common knowledge
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Related to common knowledge: general knowledge
common knowledge
something widely or generally known
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Noun | 1. | common knowledge - anything generally known to everyone general knowledge, public knowledge - knowledge that is available to anyone ancient history - knowledge of some recent fact or event that has become so commonly known that it has lost its original pertinence |
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أمْرٌ مَعْروف، مَفْهوم عام
věc všeobecně známá
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všeobecne známa vec
bilinen gerçek
(ˈkomən) adjective1. seen or happening often; quite normal or usual. a common occurrence; These birds are not so common nowadays.
2. belonging equally to, or shared by, more than one. This knowledge is common to all of us; We share a common language.
3. publicly owned. common property.
4. coarse or impolite. She uses some very common expressions.
5. of ordinary, not high, social rank. the common people.
6. of a noun, not beginning with a capital letter (except at the beginning of a sentence). The house is empty.
noun (a piece of) public land for everyone to use, with few or no buildings. the village common.
ˈcommoner noun a person who is not of high rank. The royal princess married a commoner.
common knowledge something known to everyone or to most people. Surely you know that already – it's common knowledge.
common ˈlaw noun a system of unwritten laws based on old customs and on judges' earlier decisions.
ˈcommon-law adjective referring to a relationship between two people who are not officially married, but have the same rights as husband and wife. a common-law marriage; a common-law wife/husband.
ˈcommonplace adjective very ordinary and uninteresting. commonplace remarks.
ˈcommon-room noun in a college, school etc a sitting-room for the use of a group.
common sense practical good sense. If he has any common sense he'll change jobs.
the Common Market (formerly) an association of certain European countries to establish free trade (without duty, tariffs etc) among them, now replaced by the European Union.
the (House of) Commons the lower house of the British parliament.
in common (of interests, attitudes, characteristics etc) shared or alike. They have nothing in common – I don't know why they're getting married.
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