


[ˈdʌstklaʊd] Npolvareda f
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
'Oatmeal': Dry slide of Bob's Red mill / Extra Thick Rolled Oats / off the scoop--// tiny dustcloud / settling like ash / from stirred coals.
The instigators of the biggest circle pit of the three days were thrash titans Exodus who invoked a tidal wave of flailing arms and legs that kicked up a dustcloud to match that of a wildebeest stampede in the Maasai Mara.
But Javier Mascherano hopes every dustcloud has a silver lining as he aims to fill a significant hole in his Anfield curriculum vitae.
So, while it'll be nice to see Miss Deal kicking up a dustcloud of noise in the 21st century, it'll always play second fiddle to what the public, young and old, would really love to see...
As I watched a dustcloud chasing a raggedy pickup from a long way down the road, I felt an internal response.
Scientists believe the impact caused a huge 10,000C cloud of steam hot, tidal waves and a giant dustcloud which blocked out the sun, killing off species of animals.
SCOTS scientists are to investigate whether dustclouds in space may have led to life on Earth.
They rocket out over the ground, whipping up slurry dustclouds that swoop in the side mirrors, scaling down the mountain in a panic, Pearson lighting cigarettes like ammunition, taking large swigs from a jelly jar filled with white liquor.
During a conference of World Tourism Organization, an Air China aircraft carrying one of the delegates had to be diverted to Shanghai due to heavy dustclouds that temporarily closed Beijing airport.
Of dustclouds, swirling, from a passing Greyhound bus.