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Noun1.despoilation - the act of stripping and taking by force
pillaging, plundering, pillage - the act of stealing valuable things from a place; "the plundering of the Parthenon"; "his plundering of the great authors"
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References in periodicals archive ?
Semmens adds to these textures with her discussion on environmental refugees, those physically displaced through poverty occasioned by environmental despoilation, and equally vagrant as illegitimate economic adventurers in conventional geopolitical discourses on refugeehood.
fulfillment of its promise to return Indian property, the systematic despoilation of the Creek Nation commenced.
The country suffers from poverty, illiteracy, disease, crime and environmental despoilation. Festering slums, known as favelas, surround the larger cities.
In these days of social concern and environment awareness, it isn't just bearded lentil-eaters who want an assurance that when it comes to investing their money they are not indirectly contributing to exploitation of workers or despoilation of the landscape.
Angry of Tunbridge Wells went apoplectic over the despoilation of rural England by cavalry columns of ton-up boys.
In retrospect, the systematic despoilation of East Timor seems to have served little purpose, neither advancing the political careers of key military leaders nor enhancing Indonesia's reputation in the world.
In his final chapter, Scharper sketches the outlines of a "political theology of the environment." Maintaining his focus on the definition of the human being and the role of the human in sustaining creation, Scharper attempts to weave together the themes brought out by the process theologians and new cosmologists (we are all in this together) with those highlighted by ecofeminists and liberation theologians (we are divided by injustice and the despoilation of the earth).
It should uplift, not stifle; connect, not reject; remind, not repel.(60) Public intervention can prevent private despoilation of built environmental resources that otherwise would be wasted, leaving us with urban centers that have no spirit.(61) Cities are not merely aggregations of structure and infrastructure.
The contemporary emphasis on exports in order to service the international debt of the Latin American countries, the neoliberal efforts to deregulate the economy in these countries and the reduction of government expenditures on programs such as reforestation have contributed to the already well-established pattern of environmental despoilation characteristic of capitalist agriculture, mining, and manufacturing in Latin America.
Even the occasional expressions of outrage, as against the despoilation of the company by the Capital Issues Committee in Nigeria, were swallowed for fear of something even worse.
With entire species disappearing as a result of man's continued despoilation of the planet, this may be among the last records of one of nature's mysterious treasure troves.