hedge off

Related to hedge off: hedge pink

w>hedge off

vt sepmit einer Hecke abgrenzen or abtrennen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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"We immediately upgraded our line of beef to hedge off any criticism after the restaurant changed hands," shares Scott.
A CAR crashed through a hedge off the A55 before coming to rest in the middle of a field.
Companies hedge off jet fuel as well as West Texas Intermediate and Brent crude oils and other refined products such as gasoline.
"Having been through a period of uncertainty, this is something that people want to hedge off."
Walker was pulled down on his way into the box by James Jennings, who was within a yard of conceding a penalty and was booked for his clumsy challenge, and Keates rolled the free kick sideways to Morrell, whose shot squeezed past Hedge off the inside of the post and made him the team's eighth different player to score this season.
y Walker was pulled down on his way into the box by James Jennings, who was within a yard of conceding penalty and was booked for his clumsy challenge, and Keates rolled the free kick sideways to Morrell, whose shot squeezed past Hedge off the inside of the post and made him the team's eighth different player to score this season.
Either the customer, or Alcan, can hedge off the LME price or on a formula with a pass-through of increases or decreases in the price, depending on the customer's needs."
Emergency services were called at 11.26am to cut a woman out of a silver Vauxhall Corsa which had driven through a hedge off the B5111 near Llangwyllog church.