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Noun1.highwater - the tide when the water is highesthighwater - the tide when the water is highest  
tide - the periodic rise and fall of the sea level under the gravitational pull of the moon
direct tide - the occurrence of high tide on one side of the earth coinciding with high tide on the opposite side
neap, neap tide - a less than average tide occurring at the first and third quarters of the moon
springtide - a greater than average tide occurring during the new and full moons
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References in classic literature ?
"Here's where we can play real Robinson Crusoe, " Billy cried, as they crossed the hard sand from highwater mark to the edge of the water.
He took over at an historical highwater mark after the UEFA Cup final and with Boro still glowing from Cardiff the bar had been raised.
Ford (illustrator), Donovan Yaciuk (illustrator), Ryan Howe (illustrator), and Alicia Elliott (contributor); THIS PLACE; HighWater Press (Comics & Graphic Novels: Comics & Graphic Novels) 36.00 ISBN: 9781553797586
Illinois tops the list of seven states with long-term liability burdens that Fitch considers elevated (above 20% of personal income) with a highwater mark of 29%.
arolina Dock and Marine meets a need for docks in South Carolina, which has over 8,763 miles of shoreline along marsh-water, upland boundary and the highwater line beaches, according to a study by the Applied Coastal Research Lab at Georgia Southern University.
During the past five years, insurance revenue at the company reached a highwater mark of $4.3 million in 2014.
Preparing for the worst, about 9,700 National Guard troops and civilians were deployed with highwater vehicles, helicopters and boats that could be used to pluck people from the floodwaters.
But last season Celtic took 24 fewer points and scored 33 fewer goals than the previous year, albeit the 2017 invincible season was a highwater mark in history.
More than that, the recording is as significant for its lyrical beauty as it is for the irrepressible pop-rock vibe that the new sound of the 57-year-old Princeton and Yale alumnus has gracefully migrated to since he veered away from the Dylan-esque folk-and-country sensibility of 2015's 'Hell or Highwater.'