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tr.v. con·flat·ed, con·flat·ing, con·flates
1. To bring together; meld or fuse: "The problems [with the biopic] include ... dates moved around, lovers deleted, many characters conflated into one" (Ty Burr).
2. To combine (two variant texts, for example) into one whole.
3. To fail to distinguish between; confuse. See Usage Note below.

[Latin cōnflāre, cōnflāt- : com-, com- + flāre, to blow; see bhlē- in Indo-European roots.]

con·fla′tion n.
Usage Note: Traditionally, conflate means "To bring together; meld or fuse," as in the sentence I have trouble differentiating Jane Austen's heroines; I realized I had conflated Elizabeth Bennet and Emma Woodhouse into a single character in my mind. In our 2015 survey, 87 percent of the Usage Panelists accepted this traditional usage. Recently, a new sense for conflate has emerged, meaning "To mistake one thing for another," as if it were a synonym for confuse. In 2015, our usage panelists found this new sense to be marginally acceptable, with 55 percent accepting the sentence People often conflate the national debt with the federal deficit; when the senator talked about reducing the debt, he was actually referring to the deficit.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(tr) to combine or blend (two things, esp two versions of a text) so as to form a whole
[C16: from Latin conflāre to blow together, from flāre to blow]
conˈflation n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v.t. -flat•ed, -flat•ing.
to fuse into one entity; merge; combine.
[1600–10; < Latin conflāre to blow on, melt down]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: conflated
Gerund: conflating

I conflate
you conflate
he/she/it conflates
we conflate
you conflate
they conflate
I conflated
you conflated
he/she/it conflated
we conflated
you conflated
they conflated
Present Continuous
I am conflating
you are conflating
he/she/it is conflating
we are conflating
you are conflating
they are conflating
Present Perfect
I have conflated
you have conflated
he/she/it has conflated
we have conflated
you have conflated
they have conflated
Past Continuous
I was conflating
you were conflating
he/she/it was conflating
we were conflating
you were conflating
they were conflating
Past Perfect
I had conflated
you had conflated
he/she/it had conflated
we had conflated
you had conflated
they had conflated
I will conflate
you will conflate
he/she/it will conflate
we will conflate
you will conflate
they will conflate
Future Perfect
I will have conflated
you will have conflated
he/she/it will have conflated
we will have conflated
you will have conflated
they will have conflated
Future Continuous
I will be conflating
you will be conflating
he/she/it will be conflating
we will be conflating
you will be conflating
they will be conflating
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been conflating
you have been conflating
he/she/it has been conflating
we have been conflating
you have been conflating
they have been conflating
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been conflating
you will have been conflating
he/she/it will have been conflating
we will have been conflating
you will have been conflating
they will have been conflating
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been conflating
you had been conflating
he/she/it had been conflating
we had been conflating
you had been conflating
they had been conflating
I would conflate
you would conflate
he/she/it would conflate
we would conflate
you would conflate
they would conflate
Past Conditional
I would have conflated
you would have conflated
he/she/it would have conflated
we would have conflated
you would have conflated
they would have conflated
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.conflate - mix together different elementsconflate - mix together different elements; "The colors blend well"
change integrity - change in physical make-up
gauge - mix in specific proportions; "gauge plaster"
absorb - cause to become one with; "The sales tax is absorbed into the state income tax"
meld, melt - lose its distinct outline or shape; blend gradually; "Hundreds of actors were melting into the scene"
mix in, blend in - cause (something) to be mixed with (something else); "At this stage of making the cake, blend in the nuts"
accrete - grow together (of plants and organs); "After many years the rose bushes grew together"
conjugate - unite chemically so that the product is easily broken down into the original compounds
admix - mix or blend; "Hyaline casts were admixed with neutrophils"
alloy - make an alloy of
syncretise, syncretize - become fused
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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[kənˈfleɪt] VTcombinar
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References in periodicals archive ?
And if Facebook wishes to be a global leader in mass communications (journalism), as it seems to be heading towards, it should be held to the highest standards of such (including never distorting news information); in turn, Facebook's employees become associated with a journalistic platform and should identify themselves as such and not use pseudonyms or misrepresent who they are, or allow fake accounts and metrics to artificially conflate its digital presence or messaging it wants to promote - destroying whatever traces are left of the organic viral loop process and otherwise undermining Facebook's credibility.
We conflate this debate with whether or not to extend.
Asked about how she deals with her experience while working for Trump, who's been accused of sexual harassment, Conway said: "Don't conflate that with this, and certainly don't conflate that with what happened to me."
Speaking to reporters at the sidelines of the state assembly today, Razman, who is also Gunung Semanggol assemblyman, also accused Chong of using different measurement units to conflate his claim.
The problem here is that sometimes people conflate leaders for causes.
Conversely, I suggest that if others wish to conflate their personal beliefs as a pretext of introducing a moral code onto others, they should stop being so sanctimonious, ally themselves to the Temperance Movement, and communicate their wishes as good old religious zealots have always done - to the beat of their myopic drum.
But he said it was important not to conflate this latest attack with the murder of 21-year-old Sam Cook, and insisted that Liverpool city centre remains a safe place for people to go.
But I can't conflate the video with the song, which seems to be about betrayal and alludes to Judas and Jesus.
The elitist Ivy League law professors I have spoken with tend to conflate the "rule of law" and the "due process of law." Nowhere in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence is the "rule of law" mentioned!
But only rarely do you reach that state, In Druridge Bay last spring, I felt it then, While watching tides on various sides conflate, I wonder when it's going to come again.