References in classic literature ?
He was not so much interested in surgery as in medicine, which, a more empirical science, offered greater scope to the imagination.
It is your own empirical generalization, and it is correct.
Human life and its persons are poor empirical pretensions.
I think it could be shown that this statement is hardly correct; but naturalists differ most widely in determining what characters are of generic value; all such valuations being at present empirical. Moreover, on the view of the origin of genera which I shall presently give, we have no right to expect often to meet with generic differences in our domesticated productions.
We may take as one of the best and most typical representatives of this school the Austrian psychologist Brentano, whose "Psychology from the Empirical Standpoint,"* though published in
It is due, moreover, to the immediacy and abstractness of the Category as well as to the fact that Reason as it first comes on the scene also reverts to the viewpoint of Sense-certainty, that it appears to Reason that it must seek a further object, namely, the sensuous empirical "filling" or "content" for this abstract Category.
Empirical methods, including data analytics, allow extracting knowledge and insights from the data that organizations collect from their processes and tools, and from the opinions of the experts who practice these processes and methods.
The Empirical family of companies, with its 19+ years of operational experience, can decrease your time to market by 20%-30% and achieve regulatory clearance--the first time.
In the 1970s, economics research was more theoretical than it is today, and theoretical papers were cited far more than empirical ones.
Over the last decade empirical legal studies have become a popular subfield of legal research.