glue ear

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glue ear

(Pathology) accumulation of fluid in the middle ear in children, caused by infection and sometimes resulting in deafness
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In fact, until the age of 8, Johnson was severely deaf because of glue ear, a condition where the ear canal fills with fluid that can cause temporary hearing loss.
During childhood, a hearing condition known as glue ear is relatively common.
'Glue Ear' is best defined as the presence within the middle ear cleft of an effusion which may be serous, mucoid, serosanguinous with intact tympanic membrane.
"It got to grow the size of a satsuma, I'm very lucky to be here." It was down to Andrew's wife Julie, 37, who pushed for her husband to get a second opinion after doctors diagnosed him with glue ear, then gave him a dose of antibiotics and said he had a sinus issue.
It was down to Andrew's wife Julie, 37, who pushed for her husband to get a second opinion after doctors first diagnosed him with glue ear, then gave him a dose of antibiotics and then said he had a sinus issue.
The 37-year-old says he was misdiagnosed three times - with doctors saying it was a sinus problem or glue ear, a condition where the middle part of the ear fills up with fluid.
It was down to Andrew's caring wife Julie, 37, who pushed for her husband to get a second opinion after doctors first diagnosed him with glue ear, then gave him a dose of antibiotics and then said he had a sinus issue.
Claire has conductive hearing loss herself, having suffered with glue ear as a child.
Other procedures on the list of 17 include grommets for glue ear and tonsil removal, with the plans drawn up in consultation with the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
Many parents will have heard of glue ear, which can affect a child's hearing, sometimes to the extent that the child suffers temporary hearing loss.
Sometimes the mucus does not clear properly and 'glue ear' may develop.