corn on the cob

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corn on the cob

(Cookery) a cob of maize, boiled and eaten as a vegetable
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
عَرانيس الذُّرَة المَشوِيّه
kukuřičný klas
csöves kukorica

corn on the cob

npannocchia cotta
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(koːn) noun
1. the seeds of cereal plants, especially (in Britain) wheat, or (in North America) maize. cereales
2. (American grain) the plants themselves. a field of corn.cereales
corn on the cob
an ear of corn (maize) that is cooked and eaten as a vegetable. mazorca de maíz
corned beef
salted beef (usually cooked and canned). cezina
ˈcornflakes noun plural
crushed pieces of corn eaten with milk (and sugar), usually for breakfast. a bowl of cornflakes; a box of cornflakes.copos de maíz
ˈcornflour noun
finely ground (especially maize) flour. harina de maíz, maicena
ˈcornflower noun
a blue-flowered plant. aciano
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in periodicals archive ?
4 Mix all the marinade ingredients together, then brush the chicken and the corn on the cob with it and leave for at least 30 mins.
There are two types of people - those who eat corn on the cob with those little corn holders with metal prongs and those who don't.
Quite simply, there is an incredible difference in both taste and nutrition between home-grown and supermarket corn on the cob.
"Corn on the cob is one of those things that harkens back to summertime and picnics, barbecues and family gatherings," says Lori Bigras, senior marketing manager of Growers Express, in Salinas, Calif.
5 Serve the chicken with the wedges and the corn on the cob.
If you have extra fresh corn on the cob or some frozen corn on the cob, you can prepare it Central American style.
It's hard to improve on the delicious simplicity of summer perfect corn on the cob slathered with butter and sprinkled with salt.
By KELLY WILLIAMS A FIVE-YEAR-OLD got more than she bargained for when she bit down into a KFC corn on the cob and found an insect sticking out of it.
Ingredients 4 sweetcorn (corn on the cob) 375g broccoli, cut into florets 1 tbsp sunflower oil 3 tbsp teriyaki sauce Juice of 1 lime ' tsp chilli flakes 2 red onions, sliced into wedges Method Cut each cob into four pieces.
YOUR kids may turn their noses up at cabbage or sprouts, but when it comes to corn on the cob, it's usually a different story, and if you grow your own, it will taste so much better.