

an associate
associating in an act with
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'The prosecution through coAgent and reliable evidence has established that the accused had been the public office holder, has established assets through his benamidr(s) who are real sons and had adAmittedly no source of income for holding these assets and these assets as per availAable record are beyond the known sources of income of the accused,' said the appeal filed by NAB.
Also the partial branching and crosslinking by an organic peroxide like dicumyl peroxide and a multifunctional coagent, such as triallyl trimesate [16] as well as by the epoxy-functionalized chain extender Joncryl are routes to improve thermal stability by an increase in activation energy of thermal decomposition [13].
developed a cross-linkable polymer based on an ethylene polymer, an organic peroxide and a diallyl isocyanurate crosslinking coagent. Such cross-linkable polymeric compositions can be used for wire and cable insulation.
The synergies that exist between Powersphyr, Parrot Automotive and Coagent Electronics will make our offering more relevant for our customers and will enable us to propose complete, smart, seamless connectivity and infotainment solutions into the vehicle.'
The distinction between uncreated and created grace could help clarify further how the Spirit is coagent. Catholic social teaching on the priority of society to the state would reverse T.'s idea of the state as society's "own self" to society as the state's "own self," relocating the Spirit's primary coagency from the state to civil society without denying a secondary coagency in the state.
In this context, we define "large lenders" as lenders in one of the following ranks: 1) colead manager, 2) lead manager, 3) senior lead manager, 4) senior manager, 5) senior colead manager, 6) coordinating arranger, 7) coordinator, 8) agent, 9) coagent, 10) arranger, or 11) coarranger.
New Delhi, May 11 -- It has been reported that Chinese automotive accessories company Coagent Electronic S&T Co Ltd has stated that it is holding talks with auto majors for supply of car infotainment products for a greater share of the estimated Rs 100 crore market.
The very existence of this individual and any property he may possess are thus restricted to the belief world of one individual and are not shared by any coagent or by the narrator, which is equivalent to saying that there is no Mr.