box junction

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box junction

(Automotive Engineering) (in Britain) a road junction having yellow cross-hatching painted on the road surface. Vehicles may only enter the hatched area when their exit is clear
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box junction

n (Brit) (Aut) → area d'incrocio
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According to The Highway Code, drivers should not enter a yellow box junction unless their exit is clear.
Yellow 'keep clear' road markings - identical to markings used at a box junction - have been painted close to the entrance of the track to protect access.
The campaign will spread awareness of several violations such as driving without a licence, driving while talking on mobile phone, occupying slots reserved for people with disabilities, blocking traffic, and standing in the yellow box junction at intersections and traffic signals.
A new road surface marking - the yellow box junction is planned to be included into the "Horizontal Road Surface Marking" in Azerbaijan to effectively manage the traffic and enhance road safety,Trendreports.
A box junction is a road traffic control measure designed to prevent congestion and gridlock at junctions.
It then drove at speed along the Roanne Ringway, through red lights at the Queens Road box junction and then drove the wrong way round the Dandelion fountain island.
While bus operators and highways staff will be tasked with reporting illegal parking, the action will see police officers stopping taxis and private vehicles from dropping off at bus stops and in junctions - and from blocking yellow box junction markings in the city centre, such as on The Strand.
It happened at a set of traffic lights on the box junction near Chester Road Baptist Church.
They now pile out of Seedhill Road onto Mill Street, even if there is no space and park on the yellow box junction, blocking the road for other users.
I was waiting at the box junction on Laurieknowe when a works van pulled out FROMTERREGLEs Street - the youngish driver grinning as he clearly texted away.