grind down

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Verb1.grind down - rule a country as a tyrantgrind down - rule a country as a tyrant    
dictate - rule as a dictator
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w>grind down

vt sep (lit) (mill) pepper etczermahlen; (sea) rocksabschleifen; (fig) people, resistancezermürben; ground down by povertyvon Armut niedergedrückt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


(graind) past tense, past participle ground (graund) verb
1. to crush into powder or small pieces. This machine grinds coffee.
2. to rub together, usually producing an unpleasant noise. He grinds his teeth.
3. to rub into or against something else. He ground his heel into the earth.
boring hard work. Learning vocabulary is a bit of a grind.
ˈgrinder noun
a person or machine that grinds. a coffee-grinder.
ˈgrinding adjective
1. with a sound of grinding. The train came to a grinding stop.
2. severe. grinding poverty.
ˈgrindstone noun
a wheel-shaped stone against which knives are sharpened as it turns.
grind down
to crush. She was ground down by poverty.
grind up
to grind into powder or small pieces. This machine grinds up rocks.
keep (some)one's nose to the grindstone
to (force someone to) work hard, without stopping.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
They saw men who were strong oppress the weak and grind down the poor, and so they told the story of the Quest of the Holy Grail to try to make them a little better.
On such an evening, when the city grit gets into the hair and eyes and skin, and when the fallen leaves of the few unhappy city trees grind down in corners under wheels of wind, the schoolmaster and the pupil emerged upon the Leadenhall Street region, spying eastward for Lizzie.
We must not now reverse the wonder, and doubt whether all-powerful time can grind down mountains -- even the gigantic Cordillera -- into-gravel and mud.
Later his teeth grind down on politics and gristle.