genus Artemisia

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Related to genus Artemisia: Roman wormwood
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Noun1.genus Artemisia - usually aromatic shrubs or herbs of north temperate regions and South Africa and western South America: wormwood; sagebrush; mugwort; tarragon
asterid dicot genus - genus of more or less advanced dicotyledonous herbs and some trees and shrubs
aster family, Asteraceae, Compositae, family Asteraceae, family Compositae - plants with heads composed of many florets: aster; daisy; dandelion; goldenrod; marigold; lettuces; ragweed; sunflower; thistle; zinnia
artemisia - any of various composite shrubs or herbs of the genus Artemisia having aromatic green or greyish foliage
mugwort - any of several weedy composite plants of the genus Artemisia
Artemisia abrotanum, southernwood - shrubby European wormwood naturalized in North America; sometimes used in brewing beer
absinthe, Artemisia absinthium, common wormwood, lad's love, old man - aromatic herb of temperate Eurasia and North Africa having a bitter taste used in making the liqueur absinthe
Artemisia annua, sweet wormwood - wormwood of southeastern Europe to Iran
Artemisia campestris, field wormwood - European wormwood similar to common wormwood in its properties
Artemisia filifolia, sand sage, silvery wormwood - silver-haired shrub of central and southern United States and Mexico; a troublesome weed on rangelands
Artemisia frigida, prairie sagewort, wormwood sage - silky-leaved aromatic perennial of dry northern parts of the northern hemisphere; has tawny florets
Artemis pontica, Roman wormwood - European wormwood; minor source of absinthe
Artemis spinescens, bud brush, bud sagebrush - a perennial that is valuable as sheep forage in the United States
Artemisia stelleriana, beach wormwood, old woman, dusty miller - herb with greyish leaves found along the east coast of North America; used as an ornamental plant
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References in periodicals archive ?
The genus Artemisia is one of the largest and most widely distributed genera of the family Asteraceae in Europe and North Africa, and its species have been characterized for their pronounced biological activities and are considered to produce most medicinally important secondary metabolites.
Sharma, "The genus Artemisia: a comprehensive review," Pharmaceutical Biology, vol.
Plants in the genus Artemisia repel a variety of common garden pests including cabbage looper, cabbage maggot, and the cabbage butterfly.
The genus Artemisia has many uses in traditional medicine, among which antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities have been reported for several species of the genus.
This is the first report the occurrence of 1 from the family Asteraceae, whereas 2, 5 and 6 from the genus Artemisia. Meantime, all the isolates (1-10) were evaluated for their anti-oxidative and inhibiting neutrophil elastase activities by the bioassays in vitro.
[22.] Bora KS, Sharma A (2011) The genus Artemisia: A comprehensive review.
Anthelminthic, antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of plant species of the Genus Artemisia (family Asteraceae) is widely studied and reported (4-5).
The genus Artemisia with some 400 species mainly in the Northern hemisphere is known for its extensive use in traditional medicine and for its wide range of biological activities including antimalarial, cytotoxic, antihepatotoxic, antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant activity [16].
The genus Artemisia, composed of small herbs and shrubs, is one of the largest and most widely distributed genera of the Asteraceae family.
The genus Artemisia is a rich source of biologically active natural products [14].
Although our analysis was limited to only 11 Artemisia species, we can conclude that artemisinin is not a lead compound for the genus Artemisia. These results are consistent with other investigations showing that artemisinin is present in some, but not ail Artemisia species (Liersch et al.