Tally concludes the book with a discussion of utopia as a dangerous project, and the idea that any map approaching actual utopia would need constant revision and to contain the caveat, "Hic Sunt
Dracones" (Here, There Be Dragons).
Enquanto pratica propositiva, o mapa da continuidade a historia do mapa como relato, esse territorio de projecao da ciencia-ficcao sob a forma da duvida, e nao da certeza: hic sunt
I was reminded of Renaissance maps with vast spaces labeled terra incognita, or, playing on my Artaudian vision, hic sunt
Portions of this paper were presented under the title Hic Sunt
Dracones: Exploring the Boundaries of the Australian Catholic Far Right at the Biennial Religion and Philosophy Conference: Faith and the Political, Catholic Institute of Sydney, October 4th, 2014.
When we look at the Lenox Globe, considered the cutting edge of mapmaking in the early sixteenth century, and we discover in the portion of the globe represented by East Asia the Latin inscription He Svnt
Dracones or "here are dragons," we see a ridiculous attempt on the part of the mapmaker to disguise his ignorance through deceit.
(55) (
dracones) [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] (Radt 1999: 469).
Dating back to medieval times, the expression Hic Sunt
Dracones, or one like it, adorned ancient maps and charts that marked unexplored territory.
The term Hic Sunt
Dracones (Here be dragons) is printed on the edges of the Borgia map, (1) making the boundary of the world that we may have heard about but not really known--the place where both wild beasts and "unknown" peoples live.
73 (1978); Louis Rend Beres, Hic Sunt
Dracones: The Nuclear Threat of International Terrorism 9(2) PARAMETERS: J.