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Related to gonadorelin: Gonadorelin acetate


n gonadorelina
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Ovsynch was performed with a combination of gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) (100 [micro]g gonadorelin, Fertagyl, MSD Animal Health, Unterschleissheim, Germany) on day 0, [PGF.sub.2a] on day 7, and GnRH on day 9.
Idiopathic CPP criteria were taken as follows: 1) the onset of budding in the breasts before the age of 8 years in girls, 2) determination of at least 1 year advanced bone age compared to chronological age, 3) the peak luteinizing hormone (LH) [greater than or equal to]5 mIU/mL examined with chemiluminescence immunoassay method after the exogenous GnRH (gonadorelin 100 [micro]g) intravenous injection, 4) a lack of a history suggesting a central nervous system disease and the presence of normal cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) symptoms (18).
The girls were diagnosed with ICPP if chronological age (CA) at onset of breast development was <8 years and peak luteinizing hormone (LH) level was more than 5 IU/L (5 mIU/mL) in response to 2.5 [micro]g/kg (maximum 0.1 mg) GnRH (0.1 mg Gonadorelin acetate, Ferring[R]) and if brain magnetic resonance imaging was normal.
The injection of gonadorelin causes not only luteotrophic support but also prevents the luteolytic mechanism by decreasing of plasma estradiol 17[beta] concentration and hence prohibits the rapid decreased of progesterone (Alaam et al., 1999).
Zhang, "Changes in bone mineral density and metabolic parameters after pulsatile gonadorelin treatment in young men with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism," International Journal of Endocrinology, vol.
Conclusions: Our data suggest that isolated use of the gonadorelin stimulation test is almost sufficient to discriminate between HH and CDP in males, but unnecessary in females.
Evaluation of the efficiency of D-Cloprostenol or Cloprostenol sodium and different doses of gonadorelin (0.10 mg vs 0.25 mg) in the ovsynch protocol in Holstein cows.
(2) Prior to surgery, gonadorelin analogues are used to reduce bleeding and decrease uterine volume.
He started medical ADT in the form of the anti-androgen cyproterone acetate initially, with subsequent monthly preparations of the gonadorelin analogue goserelin acetate 3.6 mg injections.