

vb (tr)
archaic to twist, pervert, or distort
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The clinicians may attempt to manually rotate or detort the torsion but may need to be immediately referred to an urologist for a surgical exploration.
Hence, it was decided to initiate treatment with an aim to detort it using modified Schaffer's method.
After removal of a dead fetus, 3 complete rotations (540 degree) were made to detort uterus (Fig.
Cervical massage with sodium carboxy methyl cellulose for achieving complete cervical dilatation in successfully detorted uterine torsion affected buffaloes.
The gallbladder was detorted laparoscopically and an attempt was made at laparoscopic dissection, but Calot's triangle was too inflamed and suffused with blood to clearly identify the anatomy and so the procedure was converted to open.
and have detorted those texts of Scripture which are not necessary to salvation, to the damnable uses of sedition, disturbance, and destruction of the civil government," Dryden writes in his preface.
5) had adhesions and fibrosis at the adhesion site and could not be detorted as during the attempt to do so it was noted that there was no vascularity in the pedicle.
All cases that were rolled with plank were successfully detorted, compared with 3 of 4 cases where rolling without plank was attempted.
Cervical massage with sodium carboxy methyl cellulose for achieving complete cervical dilation in successfully detorted uterine torsion affected buffaloes.
After uterine suturing, uterus was detorted and muscles and peritoneum were sutured by simple continuous suture with help of silk thread.