

of or relating to cider
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Founder and head cider maker of Loxtonia Cider, Larry Whitfield realised he could turn this into a two-fold passion project by using the juice from the apples to become the first Cidery in Ceres.
It's also, since October of last year (when they finally got their alcohol producer's licence, after months of the usual bureaucratic hoops), the location of a cidery making Militsa Apple Cider.
1200 Meador Ave., $18,071, for 726 sf deck for (E) cidery - Lost Giants Cider.
But bringing in the cidery and the brewery helps the building generate night life as well, Falk said.
He thinks Black Apple is the only registered cidery in Arkansas, though some brewers also make ciders.
The craft cidery's expansive factory, which opened in May 2018, includes a bar where you can sample the produce.
The craft cidery's expansive factory, which opened last May, includes a bar where you can sample the produce.
CK Cellars is the parent company of Torrey Ridge Winery, Earle Estates Meadery, WortHog Cidery, CuKi Fine Wines and Rooster Hill Vineyards.
FOR another local taste head to the Brickworks Ciderhouse, Toronto's first and only cidery.
What started as a romantic gesture grew into Chicago's first cidery, owned and operated by a local husband and wife team.