foreign-exchange rate


foreign-exchange rate

سِعْرُ الصِّرْف devizový kurz vekselkurs Wechselkurs τιμή συναλλάγματος tipo de cambio vaihtokurssi taux de change tečaj tasso di cambio 為替レート 환율 wisselkoers vekslingskurs kurs wymiany walut taxa de câmbio валютный курс växlingskurs อัตราแลกเปลี่ยนเงิน döviz kuru tỷ giá hối đoái 兑换率
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
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Cathay Financial said that it has revised its net profit for the last fiscal year ended December 31 to TWD4.58bn (USD154.5m) from TWD8.23bn, after using the average intraday foreign-exchange rate instead of the daily closing rate.
The foreign-exchange rate, country of destination and currency code are indicated at the batch level.

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