free running

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free running

(Gymnastics) another name for parkour
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THE FOUNDER of a charity which stages free running events for children in Loughborough and nationwide has raised more than PS4,000 after completing one of the most gruelling fitness challenges in the world.
Nike has just teamed up with meditation app Headspace to make its excellent free running companion even better.
The sport of free running, more commonly known as parkour, has certainly become more popular in recent years.
Officers have now pledged promised to take action in the county to curb free running by youths.
Freerunning (or free running) is an acrobatic and athletic discipline founded by Sebastien Foucan, who wrote a book on the subject.
TRAGIC teenager Harry Kirkham had been 'free running' when he was struck by a police car in a Birmingham road, suffering fatal injuries, an inquest heard.
Brian, 16, believes the daredevil sport known as free running has calmed him down and helped him focus on a career.
The PS500,000, 35,000sq ft Infinite Air centre, at Soccarena in New Ferens Park is set to open later this month, with more than 80 giant interconnected trampolines as well as dodgeball and basketball courts, and space for free running.
Curtis says free running is something that comes naturally to him after his tree-climbing exploits as a youngster developed into climbing buildings.