Just at that instant the landlord, who was standing at the gate of the inn, exclaimed, "Here comes a fine troop of guests; if they stop here we may say
Domenico Scarlatti: Sinfonie e Concerti -L'Arte dell' Arco (
Gaudeamus CD Gau 330)This generous disc has an extraordinary opening, with the sound of a marching tattoo to launch the tiny Sinfonia no.4 by Domenico Scarlatti.
(It would have been helpful if the setting of
Gaudeamus omnes in Domino appeared under "
Gaudeamus" - although the composer left that word to be sung in chant - rather than "omnes.") Appendix 3 presents transcriptions of certain extracts from primary sources, and appendix 5 contains editions of two pieces: the Villanueva Misa de los dobles majores and a polychoral magnificat setting by Pedro de Tafalla.
30 (compositions by Tomas Luis de Victoria) folios 1v - 19r Masses: a 4 Ave maris stella 19v - 41r a 5 De Beate Virgine 41v - 64r a 6
Gaudeamus 64v - 65r BLANK 65v - 71r Magnificats: a 4 Primi toni Anima mea 71V - 76r Et exsultavit 76v - 82r a 4 Quarti toni Anima mea 82v - 88r Et exsultavit 89v - 95r a 4 Octavi toni Anima mea 95v - 101r Et exsultavit 101v - 102r BLANK 102v - 107r Psalm: a 8 Nisi Dominus 107V - n4r Antiphon: a 8 Salve regina
Since then, Miss Beatrix has been a regular fixture in Group company, initially finishing well beaten behind
Gaudeamus in the Group 2 Debutante Stakes, and then second to Chanting in a Listed contest.
Bach: Violin Sonatas 2 - Jacqueline Ross, David Ponsford (
Gaudeamus CD GAU 308)This second volume in Jacqueline Ross' exploration of Johann Sebastian Bach's sonatas for violin and harpsichord continues the attractive programming idea of interleaving them with sonatas by his second son, Carl Philipp Emanuel.
The concert starts at 8pm on Friday, April 23 - St George's Day - and will be performed by vocal ensembles Cappella and
Gaudeamus, both featuring students from the University of Warwick.
The advent of the English Fantasy's recording Thomas Lupo: Consort music (
Gaudeamus CD GAU 149, rec 1995) is thus much to be welcomed, as it offers on disc a good cross-section of Lupo's surviving compositions.
In an insightful essay on "Josquin's Mass for All Saints" he interprets the composer's Missa
Gaudeamus as a work for All Saint's Day, deriving its cantus firmus from the liturgy for that feast and its structure from the Book of Revelation and its apocalyptic vision.
Miss Beatrix and Brazilian Bride finished third and fourth behind Holy Roman Emperor in the Phoenix Stakes, while Dimenticata renews rivalry with
Gaudeamus and Alexander Tango, having split that pair in the Group 2 Debutante Stakes at Leopardstown last month.
HHHHHMozart & Stadler Basset-horn Divertimenti (ASV
Gaudeamus) The quaint basset-horn, slightly more elongated than a clarinet (and therefore occasionally compressed, as witness the cover of this disc), has a sound almost as soul-baring as that of a saxophone.
Jim Bolger, trainer of
Gaudeamus (see preview) and Simonetta