

one of two or more people or species that interact
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Miguel was not part of the Philippine delegation in Kuching so her coactor Carlos Dala received the trophy on her behalf.
Thus, we hypothesized that activation of shared action representations would occur when actors take into consideration their coactor's intentions.
She also thanked coactor JM de Guzman and shared that all their efforts and hard work paid off.
Camanag is reprising this role from the 2016 production and his tandem with his new coactor Bobby Martino is splendid, which we reckon keeps the show consistently at a very high entertainment level.
Undeniably, his chemistry with coactor Yeo Yann Yann, who plays his mother in the pilot episode, has helped him pull it off.
Despite admitting to bisexuality, Sunny, 31, is married to coactor Daniel Weber.