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Adj.1.brimfull - filled to capacity; "a brimful cup"; "I am brimful of chowder"; "a child brimming over with curiosity"; "eyes brimming with tears"
full - containing as much or as many as is possible or normal; "a full glass"; "a sky full of stars"; "a full life"; "the auditorium was full to overflowing"
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References in classic literature ?
'Not Muster Gashford's friend that he spoke to us about in my house, eh?' said Dennis, brimfull of pleasant expectation.
Andonov explained that hydropower centrals downstream of the Arda River were working full steam to use up some of the water in the brimfull reservoirs.
It's suave, slightly cheesy and brimfull of "I'm not your yesterday Baby, I'm your tomorrow" lyrics.