geriatric ward

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geriatric ward

nPflegestation f (für alte Menschen), → Geriatriestation f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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A documentary crew follows the daily struggle to find beds on the Dusty Springfield Geriatric Ward, and the triumphs of the old people's choir.
Some beds had to be re-profiled due to the limited capacity of the infectious diseases ward, Fedaacutekovaacute noted, adding that some patients needed to be moved to the geriatric ward instead, while patients from the latter ward have been placed in other wards of the hospital.
But she discovered it was the geriatric ward she enjoyed the most, and nursing the elderly became her new passion.
She's already written the Bafta-winning Getting On, set in an NHS hospital geriatric ward, as well as it's spin-off about home care, Going Forward.
She packed plenty of it into her Bafta-winning sitcom Getting On, set on a geriatric ward. Now she's found the funny side to life in the social services.
ON THIS DAY LAST YEAR: Two healthcare assistants who abused elderly female patients on the geriatric ward of an under-fire hospital were jailed.
Biochemical and bacteriological investigation of six cases of purple urine bag syndrome (PUBS) in a geriatric ward for dementia.
The Ashoka Hall appeared more like a geriatric ward with Sisram Ola, Manikrao Gavit, Oscar Fernandes and Santosh Choudhury being wheeled in.
new Getting On BBC4, 10pm Jo Brand helped write and stars in this award-winning geriatric ward hospital sitcom.
Simon had wanted to work in the medical profession for some time and after undertaking some voluntary work in the geriatric ward at University Hospital of North Durham, he decided to go into nursing.
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