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without desire; having no longings
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A l'instar des stars francaises qui ont marque la musique pop dans les annees 80 comme Jean-Jacques Goldman, Desireless...
He also performed his rendition of the French song Voyage voyage by Desireless and Get Lucky by Daft Punk.
Dressed in mostly black and white, the choir looked sharp and was full of energy as they belted songs like Voyage Voyage by Desireless, Walk like an Egyptian by The Bangles, Karma Chameleon by the Culture Club and a fun Beatles medley.
Factor analysis was performed, yielding a six-factor solution (i.e., Intoxication, Partner Self-Esteem, Poor Sex/Partner, Desireless Sex, Timing, and Insecurity).
Voyage Voyage by Desireless (a classic 80's hit!) Favourite TV Programme?
This conflict expresses itself physically through attempts to form a desireless, self-contained body.
While this image of an unperturbed, desireless, non-judgmental and yet active self has been the object of desire for many searchers of Eastern wisdoms, it is also disturbing as it provides a counter foil against some of our most deeply seated intuitions about responsible agents.
Framarin argues against this view and offers an account of desireless action.
Where Buddha said "To eliminate all sufferings one needed to become desireless," the Bible says the cause of suffering is not Tanha (desire) but sin.
Thus Knowles's "desireless" intelligence seems like a poor candidate for intentional explanation, and thus for belief attribution.
of Calgary, Canada) seeks a resolution to the perceived contradiction in Hindu philosophy of desireless action by drawing form the work of Fred Scheuler.