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(dēp)adj. deep·er, deep·est
a. Extending far downward below a surface: a deep hole in the river ice.
b. Extending far inward from an outer surface: a deep cut.
c. Extending far backward from front to rear: a deep walk-in refrigerator.
d. Extending far from side to side from a center: a deep yard surrounding the house.
e. Far distant down or in: deep in the woods.
f. Coming from or penetrating to a depth: a deep sigh.
g. Sports Located or taking place near the outer boundaries of the area of play: deep left field.
2. Extending a specific distance in a given direction: snow four feet deep.
3. Far distant in time or space: deep in the past.
a. Difficult to penetrate or understand; recondite: a deep metaphysical theory.
b. Of a mysterious or obscure nature: a deep secret; ancient and deep tribal rites.
c. Very learned or intellectual; wise: a deep philosopher.
d. Exhibiting great cunning or craft: deep political machinations.
a. Of a grave or extreme nature: deep trouble; deepest deceit.
b. Very absorbed or involved: deep in thought; deep in financial difficulties.
c. Profound in quality or feeling: a deep trance; deep devotion.
6. Rich and intense in shade. Used of a color: a deep red.
7. Low in pitch; resonant: a deep voice.
8. Covered or surrounded to a designated degree. Often used in combination: waist-deep in the water; ankle-deep in snow.
9. Large in quantity or size; big: deep cuts in the budget.
10. Sports Having a sufficient number of capable reserve players: That team is not very deep.
1. To a great depth; deeply: dig deep; feelings that run deep.
2. Well along in time; late: worked deep into the night.
3. Sports Close to the outer boundaries of the area of play: played deep for the first three innings; ran deep into their opponents' territory.
Idioms: 1. often deeps
a. A deep place in land or in a body of water: drowned in the deep of the river.
b. A vast, immeasurable extent: the deep of outer space.
2. The extent of encompassing time or space; firmament.
3. The most intense or extreme part: the deep of night.
4. The ocean.
5. Nautical A sounding that falls between marks on a lead line and thus corresponds to an estimated depth rather than a precise depth.
deep down
At bottom; basically: Deep down, she was still a rebel.
in deep water
In difficulty.
deep′ly adv.
deep′ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Adv. | 1. | deeply - to a great depth psychologically; "They felt the loss deeply" |
2. | deeply - to a great depth;far down; "dived deeply"; "dug deep" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
adverb thoroughly, completely, seriously, sadly, severely, gravely, profoundly, intensely, to the heart, passionately, acutely, to the core, feelingly, movingly, distressingly, to the quick, affectingly Our conversation left me deeply depressed.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
بِعُمْقٍبِعُمْق، بِشِدَّه، جِدّاً
một cách sâu sắc
[ˈdiːplɪ] ADV1. [dig] → en profundidad; [drink] → a grandes tragos; [breathe, sigh] → profundamente, hondo; [sleep, regret] → profundamente; [think] → a fondo
to blush deeply → enrojecer violentamente
to go deeply into sth → entrar de lleno en algo
a deeply held conviction → una convicción profunda
they looked deeply into each other's eyes → se miraron profundamente a los ojos
to love sb deeply → querer profundamente a algn
to regret sth deeply → lamentar algo profundamente
to blush deeply → enrojecer violentamente
to go deeply into sth → entrar de lleno en algo
a deeply held conviction → una convicción profunda
they looked deeply into each other's eyes → se miraron profundamente a los ojos
to love sb deeply → querer profundamente a algn
to regret sth deeply → lamentar algo profundamente
2. (= profoundly, intensely) [worrying, sceptical, disappointed, shocked] → sumamente; [concerned, troubled, grateful, religious] → profundamente; [offensive, unhappy, depressed] → terriblemente
to be deeply in debt → estar lleno de deudas, estar cargado de deudas
it remains a deeply divided nation → sigue siendo una nación muy dividida
I was deeply embarrassed by his question → su pregunta me hizo sentirme muy violenta
deeply embedded dirt → suciedad profundamente incrustado
I was deeply hurt by her remarks → sus comentarios me hirieron en lo más hondo or profundo, sus comentarios me dolieron mucho
we are deeply indebted to you → le debemos muchísimo
to be deeply in love → estar profundamente enamorado
she appeared to be deeply moved → parecía estar muy or profundamente conmovida
we were deeply saddened by his death → su muerte nos entristeció profundamente
deeply tanned → con un bronceado intenso
to be deeply in debt → estar lleno de deudas, estar cargado de deudas
it remains a deeply divided nation → sigue siendo una nación muy dividida
I was deeply embarrassed by his question → su pregunta me hizo sentirme muy violenta
deeply embedded dirt → suciedad profundamente incrustado
I was deeply hurt by her remarks → sus comentarios me hirieron en lo más hondo or profundo, sus comentarios me dolieron mucho
we are deeply indebted to you → le debemos muchísimo
to be deeply in love → estar profundamente enamorado
she appeared to be deeply moved → parecía estar muy or profundamente conmovida
we were deeply saddened by his death → su muerte nos entristeció profundamente
deeply tanned → con un bronceado intenso
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈdiːpli] adv (= intensely) [feel] → profondément; [regret, interest] → vivement
deeply depressed → profondément déprimé(e)
deeply religious → profondément religieux/euse
deeply depressed → profondément déprimé(e)
deeply religious → profondément religieux/euse
(= heavily) [sleep] → profondément; [sigh] → profondément
[prejudice] → profondément enraciné(e), profond(e)
[affection] → profond(e)
[habit] → invétéré(e), ancré(e)deep-sea diver n → plongeur m sous-marindeep-sea diving n → plongée f sous-marinedeep-sea fisherman n [deep-sea fishermen] (pl) → pêcheur m de haute merdeep-sea fishing n → pêche f hauturièredeep-seated [ˌdiːpˈsiːtɪd] adj [belief, conviction] → fermement ancré(e); [prejudice, dislike] → profond(e)deep-set [ˌdiːpˈsɛt] adj [eyes] → très enfoncé(e)deep-six [ˌdiːpˈsɪks] vt (US)
(= throw out) → balancer
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
(fig) → tief; concerned, worried → zutiefst, äußerst; unhappy, suspicious, unpopular → äußerst; regret, move, shock, involved, grateful → zutiefst; interested → höchst; love → sehr, innig; think → gründlich; deeply religious → tiefreligiös; deeply committed → stark engagiert; they are deeply embarrassed by it → es ist ihnen äußerst peinlich; to be deeply in love → sehr verliebt sein; to fall deeply in love → sich sehr verlieben; deeply in debt → hoch verschuldet; a deeply ingrained prejudice → ein fest verwurzeltes Vorurteil; to go deeply into a matter → sich gründlich mit einer Sache befassen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[ˈdiːplɪ] adv (breathe) → profondamente; (dig) → in profondità; (drink) → a gran sorsi; (interested, concerned) → vivamente; (moving) → estremamente; (grateful, offended) → profondamenteto regret sth deeply → rammaricarsi profondamente di qc
to go deeply into sth → approfondire qc
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(diːp) adjective1. going or being far down or far into. a deep lake; a deep wound.
2. going or being far down by a named amount. a hole six feet deep.
3. occupied or involved to a great extent. He is deep in debt.
4. intense; strong. The sea is a deep blue colour; They are in a deep sleep.
5. low in pitch. His voice is very deep.
adverb far down or into. deep into the wood.
ˈdeepen verb1. to make or become deeper. He deepened the hole.
2. to increase. His troubles were deepening.
ˈdeeply adverb very greatly. We are deeply grateful to you.
ˈdeepness noun the quality of being deep.
ˌdeep-ˈfreeze noun a type of refrigerator which freezes food quickly and can keep it for a long time.
verb to freeze and keep (food) in this.
ˈdeep-sea adjective of, for, or in the deeper parts of the sea. deep-sea diving; deep-sea fishing.
in deep water in difficulties or trouble. He found himself in deep water when he took over the management of the firm.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
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