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"The genes are involved in the biological process through which an early embryo moves on from being a round ball of cells and becomes a growing organism with an established left and right side," first author William Brandler, a PhD student in the MRC Functional Genomics Unit at Oxford University said.
For many of the signatures, they also identified the underlying biological process responsible.
FAVORITE TARGET Evolution is the biological process by which populations of organisms acquire new, advantageous traits, pass them on to subsequent generations, and sometimes create new species.
GeneOntolegy, Biological Process. Available: ontology/process.ontology [accessed 7 November 2005].
As well, she points out goat meat is also growing in popularity, and the local co-operative has even formed a partnership with Laurentian University to supply goat manure to test a system which uses a mechanical and biological process to turn agricultural waste into compost.
What John Paul would deny to those in extremis is the power to direct a biological process in accordance with their own wishes instead of enduring needless agony and indignity at the whim of the body.
By injecting a specially-imported bacterial activator (harmless to humans), the biological process is accelerated, boosting temperatures to 70 degrees C before being excavated as compost.
A new study in England suggests that the same biological process that aids recall of emotional experiences also blocks memories of what happened just before those arousing occurrences took place.
Moreover, says Chornet, in any biological process, researchers still must determine whether the input has components that will be toxic to the bacteria or limit their efficiency.
"I arrived at Penn State planning to study bioengineering, but a few weeks into freshman year I researched engineering majors and stumbled on food and biological process engineering.
"The biogas market is essentially untapped in the U.S., which presents a huge opportunity for American businesses to turn garbage into green energy using a contained, natural, biological process," said Patrick Serfass, executive director of the American Biogas Council.