exchange transfusion

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: transfusion - slow removal of a person's blood and its replacement with equal amounts of a donor's blood
blood transfusion, transfusion - the introduction of blood or blood plasma into a vein or artery
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ex·change trans·fu·sion

n. ex-sanguinotransfusión, transfusión gradual y simultánea de sangre al recipiente mientras se saca la sangre del donante.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
[5,17], and [28,9,12,29] Further no neonate needed exchange transfusion in highly reassuring that intervention is quite safe and not associated with pathological rise in serum bilirubin level.
Phototherapy and exchange transfusion decisions were made according to the AAP's guidelines and high-density light-emitting diode phototherapy was initiated on all patients (2).
an exchange transfusion - where your baby's blood is removed and replaced with blood from a matching donor.
Exchange transfusion for babesiosis when, how, and how long?
Given her multiorgan failure, the patient was transferred to a tertiary care center for exchange transfusion. At transfer, she was delirious and was admitted to the intensive care unit.
Saad, "The effects of exchange transfusion for prevention of complications during pregnancy of sickle hemoglobin C disease patients," Transfusion, vol.
The earlier reports suggests that exchange transfusion is the effective management of methemoglobinemia but which was later found with least benefit, probably due to large volume of distribution of dapsone.
Some patients with minor blood group incompatibility may be asymptomatic or clinical pictures ranging from active hemolysis to neonatal jaundice requiring exchange transfusion may be observed (2, 3).
Neonatal significant jaundice is defined as leveled of at 14 mg/dL at 4 days in preterm infants and 17 mg/dL in term infants requiring phototherapy or exchange transfusion to lower the total serum bilirubin concentration.2 Many factors including race, geography, genetics, nutrition, maternal factors such as drug usage, presence of diabetes mellitus, birth weight, gestational age and congenital infections can increase the incidence of pathologic neonatal jaundice.
In addition to funding the proposed Phase III ReCePI study, the newly exercised options include support for a clinical study in the UK to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Intercept red blood cells in patients undergoing exchange transfusion for sickle cell disease.