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n. Informal
Fan fiction.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Literary & Literary Critical Terms) fiction written around previously established characters invented by other authors
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"Fact or fanfic? Even while he was with Ginny, Harry was always in love with Draco," Grint read.
Ja na pagina de generos no site mencionado, podem-se encontrar varios: acao (82.187 fanfics), artes marciais (12.874 fanfics), aventura (63.143 fanfics), colegial (78.798 fanfics), comedia (85.190 fanfics), crossover (50.302 fanfics), drama/tragedia (110.881 fanfics), esporte (9.514 fanfics), familia (64.268 fanfics), fantasia (33.819 fanfics), terror e horror (22.761 fanfics), sobrenatural (23.456fanfics) e Sci-Fi (5) (1.545fanfics) etc.
Verduleros * Fanfic Amores Fanfiction Blog Expansion Verdaderos expansiva narrativa de (Bligoo, la telenovela en formato blog.
Census ( (Net)] SRETA a male and female given name recorded over 200 times in 8 different countries, mostly Serbia [Names] SRTAE* dubious name of Srtae Wera and Thai Aeaeza Srtae [Facebk] Someone called Srtae is an avid fanfic reader [ ] SRTEA* dubious surname of Vietnamese Pkuc Srtea and Catherine Srtea [Facebk] Short for S wedish R oad T ransport E mployers A ssociation [Net] STAER old Scots variant of stair [DOST] STARE a fixed gaze [OED] STEAR one of the weasel tribe [EDD] STERA town in southern Socotra, Yemen [GeoNames] STRAE Scots form of straw [OED] STREA dialectic form of straw [EDD] TAERS Shetland Islands and Cornish form of tears [EDD] TAESR* Arabic(?) male given name, e.g.
The Huffington Post discussed whether Meloy's satire might harm serious erotic fanfic
She wrote on Twitter, under her handle of alex-stylesxxx: "When I first saw him I was reading a fanfic about him and scrolling down Insta looking at him."
As a methodology, cultural studies challenges the hegemony of Literature both in terms of the canon--and so inquiring into mass or popular culture, pulp fiction, fanfic, and the like--and as medium--and so including among its objects visual culture, music, film, and the digital.
Fanfic, cosplay, cons, memes, podcasts, vlogs, OTPs, RPGs and MMOs and more--it's a great time to be a girl geek!
Synopsis: Fanfic, cosplay, cons, books, memes, podcasts, vlogs, OTPs and RPGs and MMOs and more--it's never been a better time to be a girl geek.