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cold welding

The welding of two materials under high pressure or vacuum without the use of heat.

cold′-weld′ v.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Metallurgy) (tr) to join (two metal surfaces) without heat by forcing them together so that the oxide films are broken and adhesion occurs
cold welding n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: cold-welded
Gerund: cold-welding

I cold-weld
you cold-weld
he/she/it cold-welds
we cold-weld
you cold-weld
they cold-weld
I cold-welded
you cold-welded
he/she/it cold-welded
we cold-welded
you cold-welded
they cold-welded
Present Continuous
I am cold-welding
you are cold-welding
he/she/it is cold-welding
we are cold-welding
you are cold-welding
they are cold-welding
Present Perfect
I have cold-welded
you have cold-welded
he/she/it has cold-welded
we have cold-welded
you have cold-welded
they have cold-welded
Past Continuous
I was cold-welding
you were cold-welding
he/she/it was cold-welding
we were cold-welding
you were cold-welding
they were cold-welding
Past Perfect
I had cold-welded
you had cold-welded
he/she/it had cold-welded
we had cold-welded
you had cold-welded
they had cold-welded
I will cold-weld
you will cold-weld
he/she/it will cold-weld
we will cold-weld
you will cold-weld
they will cold-weld
Future Perfect
I will have cold-welded
you will have cold-welded
he/she/it will have cold-welded
we will have cold-welded
you will have cold-welded
they will have cold-welded
Future Continuous
I will be cold-welding
you will be cold-welding
he/she/it will be cold-welding
we will be cold-welding
you will be cold-welding
they will be cold-welding
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been cold-welding
you have been cold-welding
he/she/it has been cold-welding
we have been cold-welding
you have been cold-welding
they have been cold-welding
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been cold-welding
you will have been cold-welding
he/she/it will have been cold-welding
we will have been cold-welding
you will have been cold-welding
they will have been cold-welding
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been cold-welding
you had been cold-welding
he/she/it had been cold-welding
we had been cold-welding
you had been cold-welding
they had been cold-welding
I would cold-weld
you would cold-weld
he/she/it would cold-weld
we would cold-weld
you would cold-weld
they would cold-weld
Past Conditional
I would have cold-welded
you would have cold-welded
he/she/it would have cold-welded
we would have cold-welded
you would have cold-welded
they would have cold-welded
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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References in periodicals archive ?
In extreme cases, it's even possible to cold-weld the solder material to the stencil.
In our case, we build on these theories by inferring that in addition, the possibility of failure to cold-weld the head and taper together on insertion may have led to excessive trunnion wear.
I carefully shaped the end of the silver spoon to the configuration of the trigger guard and attached it with a "cold-weld" epoxy.
Magnetic-pulse welding involves welding similar and dissimilar metals, as well as joining metals and composites, through a fast, efficient, cold-weld process.
The EMXO utilizes a cold-weld sealing process similar to the process used to seal high stability crystal packages.