With regard to cellular specification, particular metaphase orientations often correlate with specific cell fates for each
daughter cell. Underlying this correlation, studies in both Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster have demonstrated that the orientation of the mitotic cleavage plane can dictate whether asymmetically distributed mRNAs or proteins are inherited equally or unequally by the two
daughter cells (4).
When Pseudomonas cells divide, they pinch in half to create two
daughter cells. Although the cells are genetically identical, only one
daughter cell can inherit the bacterium's single propeller.
These complexes are needed to properly unwind chromosomal DNA during cell division so that two new sets of chromosomes - one for each
daughter cell - can be formed from the original set.
When a stem cell in the fruit fly gut divides, it creates a
daughter cell that wraps itself around its mother and siblings and prevents them from turning into specialized tissues, researchers report online January 7 in Science.
Habib and his colleagues also found that the
daughter cell closest to the Wnt3a signal expressed proteins showing it was maintaining its pluripotency, or ability to function as a stem cell like its parent.
Each of these cells divides into two cells: One that replaces itself and another that differentiates into a pigment-producing
daughter cell called a melanocyte, which imbues hair with its browns, reds and blacks.
In cells that lacked Pex11b, peroxisomes weren't divvied up evenly: in some cases, one
daughter cell ended up with all of the peroxisomes and the other didn't get any at all.
An adult stem cell spawns a
daughter cell that then develops into one of the various cell types within a particular organ.
During each cell division, the theory went, only the newly replicated strands of DNA were passed to the
daughter cell, while the mother strand was maintained by the original stem cell.
The biological process of mitosis is tightly regulated by specific biochemical checkpoints to ensure that each
daughter cell receives an equal set of sub-cellular materials, such as chromosomes or organelles, to create new cells properly.
As a stem cell divides, one
daughter cell moves out of the niche to generate mature sperm cells.
Her strategy relies on proteins produced in a
daughter cell when it buds off from its mother cell.