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31, 2003, at A1 ("Lawyers abuse the class-action system by bringing hundreds of national class actions in state courts that have little or no connection to the controversy, the official said." (quoting an official of the defense lobby Class Action Coalition)).
Warehouse club chain Costco faces a class-action suit accusing it of discriminating against women for store manager promotions.
* Increases investors' control over class-action lawsuits.
Its services include objective proxy research and analysis, end-to-end proxy voting and distribution solutions, turnkey securities class-action claims management, and reliable governance data and modeling tools.
In reviewing the 2002 version of CAFA, which included a $2 million rather than a $5 million aggregate amount in controversy, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported to Congress that "most class-action lawsuit, s would be heard in a Federal district court rather than a state court." (64) The CBO candidly stated that "the number of cases that would be filed in Federal court under this hill is highly uncertain" and indicated that "CBO expects that at least a few hundred additional cases would be heard in Federal court each year." (65) Consistent with that analysis, the CBO estimated that the bill "would not require a significant increase in the number of Federal judges, so that any potential increase in direct spending ...
LAST WEEK, THE UNITED States Congress came to the rescue of businesses facing the threat of attorneys bringing class-action lawsuits to extort legal fees on a pretense of defending consumers.
GOP tort-reform efforts during the Bush administration have included limiting class-action lawsuits, capping jury awards in medical-malpractice trials and putting an end to the ongoing raft of asbestos lawsuits.
If we accept the premise that class-action plaintiffs' lawyers are entrepreneurial agents who will act in their own best economic interests, (155) then we have to accept that the lodestar cross-check caps settlements, often at grossly suboptimal levels.
As regulators look into the full impact of class-action litigation on the authority of state insurance departments, they'll be closely watching a study by Rand Corp.
Insurers and regulators have made great strides in policing the sale of life insurance and annuities since the class-action lawsuits of the mid 1990s tarnished the industry.