dog collar

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dog collar

1. A collar for a dog.
2. Informal A clerical collar.
3. A choker: a duchess resplendent in ermine robes and a diamond dog collar.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

dog collar

1. a collar for a dog
2. (Clothing & Fashion) an informal name for a clerical collar
3. (Jewellery) informal a tight-fitting necklace
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

dog′ col`lar

1. a collar used to restrain or identify a dog.
2. a close-fitting necklace.
3. Slang. a clerical collar.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: collar - a collar for a dogdog collar - a collar for a dog      
collar - a band of leather or rope that is placed around an animal's neck as a harness or to identify it collar - a stiff white collar with no opening in the front; a distinctive symbol of the clergy
collar, neckband - a band that fits around the neck and is usually folded over collar - necklace that fits tightly around a woman's neck
necklace - jewelry consisting of a cord or chain (often bearing gems) worn about the neck as an ornament (especially by women)
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
ياقَه حَولَ عُنُق الكَلْب
papi pléhgallér
papaz yakasıtasma

dog collar

n (fam) (clergyman's) → collarino; (dog's) → collare m
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(dog) noun
a domestic, meat-eating animal related to the wolf and fox. perro
(usually of members of the dog family) male. a dog-fox.macho
verbpast tense, past participle dogged
to follow closely as a dog does. She dogged his footsteps.seguir
dogged (ˈdogid) adjective
keeping on at what one is doing in a determined and persistent manner. his dogged perseverance.terco, tenaz, obstinado
ˈdoggedly (-gid-) adverb
He went doggedly on with his work despite the interruptions.tenazmente, obstinadamente
ˈdoggedness (-gid-) noun
ˈdog-biscuit noun
a small hard biscuit fed to dogs. galleta para perro
ˈdog collar
1. a stiff round collar worn by a clergyman. alzacuello
2. a collar around a dog's neck. collar de perro
ˈdog-eared adjective
(of a book) having the pages turned down at the corner. dog-eared volumes; Several pages were dog-eared.sobado, con las esquinas dobladas
ˌdog-ˈtired adjective
very tired. I'm dog-tired this morning after sitting up all night in the train.rendido, hecho polvo, muerto de cansancio
a dog's life
a wretched existence. He leads a dog's life. una vida de perros
go to the dogs
to be ruined, especially to ruin oneself. venirse abajo, arruinarse
in the doghouse
in disgrace. He forgot his wife's birthday, so he's in the doghouse. en desgracia
not a dog's chance
no chance at all. He hasn't a dog's chance of getting a ticket. no tener ni la más remota posibilidad
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
He slipped a dog collar around Pinocchio's neck and tightened it so that it would not come off.
M2 PRESSWIRE-August 8, 2019-: Smart Dog Collar Market 2019 Global Trends, Market Share, Industry Size, Growth, Opportunities, and Market Forecast to 2025
Dog Collar Liability Ruling Could Harm Amazon's Broader Business Model
A TEENAGER has told how he helped a dementia sufferer find her way home - thanks to a dog collar.
8 March 2019 - Florida, US-based Smart Tracking Technologies, LLC, an IoT company, has acquired Connecticut, US-based Link AKC, a GPS-enabled dog collar, the company said.
The most basic is the Personalized Adjustable Dog Collar, $21 (buy from or call 888-235-9763).
10-21) in which she writes, "Just about any priest will tell you the Roman collar is a dog collar that bishops can and will often use as a choker.
THE Archbishop of York has put his dog collar back on, 10 years after removing it in protest over Robert Mugabe's brutal regime in Zimbabwe.
Can Fr O'Flaherty save his dog collar? - his fate all hinges on his ability to impress in what will have to be the Mass of his life Picture: BOND MEDIA AGENCY HEY say the Devil gets all the best tunes.
A WOMAN who used an electric dog collar on a toddler during a "cruel" catalogue of abuse has been jailed for three years and four months.
"We set out to make a modern looking, easy to use, high quality dog collar, that will last your dog's lifetime," says Mehdi Malek, Founder of MEMA[R] Pets.