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A name by which one people or social group refers to another and by which the group so named does not refer to itself.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


a name given to a place by foreigners: Londres is an exonym of London.
[C20: from Greek ex-1 + -onym]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The K in K-pop is an exonym, for to local citizens the country is known as 'DaeHan Minguk".
(3.) Punan Murung is an exonym, referring to the area in which members of the group live, between the headwaters of the upper part of the Murung River (Hoffman 1986, p.
By using an unusual optic of analyzing rituals around spirit cults or nats, de Mersan shows that the Kala exonym was not always used pejoratively but only to denote the foreign origin of the bearer--be it a nat or a human.
In any case, it is in a sense an exonym: when speaking Tidung, people do not use the term 'Tidung' but rather ulun pagun, 'the people of the village.' For many older Tidung, the term 'Dayak' has not always been relevant, and ulun daud (upstream people, M.
(6) In this paper I have chosen to use continue using the exonym "Ganza" in order to avoid confusion with other language groups of the region such as the Uduk [udu], who also use the autonym "Gwami" (Krell 2011:10), and the similar-sounding Gwama [kwq].
The fact that in the same document the Romanian ethnic group is designated by two different but synonymous ethnonyms (Valachus and Romanus) is not in the least surprising and by no means unprecedented, as this was the time when the world was beginning to find out that the Romanians had both an exonym and an endonym.
"Pomaks" is an exonym to name Slavic-speaking citizens in Bulgaria and neighboring countries who are traditionally Muslim.
According to him and to Hylkema, Kupel or Kufel was an exonym (Appell 1968: 2) that the Star Mountains people applied to people living to their north and west (1974: 5, IV 1).
The revived Qin Empire (also attested as Jenasdan in Patmowt'yown Hayoc' (Armenian History) of Movses Xorenac'i (ca.410~ca.490) {of this exonym, the first morpheme (Jena) is etymologically identical to Qin [79E6 [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] (qin/tan), cf.
(22) It is exactly where my study aims, as the colocations used instead of the exonym commonly in use were discursively replaced by some other relevant ethnophaulisms.
(2.) The term Dayak is an exonym used to refer to the various indigenous groups in Kalimantan.