En el Peru, se le conoce con el nombre de "aguaje", en Colombia como "moriche" y en el Brasil "
buriti" (Del Castillo et al.
Antibacterial and healing activities of
buriti oil Mauritia flexuosa L..
This is on top of its moisturizing formula that's created through a mixture of andiroba,
buriti, shea and avocado oils.
Ainda em relacao a este ultimo dado, os municipios de Canto do
Buriti e Parnagua possuem as maiores areas totais, apresentando em apenas uma propriedade, 34.208,00 ha e 20.306,02 ha, respectivamente.
The other analysed materials included
buriti palm-leaf and coir fibre.
A modernidade afeta "[...] o estatuto de ser mulher honesta entre o final do seculo XIX e inicio do seculo XX [...]" (
Buriti, 2004: n.p.).
(5.) Cruz AG,
Buriti FCA, Souza CHB, Faria JAF, Saad SMI.
Caption: Figura 5 * Complexo Arqueologico de Gravuras Rupestres da Bebidinha, situado no Canion do Poty no municipio de
Buriti dos Montes, no Piaui.
Five vegetable oils including andiroba (Carapa guianensis),
buriti (Mauritia flexuosa), castor (Ricinus communis), pequi (Caryocar brasiliense), and tucum (Bactris setosa) were evaluated for lipase production as substitutes for olive oil.
The landscape surveyed comprised mainly semi-deciduous forest patches, riparian forest (mainly, gallery forests),
buriti palm (vereda), and shrubby savanna (cerrado stricto sensu) on the mountain tops, inserted in a matrix composed of sugar-cane plantations and exotic grasses.
Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L.) belongs to family Arecaceae and genus Mauritia, with wide distributed in the Amazonian Forest of Brazil.