cleaning lady

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: lady - a human female employed to do houseworkcleaning lady - a human female employed to do housework; "the char will clean the carpet"; "I have a woman who comes in four hours a day while I write"
cleaner - someone whose occupation is cleaning
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cleaning lady

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cleaning lady

ndonna delle pulizie
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cleaning lady

señora de la limpieza
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References in periodicals archive ?
Regardless, Rose-Lynn earns money as a cleaning lady for businesswoman Susannah (Sophie Okonedo), who is dazzled by Rose-Lynn's musical talent and suggests they crowd-fund the journey to America.
By a twist of fate, the local vicar, the cleaning lady and Tom's best friend all become involved in various romantic entanglements and misunderstandings.
Worst best paid jobsWorking as a cleaning lady or post office worker, helping out in a kitchen, and being a carer, are the worst paid jobs, according to the analysis.
A Greek cleaning lady has been sentenced to 10 years in jail for fibbing about her elementary school record in a court ruling which has provoked uproar in the country.
A YOUNG Japanese woman who transformed herself on stage from a cleaning lady to a rock star has won the world air guitar championship.
"Just after the referendum almost any gathering of my friends had them weeping and wailing as if their dog had just died or their cleaning lady had walked out.
Historian David Starkey "Just after the referendum almost any gathering of my friends had them weeping and wailing as if their dog had just died or their cleaning lady had walked out.
On Wednesday, Jambon praised the courage of a cleaning lady taken hostage inside the school Athenee Leonie de Waha in Tuesday's shooting in Liege.
029 2030 4400 FILM The Shape of Water (15) A modern-day fairy tale that chronicles the unlikely relationship between a mute cleaning lady and a mysterious creature imprisoned at the laboratory where she works.
Elisa (Sally Hawkins) works as a cleaning lady in a hidden, high-security government laboratory.
In Conway's story, local cleaning lady Mary Elizabeth Blakiston and the wealthy man she works for, Sir Magnus Pye, have both been killed inside Pye Hall.
Jean, known to millions of fans as Weatherfield cleaning lady Hilda Ogden, died earlier this month just three days after her 90th birthday.