

(Minerals) of, concerned with, or produced from fluorine or fluorspar
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As the only company which produces and sells diverse high-purity gases including fluoric, chloric, bromic, and ammoniac gases, SDK offers ideal gases for production processes of its customers.
Solution processing of aliphatic PAs is quite challenging due to the fact that only a few solvents, such as formic acid (FA) and cresol [2] or fluoric solvents [3], can dissolve them.
They also contain a small amount of protein, some good fats, and additional minerals including copper, sulphur and fluoric acid.
Remedies: Abrotanum, Acalypha, Apis, Aranea, Arsenicum lodatum, Atrax, Balsamum, Brucea, Bromium, Calcarea lodata, Calcarea Phosphorica, Cereus Bonplandii, Cimicifuga, Cistus, Coccus Cacti, Coffea, Drosera, Elaterium Euonymus, Ferrum lodatum, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Fluoric Acid, Ginseng, lodum Kali Phosphoricum, Lactrodectus, Magnesia Phosphorica, Mygale, Myristica, Myrtus Communis, Natrum Phosphoricum, Oleander, Phelandrium, Phosphorus, Pix, Rumex, Salix Niger, Sambucus, Senega, Succinic Acid, Tarantula, Theridion, Ustilago, Verbascum, Vespa.
Mesoporous silicon material was fabricated by electrochemical treatment of the entire 4 inches silicon wafer in the 1: 1 fluoric acid (48% HF): ethanol (96% EtOH) electrolyte.
M2 EQUITYBITES-February 8, 2012-UC Rusal and Phosagro sign contract for fluoric salts supply until 2034(C)2012 M2 COMMUNICATIONS http://www.m2.com
The 10 most common medications prescribed to the 47 participants who completed the study were: Calcarea fluoric, Rhus toxicodendron, Pulsatilla, Natrum muriaticum, Bryonia alba, Thuja occidentalis, Lycopodium clavatum, Kali carbonium, Arnica montana, Sepia officinalis.
Under PSR conditions, like in electroslag remelting, slag on basis of fluoric calcium, oxides of calcium, aluminium, magnesium, etc.
The company showcased release liners coated with tinted silicones or fluoric silicones, functional backside lacquers, embossed papers and films, and special substrates such as coated crepe paper and nonwovens.
v--Simple substances that so far ought to be looked at as elements (light, caloric, oxygen, hydrogen, azote; sulfur, phosphorus, carbon, muriatic radical, fluoric radical and boracic radical), vi- Significance of some words used by Kirwan, like acids (carbonic, fluoric, muriatic, nitric, nitromuriatic, sulfuric, tungstenic).