. & Canad. informal), skedaddle (informal), take a powder (U.S. & Canad. slang), take it on the lam (U.S. & Canad. slang) I lit out of the door and never went back again.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
light 1
noun1. Electromagnetic radiation that makes vision possible:
2. The act of physically illuminating or the condition of being filled with light:
3. The particular angle from which something is considered:
1. To cause to burn or undergo combustion:
Slang: torch.
Idioms: set afire, set fire to.
2. To provide, cover, or fill with light:
light 2
adjective1. Having little weight; not heavy:
Idiom: light as a feather.
4. Amusing but essentially empty and frivolous:
5. Free from care or worry:
To come to rest on the ground:
light into
phrasal verb
light on or upon
To find or meet by chance:
bump into, chance on (or upon), come across, come on (or upon), find, happen on (or upon), run across, run into, stumble on (or upon), tumble on.
Archaic: alight on (or upon).
Idiom: meet up with.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
světlosvětlýzapálitlehkýnáhodou padnout na
bjarturljóskveikjalenda á, koma niîur áléttur
가벼운밝은불을 붙이다빛
svetloľahšínatrafiť na
ánh sángnhạtnhẹsángsáng sủa
1 [laɪt] (lit or lighted (vb: pt, pp))A. N
1. (= not darkness) → luz f
she was sitting with her back to the light or with the light behind her → estaba sentada de espaldas a la luz
the light was beginning to fade → estaba empezando a oscurecer
her hair is almost black in certain lights → según como le da la luz tiene el pelo casi negro
against the light → al trasluz
to hold sth against the light → acercar algo a la luz, mirar algo al trasluz
by the light of the moon/a candle → a la luz de la luna/de una vela
at first light → al rayar el día
you're (standing) in my light → me quitas la luz, me haces sombra
light and shade → luz y sombra (Art) → claroscuro m
to hold sth up to the light → acercar algo a la luz, mirar algo al trasluz
to see (a) light at the end of the tunnel → ver la salida del túnel, ver una solución al problema
to bring sth to light → sacar algo a la luz
to shed or throw or cast light on sth → arrojar luz sobre algo
in the cold light of day → a la luz del día (fig) → pensándolo con calma
to come to light → salir a la luz (pública)
new facts have come to light → han salido a la luz nuevos datos
(the) light dawned on him/her → se dio cuenta, comprendió
to hide one's light (under a bushel) → quitarse importancia, ser modesto
he was the light of her life → era la niña de sus ojos
to see the light (Rel) → ver la luz; (= understand) → abrir los ojos, ver la luz (hum)
to see the light (of day) → ver la luz (del día)
see also leading B
she was sitting with her back to the light or with the light behind her → estaba sentada de espaldas a la luz
the light was beginning to fade → estaba empezando a oscurecer
her hair is almost black in certain lights → según como le da la luz tiene el pelo casi negro
against the light → al trasluz
to hold sth against the light → acercar algo a la luz, mirar algo al trasluz
by the light of the moon/a candle → a la luz de la luna/de una vela
at first light → al rayar el día
you're (standing) in my light → me quitas la luz, me haces sombra
light and shade → luz y sombra (Art) → claroscuro m
to hold sth up to the light → acercar algo a la luz, mirar algo al trasluz
to see (a) light at the end of the tunnel → ver la salida del túnel, ver una solución al problema
to bring sth to light → sacar algo a la luz
to shed or throw or cast light on sth → arrojar luz sobre algo
in the cold light of day → a la luz del día (fig) → pensándolo con calma
to come to light → salir a la luz (pública)
new facts have come to light → han salido a la luz nuevos datos
(the) light dawned on him/her → se dio cuenta, comprendió
to hide one's light (under a bushel) → quitarse importancia, ser modesto
he was the light of her life → era la niña de sus ojos
to see the light (Rel) → ver la luz; (= understand) → abrir los ojos, ver la luz (hum)
to see the light (of day) → ver la luz (del día)
see also leading B
2. (= lamp) → luz f
in the distance I could see the lights of a town → a lo lejos veía las luces de una ciudad
to switch on or turn on the light → encender la luz
to switch off or turn off the light → apagar la luz
lights out → hora f de apagar las luces
what time is lights out? → ¿a qué hora se apagan las luces?
to go out like a light (= fall asleep) → dormirse al instante; (= lose consciousness) → caer (en) redondo
see also bright C
see also runway C
in the distance I could see the lights of a town → a lo lejos veía las luces de una ciudad
to switch on or turn on the light → encender la luz
to switch off or turn off the light → apagar la luz
lights out → hora f de apagar las luces
what time is lights out? → ¿a qué hora se apagan las luces?
to go out like a light (= fall asleep) → dormirse al instante; (= lose consciousness) → caer (en) redondo
see also bright C
see also runway C
4. (Aut) (on vehicle) → luz f
rear or tail lights → pilotos mpl, luces fpl traseras, calaveras fpl (Mex)
reversing lights → luces fpl de marcha atrás
rear or tail lights → pilotos mpl, luces fpl traseras, calaveras fpl (Mex)
reversing lights → luces fpl de marcha atrás
5. (= traffic signal) → semáforo m
a red/green/amber light → un semáforo en rojo/verde/ámbar
to go through a red light → saltarse un semáforo en rojo
the lights → el semáforo
the lights were at or on red → el semáforo estaba en rojo
the lights were against us all the way → nos tocaron todos los semáforos en rojo
see also green D
a red/green/amber light → un semáforo en rojo/verde/ámbar
to go through a red light → saltarse un semáforo en rojo
the lights → el semáforo
the lights were at or on red → el semáforo estaba en rojo
the lights were against us all the way → nos tocaron todos los semáforos en rojo
see also green D
6. (= viewpoint)
according to or by sb's lights (frm) → según el parecer de algn
to see things/look at sth in a different or new light → ver las cosas/mirar algo con una perspectiva distinta or desde otro punto de vista
I began to see my friends in a new light → empecé a ver a mis amigos con otros ojos
to show or portray sth/sb in a good/bad light → dar una buena/mala imagen de algo/algn
this shows our country in a bad light → esto da una mala imagen de nuestro país
in the light of what you have said → en vista de or a la luz de lo que has dicho ...
according to or by sb's lights (frm) → según el parecer de algn
to see things/look at sth in a different or new light → ver las cosas/mirar algo con una perspectiva distinta or desde otro punto de vista
I began to see my friends in a new light → empecé a ver a mis amigos con otros ojos
to show or portray sth/sb in a good/bad light → dar una buena/mala imagen de algo/algn
this shows our country in a bad light → esto da una mala imagen de nuestro país
in the light of what you have said → en vista de or a la luz de lo que has dicho ...
7. (= glint, twinkle) → brillo m
there was a strange light in his eye → había un brillo extraño en su mirada
there was a strange light in his eye → había un brillo extraño en su mirada
8. (= flame)
have you got a light? (for cigarette) → ¿tienes fuego?
to set light to sth (Brit) → prender fuego a algo
see also strike B3
have you got a light? (for cigarette) → ¿tienes fuego?
to set light to sth (Brit) → prender fuego a algo
see also strike B3
B. ADJ (lighter (compar) (lightest (superl)))
D. VI (= ignite) → encenderse, prender
the fire wouldn't light → el fuego no se encendía, el fuego no prendía
the fire wouldn't light → el fuego no se encendía, el fuego no prendía
E. CPD light bulb N → bombilla f, foco m (Andes), bombillo m (Col, Ven)
light fitting N instalación eléctrica donde se colocan bombillas, tubos fluorescentes, etc
light meter N (Phot) → fotómetro m
light pen N → lápiz m óptico
light show N → espectáculo m de luces
light switch N → interruptor m
light wave N → onda f luminosa
light year N → año m luz
3000 light years away → a una distancia de 3000 años luz
light fitting N instalación eléctrica donde se colocan bombillas, tubos fluorescentes, etc
light meter N (Phot) → fotómetro m
light pen N → lápiz m óptico
light show N → espectáculo m de luces
light switch N → interruptor m
light wave N → onda f luminosa
light year N → año m luz
3000 light years away → a una distancia de 3000 años luz
light out (o.f.) VI + ADV → largarse (for para)
light up
2. (= light cigarette) → encender un cigarrillo
B. VT + ADV → iluminar
2 [laɪt]A. ADJ (lighter (compar) (lightest (superl)))
1. (in weight) [object, clothing, equipment] → ligero, liviano (LAm); [step] → ligero
I want to be ten pounds lighter → quiero adelgazar diez libras
I'm ten pounds lighter than I was → peso diez libras menos que antes
to be light on one's feet → ser ligero de pies
with a light heart (= cheerfully) → con el corazón alegre; (= without thinking) → a la ligera
you need a light touch to make good pastry → necesitas manos de seda para conseguir una buena masa
as light as a feather → ligero como una pluma
I want to be ten pounds lighter → quiero adelgazar diez libras
I'm ten pounds lighter than I was → peso diez libras menos que antes
to be light on one's feet → ser ligero de pies
with a light heart (= cheerfully) → con el corazón alegre; (= without thinking) → a la ligera
you need a light touch to make good pastry → necesitas manos de seda para conseguir una buena masa
as light as a feather → ligero como una pluma
2. (= scanty, slight) [breeze] → leve, suave; [shower] → ligero
a light rain was falling → lloviznaba
a light fall of snow → una ligera nevada
trading was light on the Stock Exchange → hubo poca actividad en la Bolsa
traffic was light → había poco tráfico
the speech was light on content → el discurso tenía poco contenido
a light rain was falling → lloviznaba
a light fall of snow → una ligera nevada
trading was light on the Stock Exchange → hubo poca actividad en la Bolsa
traffic was light → había poco tráfico
the speech was light on content → el discurso tenía poco contenido
4. (= low-alcohol) → de bajo contenido alcohólico, de bajo contenido en alcohol; (= low-calorie) → light, bajo en calorías; (= low-tar) → light, de bajo contenido en alquitrán
5. (= soft) [sound] → leve; [voice] → suave
there was a light tapping on the door → se oyeron unos golpecitos a la puerta
there was a light tapping on the door → se oyeron unos golpecitos a la puerta
6. (= not demanding) [work, duties] → ligero
she can only manage light work → sólo puede realizar tareas ligeras
to make light work of sth → hacer algo con facilidad
she can only manage light work → sólo puede realizar tareas ligeras
to make light work of sth → hacer algo con facilidad
7. (= not serious) [novel, music] → ligero
to make light of sth → quitar importancia a algo
on a lighter note → hablando de cosas menos serias
take along some light reading → llévate algo fácil de leer
to make light of sth → quitar importancia a algo
on a lighter note → hablando de cosas menos serias
take along some light reading → llévate algo fácil de leer
8. (= not harsh) [sentence] → leve
9. (= shallow)
she had drifted into a light sleep → se había quedado medio dormida
to be a light sleeper → tener el sueño ligero
she had drifted into a light sleep → se había quedado medio dormida
to be a light sleeper → tener el sueño ligero
10. (= loose) [soil] → poco denso
C. N
1. lights (Culin) (o.f.) → pulmones mpl
2. (= cigarette) → cigarrillo m light, cigarrillo m de bajo contenido en alquitrán
D. CPD light aircraft N → avión m ligero
light ale N → cerveza f rubia, cerveza f clara
light entertainment N (TV) → programas mpl de variedades
a stand-up comedian provided light entertainment → un humorista amenizó la velada
light industry N → industria f ligera
light infantry N → infantería f ligera
light opera N (= show) → opereta f; (= genre) → género m lírico
light verse N → poesías fpl festivas
light ale N → cerveza f rubia, cerveza f clara
light entertainment N (TV) → programas mpl de variedades
a stand-up comedian provided light entertainment → un humorista amenizó la velada
light industry N → industria f ligera
light infantry N → infantería f ligera
light opera N (= show) → opereta f; (= genre) → género m lírico
light verse N → poesías fpl festivas
3 [laɪt] (lit or lighted (pt, pp)) VI to light on sth (liter) → dar con algo, tropezar con algo, encontrar algoCollins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈlaɪt] n
[sun, lamp] → lumière f
artificial light → la lumière artificielle
there's light at the end of the tunnel → on voit le bout du tunnel
artificial light → la lumière artificielle
there's light at the end of the tunnel → on voit le bout du tunnel
(indicating exposure, revelation) to come to light (= become known) [fact, information] → être mis(e) mise au jour
it has come to light that ... → il s'est avéré que ...
It has come to light that he was lying → Il s'est avéré qu'il mentait.
to be brought to light [fact, information] → être mis(e) mise au jour
The truth is unlikely to be brought to light by the enquiry → Il est peu probable que l'enquête fasse émerger la vérité.
to cast light on sth, to shed light on sth (= clarify) → éclaircir qch, éclairer qch
This casts light on a problem which I mentioned last year → Cela éclaire le problème que j'ai mentionné l'année dernière.
to cast a new light on sth → apporter un nouvel éclairage sur qch
to throw light on sth → éclaircir qch, éclairer qch
in the light of sth (= given) → à la lumière de qch
In the light of this information it is now possible to identify a number of key issues → On peut maintenant, à la lumière de cette information, identifier un certain nombre de problèmes clés.
light dawned on me (= at last I understood) → la lumière se fit dans mon esprit
it has come to light that ... → il s'est avéré que ...
It has come to light that he was lying → Il s'est avéré qu'il mentait.
to be brought to light [fact, information] → être mis(e) mise au jour
The truth is unlikely to be brought to light by the enquiry → Il est peu probable que l'enquête fasse émerger la vérité.
to cast light on sth, to shed light on sth (= clarify) → éclaircir qch, éclairer qch
This casts light on a problem which I mentioned last year → Cela éclaire le problème que j'ai mentionné l'année dernière.
to cast a new light on sth → apporter un nouvel éclairage sur qch
to throw light on sth → éclaircir qch, éclairer qch
in the light of sth (= given) → à la lumière de qch
In the light of this information it is now possible to identify a number of key issues → On peut maintenant, à la lumière de cette information, identifier un certain nombre de problèmes clés.
light dawned on me (= at last I understood) → la lumière se fit dans mon esprit
(= aspect) to present sth in a favourable light → présenter qch sous un jour favorable
in a better light → sous un meilleur jour
in a better light → sous un meilleur jour
(= lamp) → lumière f
There's a light by my bed → Il y a une lampe près de mon lit., Il y a une lumière près de mon lit
Do you need a light? → Tu as besoin d'une lumière?
to switch on the light, to turn the light on → allumer la lumière
to switch off the light, to turn the light off → éteindre la lumière
The janitor comes round to turn the lights off → Le gardien passe pour éteindre les lumières.
to go out like a light (= fall asleep quickly) → s'endormir en un clin d'œil
There's a light by my bed → Il y a une lampe près de mon lit., Il y a une lumière près de mon lit
Do you need a light? → Tu as besoin d'une lumière?
to switch on the light, to turn the light on → allumer la lumière
to switch off the light, to turn the light off → éteindre la lumière
The janitor comes round to turn the lights off → Le gardien passe pour éteindre les lumières.
to go out like a light (= fall asleep quickly) → s'endormir en un clin d'œil
(= headlamp) → phare m
(for cigarette) have you got a light? → avez-vous du feu?
(= fire) to set light to sth (mainly British) → mettre le feu à qch
(= not dark) [colour] → clair(e)
a light blue sweater → un pull bleu clair
a light blue shirt → une chemise bleu clair
a light blue sweater → un pull bleu clair
a light blue shirt → une chemise bleu clair
(= full of light) [room] → lumineux/euse
(= not night) to be light → faire jour
It was still light when we arrived → Il faisait encore jour lorsque nous sommes arrivés.
It was still light when we arrived → Il faisait encore jour lorsque nous sommes arrivés.
(= not heavy) [clothes] → léger/ère; [metal] → léger/ère; [rain] → léger/ère; [sleep] → léger/ère; [traffic] → fluide
The traffic is usually lighter on Sundays → La circulation est habituellement plus fluide le dimanche.
There was a light knock at the door
BUT On entendit frapper doucement à la porte.
a light jacket → une veste légère
a light meal → un repas léger
The traffic is usually lighter on Sundays → La circulation est habituellement plus fluide le dimanche.
There was a light knock at the door
BUT On entendit frapper doucement à la porte.
a light jacket → une veste légère
a light meal → un repas léger
(= not severe) [sentence] → léger/ère
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
:light barrier
n → Lichtschranke f
light bulb
n → Glühlampe or -birne f
light-coloured, (US) light-colored
adj comp <lighter-colo(u)red>, superl <lightest-colo(u)red> → hell
light cream
n (US) = single cream
light-emitting diode
n → Leuchtdiode f
adj → lichtecht
adj comp <lighter-fingered>, superl <lightest-fingered> → langfingerig
adj comp <lighter-footed>, superl <lightest-footed> → leichtfüßig
adj, light-handedly
adv → geschickt
adj comp <lighter-headed>, superl <lightest-headed> → benebelt (inf); (= dizzy also) → benommen; (= tipsy also) → angeheitert; (with fever) → wirr (im Kopf); (= frivolous) → oberflächlich, leichtfertig; I felt quite light when I heard I’d passed the exam → ich wurde ganz ausgelassen or übermütig, als ich hörte, dass ich die Prüfung bestanden hatte; wine makes me light → Wein steigt mir in den Kopf
n → benebelter Zustand; (= dizziness) → Benommenheit f; (= tipsy state) → angeheiterter Zustand; (with fever) → Verwirrtsein nt; (= frivolity) → Oberflächlichkeit f, → Leichtfertigkeit f; (= elation) → Ausgelassenheit f, → Übermut m
adj → unbeschwert, unbekümmert; chat → zwanglos; reply → scherzhaft; book, film → fröhlich, vergnüglich; look at life → heiter, unbekümmert; comedy → leicht
n → Unbeschwertheit f, → Unbekümmertheit f; (of chat) → Zwanglosigkeit f; (of reply) → Scherzhaftigkeit f; (of book, film) → Fröhlichkeit, Vergnüglichkeit f; (= amusing nature) → Heiterkeit f
light heavyweight
n → Leuchtturm m
lighthouse keeper
n → Leuchtturmwärter(in) m(f)
:light meter
n → Belichtungsmesser m
adj → oberflächlich, leichtfertig
:light pen
n (Comput) → Lichtgriffel m, → Lichtstift m
light pollution
(in a city) → Lichtüberflutung f
(Astrol) → Lichtverschmutzung f
adj → lichtundurchlässig
light railway
n → Leichteisenbahn f; Docklands Light Railway Schnellbahn in den Londoner Docklands
n → Feuerschiff nt
light show
n → Lightshow f
light signal
n → Leuchtzeichen nt, → Lichtsignal nt
adj comp <lighter-skinned>, superl <lightest-skinned> → hellhäutig
light switch
n → Lichtschalter m
light water reactor
n → Leichtwasserreaktor m
light wave
n → (Licht)welle f
adj → leicht; (fig) → schwach; light boxer → Leichtgewichtsboxer(in) m(f); the light boxing championship → die Boxmeisterschaft im Leichtgewicht
n → Leichtgewicht nt; (= person) → Leichtgewichtler(in) m(f); (fig) → Leichtgewicht nt; he is regarded as a light in academic circles → er wird in akademischen Kreisen nicht für voll genommen
light year
1 vb: pret, ptp <lit or lighted>n
(in general) → Licht nt; by the light of a candle/the fire → im Schein einer Kerze/des Feuers; light and shade → Licht und Schatten; at first light → bei Tagesanbruch; hang the picture in a good light → häng das Bild ins richtige Licht; to cast or throw or shed light on something (lit) → etw beleuchten; (fig also) → Licht in etw (acc) → bringen; the moon cast its silvery light on … → der Mond beleuchtete … silbern or warf sein silbernes Licht auf (+acc) → …; to cast a new or fresh light on something → neues Licht auf etw (acc) → werfen; to be in somebody’s light (lit) → jdm im Licht stehen; in the cold light of day (fig) → bei Licht besehen; the harsh light of reality → die raue Wirklichkeit; this story shows his character in a bad light → diese Geschichte wirft ein schlechtes Licht auf seinen Charakter; to see somebody/something in a different light → jdn/etw in einem anderen Licht sehen; it showed him in a different light → es zeigte ihn in einem anderen Licht; I don’t see things in that light → ich sehe die Dinge anders or in einem anderen Licht; to see something in a new light → etw mit anderen Augen betrachten; in the light of → angesichts (+gen); the theory, seen in the light of recent discoveries → die Theorie im Licht(e) der neuesten Entdeckungen betrachtet; in the light of what you say → in Anbetracht dessen, was Sie sagen; to bring something to light → etw ans Tageslicht bringen; to come to light → ans Tageslicht kommen; to see the light (liter) (= be born) → das Licht der Welt erblicken (liter); (= be made public) → veröffentlicht werden; finally I saw the light (inf) → endlich ging mir ein Licht auf (inf); (morally) → endlich wurden mir die Augen geöffnet; to see the light of day (report) → veröffentlicht werden; (project) → verwirklicht werden; the light dawned (fig) → mir ging ein Licht auf (inf); to go out like a light → sofort weg sein (inf)
→ Licht nt; (= lamp) → Lampe f; (= fluorescent light) → Neonröhre f; put out the lights before you go to bed → mach das Licht aus, bevor du ins Bett gehst; all the lights went out during the storm → während des Sturms gingen alle Lichter aus; (traffic) lights → Ampel f; the lights (of a car) → die Beleuchtung; all ships must show a light while at sea → alle Schiffe müssen auf See Lichter führen; lights out (Mil) → Zapfenstreich m; lights out for the boys was at 8 pm → um 20 Uhr mussten die Jungen das Licht ausmachen; lights out! → Licht aus(machen)!; to hide one’s light under a bushel (prov) → sein Licht unter den Scheffel stellen (prov); the lights are on but nobody’s (at) home (fig inf) → er/sie ist geistig weggetreten (inf)
(= flame) have you (got) a light? → haben Sie Feuer?; to put a light to something, to set light to something → etw anzünden
(Archit) → (Dach)fenster nt; (= skylight) → Oberlicht nt; leaded lights → in Blei gefasste Fensterscheiben
adj (+er) → hell; a light green dress → ein hellgrünes Kleid; it’s getting or growing light → es wird hell; it is light now → es ist jetzt hell or Tag
(= illuminate) → beleuchten; lamp, light → anmachen; a smile lit her face → ein Lächeln erhellte ihr Gesicht; to light the way for somebody → jdm leuchten; (fig) → jdm den Weg weisen; his pioneering work lit the way for a whole generation of scholars → seine Pionierarbeit war wegweisend für eine ganze Gelehrtengeneration
2adj (+er) → leicht; taxes → niedrig; punishment → milde; to give somebody light weight → jdm zu wenig abwiegen; she has a very light touch on the piano → sie hat einen sehr weichen Anschlag; to be a light eater → wenig essen, kein großer Esser sein; light comedy → Lustspiel nt, → Schwank m; light opera → Operette f; light reading → Unterhaltungslektüre f; a light and cheerful approach to life → eine unbeschwerte, fröhliche Einstellung zum Leben; with a light heart → leichten Herzens; as light as air or a feather → federleicht; a bit light in the head (= crazy) → nicht ganz richtig im Kopf; (= tipsy) → angeheitert; (= dizzy) → benommen; to be light on one’s feet → sich leichtfüßig bewegen; to make light of one’s difficulties → seine Schwierigkeiten auf die leichte Schulter nehmen; you shouldn’t make light of her problems → du solltest dich über ihre Probleme nicht lustig machen; to make light work of → spielend fertig werden mit
3vi pret, ptp <lighted or lit> (liter) → sich niederlassen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
1 [laɪt] (lit or lighted (vb: pt, pp))1. n
a. (gen) → luce f
electric light → illuminazione f or luce elettrica
at first light → alle prime luci dell'alba
by the light of the moon → alla luce della luna, al chiaro di luna
in the cold light of day (also) (fig) → alla luce del giorno
you're (standing) in my light → mi fai ombra
to hold sth up to or against the light → tenere qc controluce
electric light → illuminazione f or luce elettrica
at first light → alle prime luci dell'alba
by the light of the moon → alla luce della luna, al chiaro di luna
in the cold light of day (also) (fig) → alla luce del giorno
you're (standing) in my light → mi fai ombra
to hold sth up to or against the light → tenere qc controluce
b. (fig) in the light of → alla luce di
to bring to light → portare alla luce
to come to light → venire in luce, emergere
to cast or shed or throw light on → gettare or far luce su
I was hoping that you could shed some light on it (for me) → speravo che tu potessi darmi dei chiarimenti su questo
to see the light (Rel) → convertirsi (fig) → ravvedersi
to reveal sb/sth in a new light → mostrare qn/qc sotto una nuova luce
according to my lights (frm) → secondo quanto mi è dato da capire
to bring to light → portare alla luce
to come to light → venire in luce, emergere
to cast or shed or throw light on → gettare or far luce su
I was hoping that you could shed some light on it (for me) → speravo che tu potessi darmi dei chiarimenti su questo
to see the light (Rel) → convertirsi (fig) → ravvedersi
to reveal sb/sth in a new light → mostrare qn/qc sotto una nuova luce
according to my lights (frm) → secondo quanto mi è dato da capire
c. (single light) → luce f; (lamp) → luce, lampada (Aut, Aer) → fanale m, faro, luce
to turn the light on/off → accendere/spegnere la luce
rear lights → luci di posizione posteriori
the (traffic) lights were red → il semaforo era rosso
to turn the light on/off → accendere/spegnere la luce
rear lights → luci di posizione posteriori
the (traffic) lights were red → il semaforo era rosso
d. (flame) → fiamma
pilot light (on stove, water heater) → fiammella di sicurezza
have you got a light? (for cigarette) → hai da accendere?
to put a light to sth → dar fuoco a qc
pilot light (on stove, water heater) → fiammella di sicurezza
have you got a light? (for cigarette) → hai da accendere?
to put a light to sth → dar fuoco a qc
2. adj (-er (comp) (-est (superl)))
3. vt
a. (illuminate) → illuminare, rischiarare
to light sb's way → far luce a qn
lit by electricity → illuminato/a elettricamente
to light sb's way → far luce a qn
lit by electricity → illuminato/a elettricamente
b. (cigarette, fire, candle) → accendere
to light a bonfire → accendere un falò
to light the fire → accendere il fuoco
to light a bonfire → accendere un falò
to light the fire → accendere il fuoco
4. vi (ignite) → accendersi
light up
1. vi + adv
a. (lamp) → accendersi; (face, eyes) → illuminarsi
b. (fam) (smoke) → accendersi una sigaretta (or la pipa )
2. vt + adv → illuminare, rischiarare
2 [laɪt]1. adj (-er (comp) (-est (superl))) (gen) → leggero/a
light ale → birra chiara
some light reading → una lettura leggera
she is a light sleeper → ha il sonno leggero
as light as a feather → leggero/a come una piuma
to be light on one's feet → avere il passo leggero
with a light heart → a cuor leggero
to make light work of sth → fare qc con molta facilità
to make light of sth (fig) → prendere alla leggera qc, non dar peso a qc
light ale → birra chiara
some light reading → una lettura leggera
she is a light sleeper → ha il sonno leggero
as light as a feather → leggero/a come una piuma
to be light on one's feet → avere il passo leggero
with a light heart → a cuor leggero
to make light work of sth → fare qc con molta facilità
to make light of sth (fig) → prendere alla leggera qc, non dar peso a qc
2. adv (travel) → leggero, con poco bagaglio
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(lait) noun1. the brightness given by the sun, a flame, lamps etc that makes things able to be seen. It was nearly dawn and the light was getting stronger; Sunlight streamed into the room.
2. something which gives light (eg a lamp). Suddenly all the lights went out.
3. something which can be used to set fire to something else; a flame. Have you got a light for my cigarette?
4. a way of viewing or regarding. He regarded her action in a favourable light.
adjective1. having light; not dark. The studio was a large, light room.
2. (of a colour) pale; closer to white than black. light green.
verb – past tense, past participle lit (lit) , ˈlighted – 1. to give light to. The room was lit only by candles.
2. to (make something) catch fire. She lit the gas; I think this match is damp, because it won't light.
ˈlightness nounˈlighten verb
to make or become brighter. The white ceiling lightened the room; The sky was lightening.
ˈlighter noun something used for lighting (a cigarette etc).
ˈlighting noun a means of providing light. The lighting was so bad in the restaurant that we could hardly see.
lighthouse noun a building built on rocks, coastline etc with a (flashing) light to guide or warn ships.
ˈlight-year noun the distance light travels in a year (nearly 9.5 million million kilometres).
bring to light to reveal or cause to be noticed. The scandal was brought to light by the investigations of a journalist.
come to light to be revealed or discovered. The manuscript came to light in a box of books at an auction.
in the light of taking into consideration (eg new information). The theory has been abandoned in the light of more recent discoveries.
light up1. to begin to give out light. Evening came and the streetlights lit up.
2. to make, be or become full of light. The powerful searchlight lit up the building; She watched the house light up as everyone awoke.
3. to make or become happy. Her face lit up when she saw him; A sudden smile lit up her face.
see the light1. to be born, discovered, produced etc. After many problems his invention finally saw the light (of day).
2. to be converted to someone else's point of view etc.
set light to to cause to begin burning. He set light to the pile of rubbish in his garden.
(lait) adjective1. easy to lift or carry; of little weight. I bought a light suitcase for plane journeys.
2. easy to bear, suffer or do. Next time the punishment will not be so light.
3. (of food) easy to digest. a light meal.
4. of less weight than it should be. The load of grain was several kilos light.
5. of little weight. Aluminium is a light metal.
6. lively or agile. She was very light on her feet.
7. cheerful; not serious. light music.
8. little in quantity; not intense, heavy, strong etc. light rain.
9. (of soil) containing a lot of sand.
ˈlightly adverbˈlightness noun
ˈlighten verb
to make or become less heavy. She lightened her suitcase by taking out several pairs of shoes; The postman's bag of parcels lightened as he went from house to house.
ˌlight-ˈfingered adjective inclined to steal things.
ˌlight-ˈheaded adjective dizzy and giddy.
ˌlight-ˈhearted adjective happy and free from anxiety; not grave or serious. a light-hearted mood.
ˈlightweight adjective light in weight. a lightweight raincoat.
get off lightly to escape or be allowed to go without severe punishment etc.
make light of to treat (problems etc) as unimportant.
travel light to travel with little luggage.
(lait) : light on – past tense, past participle lit (lit) – verb to find by chance. While wandering round the town, we lit on a very cheap restaurant.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ خَفِيفٌ, ضَوْء, ضَوْءٌ, فَاتِـح, مُضِيءٌ, يُضِيئُ lehký, světlo, světlý, zapálit let, lys, lyse-, oplyse beleuchten, hell, leicht, Licht απαλός, ελαφρύς, φως, φωτεινός, φωτίζω claro, encender, iluminar, ligero, luz kevyt, vaalea, valaista, valo, valoisa allumer, clair, lampe, léger, lumière lagan, svijetao, svijetlao, svjetlo, upaliti chiaro, illuminare, leggero, luce ともす, 光, 明るい, 淡い, 軽い 가벼운, 밝은, 불을 붙이다, 빛 lamp, licht, ontbranden lett, lys, lyse jasny, lampka, lekki, światło, zapalić acender, claro, iluminar, leve, luz зажигать, легкий, свет, светильник, светлый lätt, ljus, lyse, tända เบา, แสง, แสงสว่าง, จุดไฟ, ซีด, สว่าง açık, hafif, ışık, yakmak ánh sáng, nhạt, nhẹ, sáng, thắp sáng 光亮, 光源, 明亮的, 淡的, 点燃, 轻的Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n. luz; lumbre;
___ absorption → absorción de la ___;
___ adaptation → adaptación de la ___;
___ perception → percepción de la ___;
___ reflex → reflejo de la ___;
___ therapy → fototerapia;
adv. ligeramente, levemente;
a. ligero-a, liviano-a claro-a, pálido-a;
___ -headed → [dizzy] mareado-a.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
- The oil warning light won't go off
- May I turn on the light? (US)
Can I switch the light on? (UK) - May I turn off the light? (US)
Can I switch the light off? (UK) - May I take it over to the light?
- The light doesn't work
- Do you have a light? (US)
Have you got a light? (UK)
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
adj (case of disease) leve; (touch) suave, ligero; (weight) ligero, liviano; — sleeper persona de sueño ligero; n luz fEnglish-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.