Uncus narrow, sharp apically, 1.5 times as long as harpe; tegumen intermediate in size; valva slender; cucullus arched; harpe short, sharp apically, almost as long as sacculus processus; sacculus processus sharp apically;
clavus finger-shaped; saccus short (Fig.
2A); collar only slightly bulged; scutellum flattened, without outgrowths or rows of punctures laterally; pronotum and scutellum impunctate; posterior part of metepimeron roundish; metasternum without medial outgrowth; corium flat, without swellings; hemelytra without row of punctures on
clavus and R + M vein, clothed with distinct suberect setae; R + M vein almost reaching apex of corium; inner margin of
clavus slightly concave claval commissure longer than; inner margin of corium behind
clavus straight; forecoxae removed from each other; foretibia distinctly shorter than head and pronotum combined; femora slightly widened apically, not curved; tarsal segment I 1.5 times as long as segment II and slightly longer than segment III (Fig.
2d) lobe-like, short evaporatoria very narrow, placed only anterior to auricle; distance base scutellum apex
clavus 3.4; apex clavus-apex corium 4.6; apex corium-apex abdomen including membrane 3.9; apex scutellum-apex abdomen including membrane 10.4; Total length male 17.6.
Forewing with a row of sensory pits along base of Sc+R and R for approximately half the length of the wing; 1A (lateral aspect of "y-vein of
clavus") with a row of sensory pits proximally.
2S), sometimes with reddish tinge; mandibular plate apically reddish; eyes dark reddish; first antennal segment with red subapical ring, antennal segments II-IV, thoracic pleura, and scutellum usually somewhat darker than dorsum; corium with indistinct and narrow, pale, transverse, semitransparent band next to apex of
clavus; cuneus apically darkened; membrane pale brown, with more or less darkened base; sometimes corium in apical one-third and sides of pronotum with indistinct reddish tinge, in one specimen few minute reddish markings also occur on legs, thoracic and abdominal venter, and at base of first antennal segment.
1B) slit like with distinct peritreme; distance base scutellum-apex
clavus 3.1, apex clavus-apex corium 1.7; apex corium-apex abdomen including membrane 1.6; apex scutellum-apex abdomen including membrane 2.4.
clavus, aunque existen sensibles diferencias entre estas como la compactacion de los septo-costae (mayor en 17.
Forewing with Sc+R forked in basal third of forewing, [Cu.sub.1] forked level with union of claval veins, M forked level with node, [Cu.sub.1] deeply convex distad of claval apex, almost reaching M, hence slightly detached; with a callus in costal cell, 6 apical areoles distad of stigma, apical part behind apex of
clavus folding down and covering apex of abdomen.
Hemelytra: largely dark golden to reddish-brown; radial vein, somewhat crescentic macula on disk of corium, sub-basal and sub-apical bands on
clavus plus claval suture, all pale to whitish.
meandrina Dana, 1846, Porites panamensis Verrill, 1866, Pavona
clavus (Dana, 1846), y Pavona gigantea Verrill, 1869.
Similar pattern coloration as the brachypterous form but the marks are more infuscate, the mesonotum uniformly brown dark colored except the tegulae that are pale and the hyaline fore wing--that are heavily infuscate at basal third and at apex of
clavus (Fig.