

 (kō-kē′) also co·quí
n. pl. co·quis also co·quís
1. A small arboreal frog (Eleutherodactylus coqui) native to Puerto Rico and introduced into Florida, Hawaii, and several Caribbean islands. The male has a loud, high-pitched call.
2. Any of several other species in the genus Eleutherodactylus.

[Puerto Rican Spanish coquí, imitative of its call.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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The building, which was originally constructed in 1905 and formerly housed the "Don Coqui" restaurant, will be repositioned as a grand lobby and entrance to the hotel.
Mexico's ambassador to the US, Martha Barcena Coqui, said that negotiators had a 'very good debate', and that boosted US stocks, but Vice President, Mike Pence, claims the tariffs will still come in effect on Monday.
Industry website Sneaker News reported that Nike said the design was a tribute to Puerto Rico and featured a graphic representing the native Coqui frog.
That was the message from Mexico's first female ambassador to the United States, Martha Barcena Coqui, a highly experienced diplomat who was once a Fulbright scholar at the University of Delaware.
The tracks are "Mundo Verde / Green World", "Agua / Water", "Patas en el Aire / Paws in the Air", "Reciclando / Recycling", "El Coqui / The Frog", "Cuantos Peces / How Many Fish", "Las Abejas / The Bees", "Gozar / Enjoy", "Si Se Puede / Yes We Can", "Pachamana / Mother Earth", and "Las Estrellas / The Stars".
The huge ferns, the sounds of the birds and coqui frogs will entice you to hike one of the many trails that lead to waterfalls or verdant valleys from which you can catch glimpses of the ocean far below.
Otro caso problematico se asocia a la especie Eleutherodactylus coqui, en Hawai, su invasion ha repercutido negativamente en la floricultura, viveros y el sector turistico (BEAR & PITT, 2005).
The two ships, which will be named El Coqui (ko-kee) and Taino (tahy-noh), are currently under construction at VT Halter Marine, Inc., a subsidiary of VT Systems, Inc., a project that began in November 2013.