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Noun1.gasolene - a volatile flammable mixture of hydrocarbons (hexane and heptane and octane etc.) derived from petroleumgasolene - a volatile flammable mixture of hydrocarbons (hexane and heptane and octane etc.) derived from petroleum; used mainly as a fuel in internal-combustion engines
gasohol - a gasoline substitute consisting of 90% gasoline and 10% grain alcohol from corn
leaded gasoline, leaded petrol - gasoline treated with a lead compound to reduce motor knocks; "combustion of leaded gasoline released lead into the air where it could cause lead poisoning"
fuel - a substance that can be consumed to produce energy; "more fuel is needed during the winter months"; "they developed alternative fuels for aircraft"
hydrocarbon - an organic compound containing only carbon and hydrogen
napalm - gasoline jelled with aluminum soaps; highly incendiary liquid used in fire bombs and flamethrowers
unleaded gasoline, unleaded petrol - gasoline that has not been treated with a lead compound
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جازولين، بَنْزين


(gӕs) noun
1. a substance like air. Oxygen is a gas.gas
2. any gas which is used for heating, cooking etc. gas
3. a gas which is used by dentists as an anaesthetic. anestesia
4. a poisonous or irritating gas used in war etc. The police used tear gas to control the riot.gas
verbpast tense, past participle gassed
to poison or kill (a person or animal) with gas. He was gassed during World War I.asfixiar con gas
gaseous (ˈgӕsiəs) adjective
of or like (a) gas. a gaseous substance.gaseoso
ˈgassy adjective
full of gas. gassy lemonade.gaseoso
ˈgassiness noun
estado gaseoso
gas chamber
a room in which people are killed by means of gas. Many people were sent to the gas chamber in World War II.cámara de gas
gas mask
something which is used to cover the face to prevent a person breathing poisonous gas. careta antigás
gas meter
an instrument which measures the amount of gas which is used. contador de gas
gasoline, gasolene (ˈgӕsəliːn) noun
(American. also gas) petrol.gasolina
gas station
(American) a petrol station. gasolinera
ˈgasworks noun singular
a place where gas is made. The gasworks is rather an ugly building. fábrica de gas
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
Port Adams is a salt-water village on Malaita, and Malaita is the most savage island in the Solomons--so savage that no traders or planters have yet gained a foothold on it; while, from the time of the earliest bˆche-de-mer fishers and sandalwood traders down to the latest labor recruiters equipped with automatic rifles and gasolene engines, scores of white adventurers have been passed out by tomahawks and soft-nosed Snider bullets.