camper van

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camper van


camping van

a motor caravan
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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A MASSIVE camper van blaze brought a busy Midlands dual carriageway to a halt on Saturday afternoon.
The camper van rolled across both lanes of the northbound carriageway, blocking it entirely and leaving commuters travelling north on the A9 Inverness to Thurso road facing significant delays.
Tom is a big fan of the Volkswagen culture, having travelled to Australia in his camper van which is nicknamed 'Pickle'.
Derek Weber cut the top off of an old van in a Greeley junkyard with a Sawzall in 2008 to make his first camper van. He started Colorado Camper Van the next year and started adding pop-tops to customers' vans and decking out the interiors.
A driver had a miracle escape yesterday after his camper van was smashed to bits in a three-vehicle crash.
Auto Business News-February 25, 2019--Toyota-based camper van offers 1,000 mile range
M2 EQUITYBITES-February 25, 2019--Toyota-based camper van offers 1,000 mile range
A biker suffered injuries including a broken hip after colliding with a camper van which pulled out from a layby on the A85 near Lochearnhead.
GARDAI were led on a high-speed chase by a suspected Kinahan gangster as he attempted to flee with a camper van full of cash in what was like a scene from Breaking Bad.
A police chopper was drafted in to hunt a stolen camper van worth more than PS20,000.
The Volkswagen Camper Van has been a cult classic for decades and has a broad fan base all around the world.
Southlands Motor Company offers bespoke camper van conversions to suit your own specifications.