

(General Physics) in a cationic manner
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The further monomer(s) is or are selected from the group of unsaturated compounds, which can be polymerized cationically, which includes aromatics and/or unsaturated terpenes and/or alkenes and/or cycloalkenes.
Fumed alumina has an isoelectric point around pH 10 and should, therefore, be cationically charged in typical coating formulations (pH 3-9).
Since highly lipophilic drugs like clopidogrel are easy to entrap within the solid lipid matrix, we have studied the application of cationically modified solid lipid nanoparticles prepared from lauric acid for intestinal delivery of clopidogrel, in an attempt to increase its bioavailability.
CatDex and CHX both have a cationically charged molecule that binds anionic groups and it is reasonable to assume that they act upon bacteria in a similar way.
The role of eosinophils in asthma is a consequence of their abilities to secrete eosinophil granule proteins, including major basic protein (MBP), which is highly basic and cationically charged [9].
Aerocelluloses were cationically functionalized and the resulting material exhibited a strong ability to completely remove negatively charged dyes from water.
Several research groups (7-16) have investigated the use of fatty acid esters derived from vegetable oils as reactive diluents for different types of coating systems ranging from oxidative-drying systems to cationically cured epoxy resins.
Antibacterial activity of cationically modified cotton fabric with carboxy methyl chitosan Journal of Applied Polymer Science 110(3) pp 1289-1296
The so-called concept of twin polymerization relies on sol-gel precursors based on silicon, titanium, or boron-containing alkoxides, which can also act as cationically reactive monomers such as derivatives of furfurylalcohol.