In response to the request, a spokeswoman for SNH said: "Consultations on these proposals are ongoing and, in line with our remit as a statutory
consultee, we will carefully consider the impacts on nature and provide our advice in due course."
Referring to Mr Sharif's reservation about change in nominations, the prime minister clarified that 'the ethos of any consultative process necessarily implies that the
consultee could alter the names of the candidates during consultation'.
He wanted to know if Charnwood Borough Council was a partner or
consultee in the project, and what its view was.
[beaucoup moins que] J'ai ete
consultee des les premices de la conception de ce maillot.
It covers the historical background of mental health consultation, types of consultation, and the CACREP standards; the role of the consultant and
consultee; key skills; consultation stages; behavioral, cognitive-behavioral, and solution-focused consultation; ethical and legal aspects; and consultation in mental health, education, career counseling, and organizational settings.
Because consultation research and guidelines tend to focus on the perspective of the consultant rather than the
consultee (Dougherty, 2013), how to seek out and engage in consultation may be unclear, especially for independent counselors who often have minimal contact with colleagues in their practices.
La Haute autorite independante de la communication audiovisuelle (HAICA) a nie, dans un communique, avoir ete
consultee par la Presidence du Gouvernement concernant la decision de fermeture de la radio "Ennour" et la chaine "Al Insan".
"In its role as planning authority, Wirral council is responsible for providing information in response to concerns raised by Sport England, which is a statutory
La liste des agences de voyages attributaires du quota Haj 2013 par produit est affichee au niveau des delegations regionales et provinciales du ministere du Tourisme, releve le communique qui precise qu'elle peut etre
consultee egalement sur le site du ministere:
L'opposant iranien assure avoir ete pris en otage avec 35 autres residents lors de l'attaque du camp d'Ashraf par les forces irakiennes les 28 et 29 juillet 2009 et detenu pendant 72 jours au cours desquels il dit avoir ete torture sous les ordres de Sadeq Kazem, selon sa plainte
consultee par l'AFP.
The consultation from the DfT was very much about the extent of which LEPs should be involved in these new bodies - the extent of that involvement could range from effectively being a full voting member to one of merely